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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. Banned for considering 2016-04-08 20:52:10 UTC to be the start of the future.
  2. 1/10 they either hit Kerbol (And all of our weapons will do absolutely nothing to a star) or just fly through interplanetary space completely harmless. I sabotage the life support system on the first manned Mars lander to fail during landing.
  3. Something I've recently realized, what if Wernher actually is originally from Kerbin? My explanation for how this might actually be true is this: The Kerbulans are extremely warlike, so much that it is probably built into their instincts, but Wernher seems to be pacifist, like the Kerbals, and to generally have a lot more in common with Kerbals than with Kerbulans, Therefore he probably is a Kerbal, and he somehow wound up on Kerbulus, probably when he was too young to remember being from Kerbin, but like the Kerbulan's warlikeness I'm going to assume that Kerbals probably have their peacefulness built into their instincts, therefore resulting in Wernher remaining peaceful despite living amongst a society of warlike barbarians. However, that leaves the question of how did he get to Kerbulus? Monoliths? An early rocket experiment that went terribly, terribly wrong? We may never know... *Puts on tinfoil hat*
  4. Not specifying which type of Eukaryote you are? Cheater!
  5. We're talking about this Orion: Not this one: Anyway, I hope the Orion will be used to basically do "Apollo 2.0", and there's a small chance it might be used on a Duna spacecraft as the Earth re-entry vehicle, but if we are unlucky it'll just do a few unmanned orbital trips around the Mun and be used to service LEO.
  6. 8/10 Wow, you're lucky, I am jealous.
  7. Banned for not being able to know your location without a sextant.
  8. Banned for being a Soviet Raccoon.
  9. I deploy a wormhole in front of me, the bullets go through it to where the next poster is located.
  10. I launch a probe on a escape trajectory from the Kerbol system...
  11. Saying someone is cheating when the reason you consider them a cheater also means you're a cheater? CHEATER!
  12. Being under Jool's clouds despite that being impossible when the stock game lacks clouds? CHEATING!
  13. Tried to finally write Chapter 6 for my mission report after 3 weeks without an update to it, but the bumpiness of the Tier 1 runway, the unreliability of early aircraft parts, etc resulted in every attempt to get the screenshots for it resulting in me being frustrated and having to go to the persistence file to "un-dead-ify" Kerbals. On my last try KSP just crashed on me, which was a large enough hit to morale that I just gave up. Writing a mission report may seem fun, and it definitely is sometimes, but other times it can be extremely frustrating and exhausting.
  14. Farewell, SlenderFan, I don't know you, but I wish you luck.
  15. Banned for having significantly less rep than posts.
  16. Yeah, same here, it's actually a pretty interesting story in my opinion.
  17. Nope! You get a slightly crazy Dolphin instead. @Vanamonde? I'm kinda hungry for a Banana right now...
  18. Being too lazy to find the KMC banner? CHEATER!
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