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Everything posted by Delfinus
Banned because I'm close to giving up with posting in the forum games due to you.
Granted, oh wait... I wish @max_creative stopped ruining the forum games by posting every other comment, the emotion you're supposed to feel on the KSP forums, especially in the forums games, is Kerbal-y happiness, not frustration.
Banned for @Red Iron Crown making an excellent comment about your overposting which I completely agree with.
Kerbol eXploration, Chapter 5: Defying Gravity.
Delfinus replied to Delfinus's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
KX, KERBOL EXPLORATION: CHAPTER 3: GOING THERE AGAIN. Despite their reputation as Garbage Can thieves being the first ones to return to space after the Supernova got KX much media attention, and donations flowed in, much more than they needed for their simple gunpowder-filled trash cans, as a result it was given to Wernher and Linus with orders to bribe some of their scientist friends into helping them analyze the data they were getting from the effects of space travel on snacks. Unfortunately they spent most of the money on snacks, but some of the money still went towards getting extra help in analyzing scientific data. Joe also stole purchased some new suits for the crew, the Pilots, Jeb and Val, got Red suits, the Scientists, of which Bob was the only one so far, got Blue suits, and the Engineers got Yellow suits, Joe claimed that this was not at all an attempt to blend in easier when "borrowing" parts from the official Space Program due to them being the same colours that the Space Program used. At the same time Wernher sent in a request to Mission Control to test a new parachute he was testing, claiming it was much more effective at returning Minmus Mint Ice Cream to Kerbin, Gene thought it didn't look any different from the parachute they had been using, but Wernher was willing to give some money in exchange for testing it, so they dusted off the Dreamer 1, Bill wanted to see how his craft performed in flight himself, so he piloted it. Once again the craft was hauled to the Launchpad in the early morning sunlight. Gene: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, Jeb: Let's just get this thing launched! Gene: *Sigh* 3, 2, 1, Bill: Liftoff! Alotta G's here! The small gunpowder filled trash can , Er, rocket, accelerated with extreme force up into the sky, narrowly missing a few birds and nearly causing a rare break in the general peacefulness of the Kerbals when two nations almost went to war thinking it was a missile of the other nation. But Bill's craft successfully flew up into the sky and fulfilled the requirements to successfully test Wernher's parachute. With the parachute's durability at high altitude while stowed successfully tested Bill then waited until he was at a lower altitude, and then deployed the parachute. Bill: Parachute deployed, I need to design a version of this that doesn't pull so many G's. Jeb: But the G's are awesome! Bill: And also dangerous to our health! Gene: Mission Control to Dreamer I/IV, We've detected a incoming Tidal wave Buggy-Scatterer class, be prepared to run for your life once you land. Bill: Oh great... The parachute successfully brought the craft safely to the ground, and Bill quickly started to unlock the hatch... ...And successfully managed to get out of the craft and to safety, the Tidal wave fortunately managed to wash away nothing important, although Jeb would disagree, as his secret snack stash was lost. KX then decided to once again attempt to complete the contract to test the BACC, and used the blueprints from the craft Jeb used to attempt to complete it to build a similar, but slightly different craft to once again attempt the contract, the new craft featured larger fins, as there was a sale at Kerman's Hardware and Duct-Tape .Co. It also featured extra trash cans on the sides to help get the BACC to the altitude it needed to be at for the test before ignition, Bill also fixed some problems with the parachute staging, and made the heat-shield (which was made from old, moldy snacks) detachable, to save weight during descent, he also removed a lot of the snacks to save weight during liftoff. The craft would be piloted by Valentina Kerman, to give her some experience in flying spacecraft. Gene: 10, 9, 8, Valentina, PЦTIЙ this, T-Z-Space. (Apologies to @CatastrophicFailure for stealing your fake Russian swears :D) Gene: Dang it, Val does this too? Bill: Looks like the answer is, yup. Gene: Booster separation in 3, 2, 1. Gene: Booster separation confirmed successful. Valentina: This is awesome! Gus: Dang it, one booster nearly hitting my head was bad enough, but now, three?! Bill: Four once the primary first stage booster detaches. Gus: Oh fudge. And soon, Valentina Kerman was in... Valentina: Spaace! Gene: Mission Control to Dawn IV, You have successfully reached space. Bill: Yeah, the BACC got the ship to space pretty fast. Valentina: Da, so fast author didn't take a screenshot fast enough to get picture of spaceship in upper atmosphere. *Fourth Wall Breach Alarm goes off* Gene: Val! You're supposed to keep the fourth wall intact! We've already had to tell Jeb this multiple times! Valentina: Ah, apologies, Is