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Everything posted by Delfinus

  1. Here's mine, it's made from the stock Kerbinmun flag, with my Space Program's name along with Minmus added.
  2. It's a single player sandbox game, there's no way to cheat, that's all that ever needs to be said on this subject, and I wish the forum community could just realize that and move on to other, more pleasant topics. Just play however you want, case closed. What angers me is not when people simply use something that others might consider cheating, but go on the forums practically worshipping it and saying that it makes no sense that everyone in existence doesn't immediately abandon their current playstyle to go use whatever cheat or mod they're referring to, as once again, It's a single player sandbox game, I should fly my ships and build them in whatever way I want, whether that be automating my space program with autopilot mods or carefully building and flying my craft myself. So, to any cheat/mod worshipper's out there: Let people play how they want, what might be the most entertaining way to play for you isn't going to be the most entertaining way to play for other people, so you don't need to try and force it upon people. For anyone who didn't want to read that big wall of text: There's no cheating in KSP, play however you want, and let other people do the same.
  3. Pfft, simple, it's obviously a conspiracy by aliens to get some folks thinking that spacecraft is voyager when it looks nothing like it when in fact it's a vessel carrying aliens coming to take over the planet. But seriously, Is this a joke or something? Because it doesn't make, well, any sense to me.
  4. I'd say my first Mun landing but I had done a ton of missions that "didn't exactly go as planned" to the Mun before that, so Mun missions had become routine enough for me, even although they had all been unsuccesful, for the first Mun landing to be that great, although I was still proud and happy when I did it, My most triumphant moment was likely either when I succesfully flew a Spaceplane SSTO to orbit for the first time, or my first succesful docking, although a Kerbbed Duna mission (which I've been working on) will likely blow those two out of the water.
  5. Wait, isn't the K.S.S Redacted inside the VAB? If so... well... then... uh oh... But wait, the fact that Jeb was test flying the Jool-Dipper on Kerbin means that the Jool Dipper is going to be Kerbbed! Which means... Kuzzter is going to send someone into Jool....
  6. "We were going to Jool but accidentally pointed retrograde instead of prograde..." Debris rains upon the KSC, causing large destruction, the debris is identified as parts of your rocket.
  7. Wait... you mean... that... you can build stuff in the VAB? I thought it was just used to load up my Space Shuttle/Kerouz/Adventurer/LT-1 Nerv. (Depending on the mission). But seriously, I like to keep my Space Program nice and professional, and constantly re-use craft, only making new ones (with some exceptions) if the one that already fills it's role is incapable of a function that the new one will have, or if I don't have a craft already assigned to that role. I've been flying some craft, like my Space Shuttle for months now and have become skilled at flying them, that's another bonus of re-using craft, you get used to their controls and strengths and weaknesses and are capable of flying them more efficiently, easily, and skillfully than if it was fresh from the design phase. -Dolphin.
  8. Kerbin does not exist! It along with it's moons are just a hologram created by Alien Lizard People who were jealous that we lived on a Moon of a Gas Giant! We are really on Laythe! Mun is Vall! Minmus is Bop! Wake up Sheeple! It's all a conspiracy!
  9. Same here. Edit: Oops, didn't realize this thread is from October.
  10. 3/10 How can you be a pro... yet also a noob... at the same time??? #Paradox Konfirmed.
  11. Neato, If possible could you do one of Andromeda? Since it's my favourite galaxy and in my headcanon is where the Kerbol system is located.
  12. Well, a year is a long time to be predicting what you'll be doing during it in a video game, But I plan to expand from my current outpost on Minmus and start up a whole big mining colony there, to do a Kerbbed mission to Duna, and my ultimate objective in my Space Program is to colonize Laythe, so hopefully that'll happen this year.
  13. When you constantly say "Mun" or "Munar" instead of "Moon" or "Lunar". When you look for timewarp, F5, and F9 in real life. When you are horrified by the amount of people that have no clue about what Space is actually like IRL. When you can't take any sci-fi Space movie/book/comic seriously. When you look at IRL Spacecraft and think "why did they need so much Delta-V..." before remembering orbital velocity is higher IRL than in KSP due to the difference in size between Kerbin and Earth.
