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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. Sunrise on Minmus. (The flags on the Kerbonaut's backpacks are slightly glitched)
  2. I think the fact that Eve is above the 70 arcsecond limit is pretty cool, if you lived on Kerbin you'd be able to look up, and see another planet, sitting up there in the sky, that'd be pretty beautiful, even if it'd appear pretty small.
  3. "You're missing the whole point," cries model train enthusiast Lionel Brio as he starts laying track all over your office. "The problem here is that we were using the wrong kind of transport in the first place! Boats are old and prone to sink, and rocks don't exactly float." He gets a gleam in his eye as a six-inch locomotive blows smoke in your face. "What we need is trains. Picture it: we convert mining transport to railways, and all the danger of sailing will become a thing of the past! It won't be cheap, but we'll have the best rail network in Kerbin, and more importantly I'll get some new model freight cars for my collection!"
  4. Banned for still being on Mars.
  5. What the fudge? I steal an aircraft carrier, strap several downwards pointing SRB's onto it, teleport it above the next poster, and ignite the SRB's
  6. A picture of a Dolphin I found on the internet.
  7. What? Sir, this is a swimming pool, and I'm not a waiter! I'm a lifeguard! Waiter, you're in my soup and eating it!
  8. Granted, instead the end of the world is today. I wish for a grilled cheese sandwich.
  9. KIAA Kerbal International Aerospace Administration.
  10. What if they already have? Well... time to go search all of Interplanetary space between Duna and Kerbin. Anyway, If I could modify the Kerbol System I'd replace Dres with a Gas Giant, remove most of the inclination of it's orbit, and give the Gas Giant rings, Dres as it's moon, 2 small asteroid moons, one within it's rings and one orbiting beyond Dres, aswell as an atmosphere similar to the one for the original Gas Giant 2 concept:
  11. Do not expose the magic boulder to more than 1.25 G's, failure to do so may result in this occurring:
  12. 11/10 Unlimited possibilities. I send a message to a warlike alien race with FTL and weapons much more advanced than ours that enslaves all other sentient races less powerful than them, letting them know we exist.
  13. Banned for having 3 6's in your username.
  14. Sir? Sir?! What is wrong? Wha.... OH MY FUDGE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..... Waiter! there's soup in my soup!
  15. While landing a Space Shuttle I noticed some debris, further investigation revealed it to be from another Shuttle that didn't land completely intact. The part of the shuttle that the crew was in was recovered, but apparently I forgot about the other parts of the shuttle, the Mk2 Bicoupler even has a lot of fuel left in it. It's neat to accidentally discover debris from some old mission that you completely forgot about while conducting a mission, I'll probably leave the wreckage here as a landmark, so that I may find it again someday.
  16. Granted, but all other stories become as tragic and heartbreaking as possible. I wish for the invention of an FTL drive.
  17. Posting most of the posts on this thread is also a prime example of cheating.
  18. The 2nd digit in your post count being half of the 1st digit? Cheater!
  19. I blast them all apart with laser AA guns, however one misses and instead hits the next user.
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