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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. Joe, you need to link the wires for the first stage engine and the second stage engine to separate buttons, YES IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! After tinkering with the Universe too much you accidentally create a clone army of Jeb's.
  2. How am I supposed to paint a car with a wire... You will suddenly find yourself on the next planet you think of other than Earth.
  3. Banned for being a mad scientist.
  4. The ground crew thought that the part of the instructions that said to fill it with solid rocket fuel meant to put normal rocket fuel in it's solid state into it, so they filled it with Ice. The Launchpad explodes when your Mun rocket is placed on top of it. (happened to me today).
  5. Well, those ant's must be weirdos if they're worshipping a plastic storage box, but meh, it only had junk in it anyway. The object in front of you will suddenly become sentient.
  6. I voted Hybrid, because SPACE SHUTTLE!
  7. Which I put in my collection of shiny things. I give the next person 1 billion dollars and Tylo.
  8. 3/10 I remember seeing you somewhere... but I don't remember where it was.
  9. What the actual fudge am I watching... make it stop! make it stop!! AAAAAA!!!...... The object below you will explode in 3... 2... 1....
  10. Banned for banning the glorious power of SCIENCE!!!
  11. The guy who was supposed to check to make sure the Control System was installed was on holiday. Your Duna rover randomly disappears, leaving only the wheels behind (happened to me once).
  12. Welcome to the friendly KSP community, KSP is a awesome game, so hopefully you have fun playing it!
  13. My current mods: Plus FAR, KAX, Deadly Re-entry and possibly Trans-Keptunian and the latest version of KSPRC.
  14. It took me a minute to remember who he was, and I instantly facepalmed when I remembered, especially as I already clicked "No" .
  15. I wanted to say something, something to support you or that that other kid was some stupid bully, but I can't think of anything, I simply cannot think of words sufficient to show how horrible and hope for humanity draining this is, I am just completely horrified by how warlike and careless for the lives of others our species is.
  16. I..... When I read this I just stared at the screen trying to process the massive stupidity of what I just read while any hope for humanity I had left drained out of me... then I just face-desked.... I'm beginning to wonder if the people who write textbooks actually know a single thing about what they're talking about, because from my experience (and apparently yours aswell) they don't. When will NASA start hiring astronauts for missions to Mars? Because I want off this planet.
  17. Hopefully he successfully recovers from his bronchitis soon! Good work helping him out and bringing some happiness to his life, Glad to know that there's still people like you in this world. Somebody stop cutting onions!
  18. Good luck with quitting smoking! From what I've heard it seems difficult, but I'm sure you can succeed! If anyone has a spare medal, give it to this man.
  19. Me? Well, me and Jeb have been doing... um... well.... uh... y'know... important stuff...
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