  14. The EVE that comes with KSPRC works just fine for me. From what I can remember without going and looking at the files I just installed KSPRC, deleted Texture Replacer, Distant Object, PlanetShine and I think maybe also RSS and swapped them out for the latest version of Distant Object Enhancement, PlanetShine, and my pre-existing install of Texture Replacer, which contains Gregrox Mun's Colored EVA/IVA suits, the heads from Scart91's texture pack, and Space Kraken's Andromeda Skybox. Which also pretty much sums up my gamedata folder as far as visual mods go. TL-DR KSPRC's EVE worked for me.
  15. Awesome mod! And take your time with the update, as overhyped as I am about it'd I'd rather have a complete and stable mod than a rushed and buggy one. Until then the old version with some work in the files still looks awesome.
  16. I'm getting crashes every second launch of a craft, which is getting annoying, any ideas on how to fix this? Screenshot of Gamedata folder: (I've since Uninstalled RemoteTech) It's getting really frustrating as I really like scatterer but this is making KSP nearly unplayable.
  17. Followed by 2x symmetry radial Monoprop engines on the monoprop tank, a 0.625m stack separator under the monoprop tank, and the big dish-like antenna on top,
  18. There is a mod, well, two Mods actually, KIS (Kerbal Inventory System) and KAS (Kerbal Attachment System) that when used together give you exactly that, plus the ability to attach other parts in EVA, and don't worry, Part Mods can be safely installed and uninstalled without requiring you to restart any of your current games, At the start of my current game I was pretty much stock, now I've got a ton of mods and everything's still running fine. If after reading this you decide to try some mod's out here's some mod's that I consider must-haves that I have no idea why they aren't stock. Kerbal Engineer (The Most Essential of all of these mods) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/17833-104-kerbal-engineer-redux-v10180/ Kerbal Alarm Clock http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/22809-10x-kerbal-alarm-clock-v3500-dec-3/ KIS/KAS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/101928-105-kerbal-inventory-system-kis-123/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83468-105-kerbal-attachment-system-kas-055/ EVE http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/51142-1051-05-4-dec-3-2015-environmentalvisualenhancements/ Distant Object Enhancement http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/89214-105-distant-object-enhancement-bis-v164-21-november-2015/ USI Life Support (Optional) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103236-wip-usi-life-support/ https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/963/USI%20Life%20Support Remote Tech (Getting Stockified or getting a stock Equivalent that can be disabled in the difficulty settings in 1.1 I think) (Optional) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/75245-105-remotetech-v169-2015-11-10/
  19. Thanks! I'll try to remember that for next time I'm building a Aircraft. Kuzzter replied to a thread I made!!! Woho! *Happily dances around the Astronaut Complex* But thanks, I'll try putting on a tail stabilizer on my Space Shuttle and other Aircraft and see how it works! *Quickly fires up KSP to do so* Will report back with the results! EDIT: I have returned with the results from test 1, the test was performed with the Space Shuttle Mk4, a Jet Engine equipped version of the regular Shuttle, although both quickly exploded due to being ripped apart by aerodynamics, quickly followed by a hydro-braking (note to self, they're Space Shuttles, not stunt planes!) during the short time they were intact no major difference was noticed between the normal one and the version equipped with a tail stabilizer, which may have something to do with the fact that the wings of the shuttle are at the rear, meaning we already have pitch control in that area, however tail stabilizers may still prove useful with Aircraft with wings farther forward, time to conduct test 2! Btw, I forgot to mention in the original post (even although it is semi-important) I have FAR installed. The craft that test 1 was done with.
  20. Granted, but the NASA tech tree is fully unlocked and they forgot a camera so it becomes a worthless waste of funds. I wish that Pluto can into Planet.
  21. Welcome to the KSP forums! I also am a mod enthusiast, Kerbal Addict, Recent Newcomer to the Forums, & Rock & Roll lover, although none of the other things. Happy Adventure's in Spaaaaace! -Dolphin.
  22. When you said France it sounded to me like you were talking about mainland European France rather than French Guiana, which I'm used to being called as "French Guiana", rather than just "France" even although it is part of France, Just like when you mention America you're typically talking about Mainland America rather than say, Hawaii, Oops. And I knew (Or at least was pretty sure) French Guiana is a full part of France, When I said territory I was just saying it was a part of France, not necessarily saying it was a proper Province or Territory or Colony or anything.
  23. Thanks, Actually I was thinking of mentioning that but I had a brainfart and couldn't 100% remember whether the Poles or Equator rotated fastest, although I had a feeling it was the equator.
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