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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. He seems to have an annoying habit of accidentally falling into canyons...
  2. I step behind a slab of concrete, shielding me from your machine gun fire. I drop a kitten on the next user.
  3. Banned for having a confusing avatar, I can't tell what it is!
  4. Stop drooling in your soup. Waiter, A group of people is swimming in my soup!
  5. Banned for your sentence making no sense.
  6. Granted, the bag turns into a infinite-mass Black Hole that consumes the Universe. I wish I had a spare radiator to replace the one on my Minmus base that I accidentally smashed with a Kerbal a few minutes ago...
  7. Granted, you can teleport to a star to look at it whenever you want to, but you always end up within 100km of it. I wish for a Burrito.
  8. Sir, Yooooooooour sooo oooo o u *Universe.exe. crashes due to paradox* Waiter! My soup had a Big Bang, turned into a Universe, had Sentient Life evolve within it, and then it crashed!
  9. Banned for having a signature and a meme in your profile image.
  10. Granted, Sol-3a has a very thin, faint ring system invisible from Sol-3, that does nothing except make it dangerous to orbit Sol-3a due to the hazard of being hit by material from the rings. I wish I didn't suffer from Misophonia.
  11. Sir, the process of making soup does not involve setting it on fire prior to serving it to the customer...(We get all the crazies.) Waiter, a group of people is swimming in my soup! Get them out!
  12. I think that this is the most I've laughed in months, Time to go do this myself.... Edit: Ow, my ears...
  13. Sorry to hear that, @Pine, hopefully things will get better for you and your family! And take your time, drawing pictures for us to look at is far lower priority than spending time with your family and whatever is currently going on.
  14. Banned because I am in one place, my location simply also mentions the place that the place I am in is in, and the place that the place that the place I am in is in is in....
  15. Banned for the words in your profile picture being too small to read.
  16. A Green Horizons spacecraft in orbit of Kerbin.
  17. 0/10 Haven't ever seen you before, sorry.
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