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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Black holes are just plain weird. Scientists discover mysterious cosmic threads in Milky Way | Astronomy | The Guardian Astronomers have discovered hundreds of mysterious cosmic threads that point towards the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, after a survey of the galaxy. The strange filaments, each of which stretches five to 10 light years through space, resemble the dots and dashes of morse code on a vast scale. They spread out from the galactic centre 25,000 light years from Earth like fragmented spokes on an enormous wheel. ... He suspects that an outburst of material from the black hole about 6m years ago slammed into surrounding stars and gas clouds, creating streaks of hot plasma that point back towards the black hole. The effect is akin to blowing blobs of paint across a canvas with a hairdryer. “The outflow from the black hole interacts with the objects it meets and distorts their shape,” Yusef-Zadeh said. “It’s sufficient to blow everything in the same direction.” By studying the cosmic threads, astronomers hope to understand more about the spin of the Milky Way’s central black hole and the accretion disc of infalling material that whirls around it.
  2. Long term storage of solid propellants is apparently a problem if some of the videos I saw last year are any indication. Gasses can leak. I'm thinking that so long as we are relying on terrestrially captured gaseous / liquefied propellants... We are not going interstellar. We need unobtanium and scifi drives
  3. Well, given that the engines are always emitting a really cool, intense blue color, we know that they're operating above 10,000 Kelvin. Stuff that has to get that hot to operate doesn't evaporate easily. So - I'm putting the 'find an ancient alien spaceship and fly it because you intuitively understand ancient alien technology' firmly in the PLAUSIBLE category.
  4. Orbital inclination. I don't think they promised no changes to the other planets' Axial tilt, but the various CB's inclination is substantially similar to the original.
  5. If you put rockets at the top of a landing craft and cant them at 45 degrees (or whatever is optimal to land/not burn the craft) I'd assume there is some performance loss. Anyone know what that is? Also, does doing this restrict the ability to lift off and rendezvous with the moon-earth ship?
  6. My roomba is presently banging about my furniture... But I'm not sure it is qualified for the toilets... Or dishes. Come to think of it... I'm happy keeping the robots to specific jobs
  7. @Dakota Dakota - please be explicit about what a upvote or downvote means. Example: absent explicit rules, one player might downvote the OP because they have the same problem and it makes them mad; another player might upvote the OP because they appreciate the poster highlighting the issue. Both want it fixed but they cancel each other out. Question - is there a way to have two votes? One for the problem and another for how critical it is? [Upvote] Yes, I experienced this issue and would like it fixed [Midvote] This is a medium-priority issue. Example: some people are strongly opinionated about whether stars should be visible while in the vicinity of a CB. A few of us agree, a few of us disagree - but ultimately it's a low priority low impact issue favored by a few for QOL / immersion and doesn't need to be a priority. Having a two tier vote would give more granulated responses. @Dakota Edit - also, two in a row.! You guys are hitting the right tone with these. Appreciate the pivot!
  8. That shine works for Minmus, however. Hope they retain it's current look from space
  9. I'm starting to think DeadJohn is correct with AI being the next 'killer app' / 'disruptor'. While the processors that power the technology are rooted in the microchip, so too was the microchip rooted in the technology that preceded it. Just as we had transportation before the internal combustion engine, the advent of the new tech changed things in some unexpected ways. So - having let this stew a while, I don't think any of the other nascent technologies has as much potential to be both disruptive and beneficial. To permeate the entire economy as pervasively as the automobile and the microchip. I don't think in 1985 I knew I would need a phone in my pocket anymore than the guy on a train in 1885 knew he'd need a car or two in his garage. Similarly, AI could be the thing that just keeps growing - not in a 'welcome the overlord' sense, but as a ubiquitous tool that we pretty much take for granted 20 years from now.
  10. I don't know how relevant the comparison is, but the Satisfactory team just came out with a vid on their shift from Unreal 4 to Unreal 5. Mostly about future proofing and giving the artists more tools and flexibility, the port took months not years.
  11. Yeah - I've been reading lately about those early days. 1200s was very interesting - with Mongols hosting representatives from various faiths - and leaders being Christian, Islamic, anamistic - etc. Kind of a 'do what you want to, so long as you're Mongol and obey the Khan'. The other thread I'm following is that those early Christians were from a different tradition than the Western Missionaries following the 1500s; still trying to figure out if that distinction is meaningful. Mostly just looking at how people moved, interacted and influenced each other in the pre-modern world. FWIW - "Church of the East" is the thread I've been following. Did not even think of looking for it on Wiki - Thanks for the link!
  12. Loosely related - does anyone know to what extent the Chinese Christians derived from post - 15th century European missionaries or whether they are remnants from the 1200s & Mongol conquests? Or perhaps before? I read somewhere that Christian theology reached East Asia via the land route as early as 1000 CE.
  13. That is what I was originally thinking about - should have used that level of specificity. (I tend to think of the entire Indian subcontenent as it's own place. In my mind I think I was limiting it to relationships between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai... but just ripped off the question with my kid yelling at me that it was time to go!) Very interesting . Actually - you remind me that I once read Japanese and Finnish are related.
  14. Yeah - I didn't want to devolve into dialects (although interesting topic for a different time).
  15. Loosely 'Science' related question... To what extent are the 'major' Asian languages related to one another? Are they analogous to English / German where there are many similar root words (even if English's grammatical structure is a hodge podge of Viking and Celt)? ...or Are they analogous to English / Russian where the alphabets are different, the words and grammatical structures are totally distinct?
  16. Yeah - 'wobbly' is a feature, up to a point. It forces you to move along from the skinny parts when playing the progression system - at least in KSP. So in the aspect of 'you can only go so tall for a given diameter', I like wobbly rockets. But they should not be wobbly just for the sake of wobbly. A medium diameter rocket of the same length /part count of a small diameter rocket should be rock solid.
  17. Stop with the negative waves, maaan.
  18. Solid, straightforward post in this OP. Appreciate your highlight, here, as well. I've been critical - but this was well done. ...and welcome. GL!
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