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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. I haven't watched the Clone Wars - but my son has. He's of the opinion that Ahsoka is pretty badA. (We get a sense of that during the Mandalorian). If she's getting her own series - I hope they do it justice. I want it to have a feel like Atomic Blonde or AVA or Hanna (movie) - shows where the kickA female protagonist is believably tough and the fight scenes have gravity.
  2. I'm with you. Someone almost needs to cut in a scale picture of the Empire State or something for it to begin to make sense
  3. Especially when the public finally sees the Ewoks for who they are as they eat said melon farmers. Followed by the wookies (for being too tall), the Hutt (for being nummy-num-num) and whatever species it is that yells about it being a trap... Just because. 3d Empire of the Wok.
  4. Do you still have to attach control surfaces?
  5. Nothing new - but where it's written reaches a more influential audience; https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/12/elon-musk-space-freaking-out-competitors-00008441
  6. I keep reading about these and assume I know what people are talking about - but then I constantly discover on this forum that my assumptions are incorrect. Will someone clear up exactly what procedural wings are and how they differ from the stock wings? (are they configurable or just a single set piece? Etc.)
  7. There is a dissonance between instinct and learned knowledge. You're in the scifi realm, so you can define anything as anything however you like it; but functionally in this world learned knowledge/skills>inherent knowledge
  8. I'm going to go with Guessing's idea, since the green jet happens on ignition. Were it copper burning, I'd think that would come later. Mind you, I'm the resident knuckle dragger going off of freshman Chem and Astronomy 101 that covered blackbody emissions 30 some odd years ago and some light reading since. But earlier they claimed the engine was so efficient / hot it burned blue. That I did not see
  9. I see an odd, green flash at startup - but nothing burning blue. What is the Neanderthal missing?
  10. Cool - did not know that: only recently learned he's writing... And specifically the stuff most likely to help me get past the Mun/Minmus! I don't know anything about how studios operate, but that makes sense. Guess that let's the team find out glaring errors in time to fix them early? Drawing from the history that the initial studio asked for 6 additional months development shortly after the reveal trailer in 2019 and the 'Fall 2021' prediction from May 2020 after the dust had settled from the studio switch, I guessed they were pretty far along. Assuming covid delay is a factor I speculated that writing and play testing was kind of 'end of the line' stuff for a studio. Thanks for the explanation
  11. I don't want to speak too much out of school - but: The question was, 'what's your favorite game'. I don't know much about game design - but when the writers are getting a chance to play the game... I can only assume it's pretty far along.
  12. @SunlitZelkova I think you will enjoy this - if you haven't already seen it: https://www.netflix.com/title/80216393
  13. Sounds awesome. I remember watching this one lady chop everything into chunks halfway between a BB and a pea. She used seranos (although tbh, she might have used habanero as well - but she did not like people hovering over her in the kitchen). She did, however enjoy watching us eat. I usually got clean up duty - never complained
  14. I was going to suggest metal foam, but then Mike said that you need to minimize cooling - so I guess it really is a dark art. Ogun, show us the way!
  15. New PSP images of Venus https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2022/02/10/nasa-venus-surface-images-orig.cnn-business https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2022/sun/parker-solar-probe-captures-its-first-images-of-venus-surface-in-visible-light-confirmed
  16. Brings new emphasis to the BO clapping when they opened a payload faring in the warehouse / factory last week.
  17. Can be. Yeah. Thing is, there's really three spheres and then an unaligned group, atm. Countries within the US/EU sphere will take care of themselves and then reach out to their friends (will be interesting if Japan has to 'go it alone' or gets considered 'one of the gang'.) China will do the same (yes, this likely means NK Fusion, but also its another card for them to play towards regional hegemony. Russia, as well (Syrian Fusion?). But this also gives Russia an extended life on shipping existing fuels to the unaligned. That's the short term. Presuming we can keep from killing ourselves and the world remains relatively stable (China feels comfortable, not threatened, Russia is stable, the US does not implode)... the tech will expand because reasoned self interest in developing a world that is less polluted will trickle to the far corners. Plus - it will be a 'new market' to exploit. (Chinese tokomaks springing up in Africa and South America at the same time US and EU are taking care of themselves and their close friends is not unlikely) While 'self interest' never sounds egalitarian, the effects can be regionally beneficial. It just takes time.
  18. What you are describing is a Strategic Advantage. So - the countries with the wherewithal (Talent and Treasure) to develop their own Fusion Plants will do so - and sell, at a cost, a steep cost - to those that behave. Those that don't? Sorry, bud, you get the hind teat. (Join our sphere of influence and do what we say, and not only will you get one... but maybe a second, down the line. Remember, friend, toe the line and good things will happen. BTW - don't talk to THOSE guys - we don't like THOSE guys).
  19. Yeah - I can see where they would need a certain number of sensors - like any vehicle - to know what's going on and to control/get feedback. What I wasn't aware of was that it wasn't already pared down to the minimum. I kind of assumed that they'd have a 'test article' build in the beginning where all the systems were tied in with feedback, and then the production articles would be more streamlined. Thus when I looked at a R1, I'd see a rocket with all the necessary plumbing to make it work... and think; yep, that's Rocket Science. Cool. If what I'm reading from you all is correct, SX basically built a working rocket with all the sensors required to know what's going on with the design... and then kept building every subsequent R1 identically. Thus, R2 is the 'working' article, where R1 was a bunch of 'test articles'? (Or did they learn stuff with R1 and not only strip off unnecessary feedback features, but also improve the plumbing?)
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