sorry. Gene: Fiiine. Jeb: Yeah, it's like we're having a fourth wall break every chapter. Gene: JEEEB! Jeb: Oops, Sorry. Bob: How's the view from up there? Valentina: Wow, I can see the clouds, the cities, the oceans... Gene: See the sights while you can, hitting atmo in 30 seconds. Valentina: PЦ-BLEEEEP. Walt: Phew, I reached the button quickly enough this time! I forgot to mention, this is on TV in front of millions of people. Valentina: Oops. Gene: Re-entry incoming! The spacecraft entered the atmosphere in a fiery re-entry at high speed, luckily nothing burned off, besides the moldy snacks. (Oops, apparently I accidentally hit F12, and no, I don't have the Steam version of KSP, I've just added the non-steam version to Steam as a non-steam game.) Valentina: Is outside supposed to be on fire? Gene: I think so. The craft successfully deployed it's drogue chutes, and them deployed the main chute and cut the drogues once at a low speed. Valentina: I see ocean around capsule. Gene: Dang it, we went south again! Joe: I might aswell just start a Ocean Rescue Company if we keep doing this... Wernher: Nein, me and Bob vill fix ze craft to stop tilting zouth and landing in ze ocean. Bill: What Wernher said. Valentina: I have landed, Komrades! Why is water filling capsule? And once again KX mounted a dangerous, risky, and epic voyage to the Southern Kerblantia Ocean, (Imagine 20,000 leagues under the sea but with Kerbals) fighting storms, giant Sea Krakens, and other dangerous things, but they successfully rescued Valentina, and managed a similarly epic voyage back to their Space Center. Once back at the Space Center Mort began analyzing their funds, and noticed something: Mort: Chaps, I must say we appear to not have gained the funds from testing the BACC! Gene: What?! Bill: I'm checking the data now... hmm, it appears that at nearly the exact same time we reached the required altitude we went below the required speed. Joe: Well what do we do to remain at the required speed while we're at the required altitude? Bill: More Boosters! And so the crew went on another trip to obtain garbage cans, narrowly avoiding being hit by the moldy snacks being tossed at them by the police, and successfully managed to return to the Space Center, to begin preparing for their next launch. And that's all for now, folks, stay tuned to see what happens next! Will they ever manage to successfully test the BACC? Will Kerbonauts keep getting stranded in the Southern Kerblantia Ocean? Will there be more Tidal Waves? Find out in the next chapter! Edit: I forgot to mention, I've added some mods between Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, to support the moving of my main save (This is not my normal "Playing Kerbal" save, I only use this for the story.) from 1.0.5 to 1.1. -
Banned for not agreeing with him.
Banned for making a good point.
Granted, you are banned from the forums, now your extreme over-posting is no longer a problem! I wish max_creative stopped overposting.
It is simply the truth, it's just a boring rock floating through space, maybe if it had rings and a moon it'd be more interesting... (I'm looking at you, people who make planet mods) The next Human lander to land on Titan accidentally lands in the Titanian lakes and sinks.
Granted, all your video games stop lagging, but real life now suffers from extreme lag! I wish moderator's were more strict on overposting.
Banned for never stopping your extreme over-posting.
We had not done extensive investigation of Dres prior to sending them there, and therefore we were unaware that it is the most boring planet in the Kerbol system. Humans and Kerbals make contact, but the Humans interpret the typical Kerbal landing as an act of war.
Banned for low-res.
What part of KSP looks good already?
Delfinus replied to ThatGuyWithALongUsername's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Spaceplane parts, KSP has so many of them it's practically become Kerbal Spaceplane Program. -
The Skipper, it's just a great little engine capable of doing pretty much everything you need it to do.
What is the user above you known for?
Delfinus replied to UnionPacific1983WP's topic in Forum Games!
Known for still posting too much. -
What is the user above you known for?
Delfinus replied to UnionPacific1983WP's topic in Forum Games!
Known for only having 46 posts yet still somehow seeming common in the forum games. -
Posting like half of the forum games posts? That's cheating! (Seriously, it's gotten to the point where it's extremely annoying)
Banned for Dres, everyone knows Laythe is the best! I am secretly planning to give Dres rings and a moon.
Granted, you're the Janitor. I wish that I could think of a wish, because with 1.1 out and all my mods so far appearing to successfully run I have no more wishes!
Banned for too much spam.
What is the user above you known for?
Delfinus replied to UnionPacific1983WP's topic in Forum Games!
Known for being a shark. -
Banned because you don't seem to realize that spamming, overposting, etc is a bad thing.
Granted, but it is the only electronic device in your house capable of running. I wish more people would care about space exploration, we need to return to Luna and get to dang Mars!
Kerbol eXploration, Chapter 5: Defying Gravity.
Delfinus replied to Delfinus's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
KX, KERBOL EXPLORATION: CHAPTER 2: SPAAAACE! After analyzing the data from Jeb's last mission, KX received two contracts, One to test the BACC-Thumper SRB, and another to break out of the atmosphere, apparently you can't be considered a space program if all you do is steal trash cans and blow them up while a Kerbal sits on top, weird, right? Bill, Wernher, and Gus quickly went and duct-taped most of their remaining trashcans together, and once again filled them with gunpowder, and painted it to look somewhat like the BACC-Thumper SRB used by KIAA, or Kerbal International Aerospace Administration, which was the official space program of Kerbin. Making it look like the BACC wasn't hard, as it looks very similar to a trash can (This made the crew wonder if the Space Program also used trash cans for their rockets to save money). For some reason the contract also required them to ignite the BACC while airborne, so they used two of the last three trash cans to make a 2nd, smaller rocket below the BACC, which would lift the BACC to the required altitude, they then cut some cardboard into a roughly fin-like shape and nailed it onto the sides, finally they used the last trash can to once again carry a scientific payload of snacks, and attached some steel struts to the side, with a button to release some of the duct tape holding them on, allowing them to extend downwards and act as deployable landing gear. Lastly they stole a pre-Supernova space capsule from a museum, and got some of the basic systems operational, and then once again put in the Jeb-luring snacks and set it on top of the rocket. Somehow Jeb managed to get inside the capsule despite there not being any way to climb up the rocket, and everyone available helped carry the heavy rocket out to the Launchpad, and it was decided that in the future they would need to figure out a way to transport rockets to the launch pad other than carrying them, and somehow the Universe's volume indicator appeared near the Launchpad, which Wernher decided to investigate later. Gene: 10, 9, 8, 7, Jeb: Not going to wait while he counts down, T-Z-Space. Gene: Not again! Maybe I should just give up with having a countdown when Jeb is the pilot... Bill: That's probably a good idea. Jeb: Yeehaw! Gene: First booster close to running out of fuel, decoupling in 3, 2, 1! The first trash can was fried by the force of the rocket above it, and fell back to Kerbin, almost hitting the head of Gus, who turned a lighter shade of green and quickly decided to stay in the Launchpad bunker for the rest of the day. Jeb's craft flew up through the upper atmosphere, decoupled it's booster rocket, and reached.... Jeb: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!! Bill: Jeb, can ya be quiet for once? Gene: Show some more enthusiasm Bill, Jeb is the first post-Supernova Kerbal in Space! Bill: HE is the first one back in Space? *Sigh* Gene: Jeb, run those experiments, it is crucial that we regain knowledge of what happens to snacks in 0 G! Jeb: Fine. At this point Jeb temporarily turned off his normal craziness to admit that...: Jeb: Admittedly, the view from here is quite beautiful, I can see all the cities, the islands, the landmasses... Bill: Wait, Jeb said something that wasn't insane? Jeb: *Craziness: On* Hey! You're talking to the first Kerbal in Space! Wernher: Ze virst post-supernova Kerbal in space, Zeb. Jeb: Whatever. The capsule quickly re-entered the atmosphere in a quick, un-eventful re-entry. Jeb: Wow, that re-entry was quick, so quick the author didn't take a screenshot in time. *Fourth wall breach alarm goes off* Gene: JEEEB! You need to leave the fourth wall intact! The craft drifted down through the clouds, and while doing so opened the drogue 'chutes. Jeb: What was that bump? Gene: That was the drogue parachutes opening, they're some of Walt's old shirts. Jeb: What are they used for? Gene: Slowing down the craft before opening the main parachute. Jeb: Aww, but I like the G's from the main 'chute opening at high speed! The drogue parachutes successfully brought the craft down to a speed where it was safe to open the main parachute. And the craft hit the ground... Er, what? It hit the ocean? Jeb: Hey, why is half the capsule filled with water? Gene: What? How did the capsule land... in the ocean?! Bill: I checked the flight logs, we tilted over during launch, putting us on a southern course, also we didn't start the BACC at the right altitude or velocity. Joe: Dang it, now I have to rent a ship to go get Jeb! Bill: Or we can leave him there. Gene: No, Bill. Bill: Dang it. Joe: Also, we didn't complete that contract! Gene; Dang it, now we have to re-do that contract. The crew successfully found an old rusting boat that was on sale, and conducted an epic, perilous journey to the Southern Kerblantia Ocean to rescue Jeb, luckily the snacks were in special waterproof packages and were not harmed by the ocean water. They then conducted an epic, perilous journey back to their space port on a peninsula sticking off the southern coast of Kafrica, began developing rockets better suited to the hauling of snacks and Mint Ice Cream based on the data from the flight, and once again looted the nearest town for spare garbage cans, note: If you see a bunch of Kerbals with snacks, trash cans, gunpowder, lab coats, and hard hats, along with a crazy idiot talking about snacks and explosions please inform the Boosterville Police Agency. The money that was gained was spent purchasing more gunpowder for their SRBs, and bribing the guards of the National Snack Vault to let them inside... And that's all for now, folks, stay tuned to see what happens next! Is there a part of Jeb that isn't completely insane? Will they get arrested for repeatedly stealing garbage cans? Will Jeb once again be stranded in the Kerblantia Ocean? Find out in the next chapter! -
A Thread for Writers to talk about Writing
Delfinus replied to Mister Dilsby's topic in KSP Fan Works
Thanks KSK, It's great to receive praise from one of the greatest authors on this forum! Yeah, I kinda see your point, it was a major leap for me to actually start writing a mission report, but now that I have started writing one I feel like it'll be easier to take on any future milestones, as I've already taken the main big step. And thanks, being Kerbal-y is my goal, and I would appreciate your comments on the text. Also, I agree, my jump from just the narrator speak to also including the talk amongst the individual characters was a bit jarring, and I probably should've included some speech from the characters earlier, to help ease the reader into accepting a combination of character speech and narration as the writing style used. As I said before, thanks! -Dolphin.