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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. 37 swarming boulders spotted near asteroid hit by NASA spacecraft last year https://www.cbsnews.com/news/surprise-discovery-37-swarming-boulders-spotted-near-asteroid-hit-by-nasa-spacecraft-last-year/
  2. To be intentionally contrarian... the Bullet Cluster is a bit of an anomaly. And while it was the whip used to flog MOND enthusiasts in the Aughts... MoND refuses to die. Science-in-progress: Did the Bullet Cluster withstand scrutiny? | Ars Technica (Yes, article does not say that Bullet Cluster does not prove DM) (How you like them doublenegatives???) ... And for those interested in the latest 'proof' of DM: I bring you, the DarkStar! Dark stars: JWST may have spotted enormous stars powered by dark matter | New Scientist JWST Might Have Spotted the First Dark Matter Stars - Scientific American
  3. True. My thinking is someone talked "trash" and that word got around. Still - kinda odd for someone to be gleaning evidence from a computer from something that happened back then. Will be interesting to see if anything was gleaned from those items.
  4. @Vanamonde Just to make it weirder: I can click on the most recent thread: In this case the SpaceX thread from the "Community" page and get the SX thread. But I cannot "Go to Topic Listing" or "Science and Spaceflight" from there, either. (Can use mobile, just not Edge)
  5. I'm actually quite pumped for Cities Skylines 2. @Superfluous J - I had a ton of fun with Darkest. It was so unlike anything else, it was great. Did not pull the trigger on 2 during the sale, and wish I had. However, I did pick up Anno 1800... and that game is DENSE. So many things to keep track of. Might be a bit too fiddly, in some ways - but intriguing, nonetheless. I got mad at Cities b/c it would not let me treat my separate small towns (Industries DLC) as separate towns. I started a small farming/forestry village and another mining and oil village a ways away, thinking I could ship the primary goods via rail to a massive industrial park next to my 'city' and have everything work nicely. Nope. I was exporting and importing the stuff I needed... unless my trucks decided to drive there the long way. The minute anything hit the cargo terminal near the villages, it was an export. The factories pulling from the cargo terminal near them got imports.
  6. Really weird then. Because it's affecting me for days now. Edit - I can clearly post here... but I can't get to my preferred sub from either here or outside. I must have reached my forum limit or something.
  7. Still getting '500' errors when googling "KSP Forums" and clicking "Science and Spaceflight". i.e. Cannot go directly to the subforum. Must go to regular forum home page, and then to subforums. "Cannot handle the request" ...Actually... I can't even get there from the main page. Something up with the forums in general - or just that sub?
  8. Tupac Shakur: Police seize hard drives and laptops at house https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66263481 Seizing Floppy disks, a 512mb ATA HDD with Win95 installed, etc might produce useable evidence... But... What useable info might be on anything more current than what I snarkily describe? Tupac investigation? Srsly?
  9. Are calculations about expansion tied to estimates of the age of the universe? There is a new paper out arguing that the universe is twice as old as the general consensus. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/07/14/universe-may-older-than-thought-study-shows/70411343007/ Just wondering, if true, whether a revised age challenges other assumptions beyond just how long stars have been forming galaxies
  10. Hmmm.... Can't even get to Science & Spaceflight from the internal forums link now.
  11. We need a "Groan" button for bad puns. Making KERB acronym work gets a thumbs up... 'KERB the bugs'? GROAN!
  12. I'm getting '500' errors (forum can't handle the request) trying to link directly to Science and Spaceflight from a Google search. Search: KSP Forums. Click "Science & Spaceflight" fail It is intermittent. Happens both on mobile (Chrome) and PC (Edge). Always the same error. Above this line is a current problem being reported to the team WHY CAN I NOT SEPARATE THOUGHTS INTO DIFFERENT REPLIES? Below this line is a response to someone else's problem I have to do an 'indirect' link from Imgur. Basically I upload the image to Imgur, then I skip trying to use the suggested link, right click on the image and open in new tab. That has an address that ends in something the forums will recognize. Copy and Paste and the image appears. If I use the suggested link, all that shows up is the link - not the image https://imgur.com/a/YoOnApG ...Okay, I used my current problem to highlight my answer to the other poster's problem.
  13. @SunlitZelkovaBut - let's review. You want your OS on the NVMe, too. In fact, first. You don't want to overload the C Drive once you have the OS there - Windows still acts wonky when you get down to less than 10% space on the Drive... Even when that space remaining is over a gigabyte. So only put your most played, important to be on SSD games on the NVMe C Drive. There are often (performance boards) additional NVMe slots for fast calls of games. Perfect D drive for games, video editing software, etc. A SATA SSD block elsewhere (would say normal drive bay, but mine is just hanging out in the box) is where you store videos and photos you want to edit and games that don't need the immediacy of access as your competitive shooting games. The HDD then, is long term storage of static files, pictures of the kids birthday etc.
  14. SSD performance boost is real. Memory is generally cheap. Presuming you have a newer Mobo, there should be an NVMe slot adjacent to the CPU block. That is the absolute best architecture /placement for your SSD. Reduces latency. Any game that regularly calls to the HDD will perform better with an SSD and even better if that SSD is NVMe. Maps load faster, assets load faster, etc. I'm not sure about moving - some say it's fine (now) but in the past the only way was uninstall / reinstall (backup save files in a separate folder - manually add after the port). Windows has gotten 'smarter' so I assume you can cut and paste the file from current location to new and then make sure the shortcut and exe files know the new address. I still use my old legacy 1TB HDD for games that don't require me to compete against other people's systems. So, War Thunder should be on the SSD whereas something like Tomb Raider could be on the HDD.
  15. Happy Anniversary, JWST! Marking the one-year anniversary of science observations with the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope, NASA released a spectacular new image Wednesday showing the closest star-forming region to Earth, a colorfully chaotic tapestry of swirling gas studded with sun-like stars. The stellar nursery in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex features about 50 young stars, all similar to Earth's sun or smaller. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-webb-space-telescope-image-nearby-stellar-nursery/
  16. Anthropocene declared https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/07/11/world/anthropocene-epoch-geological-time-unit-scn/index.html&ved=2ahUKEwj-3c6QuoeAAxVHBTQIHTVPDXMQr_oDKAB6BAhPEAE&usg=AOvVaw0WJXFHrS7zHW38Obuh4Xai CANADA immediately apologizes.
  17. This is the perfect combination of smart, mercenary and well positioned. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/avi-loeb-harvard-professor-alien-technology-fragments-us/ Dude is getting all kinds of money to do (possibly) legit science by playing on
  18. Grin! Although moderate counterpoint: "Scientists" proposing GeoEngineering 'solutions' to climate change are like the College Party Expert saying, "When you're starting to pass out from too much alcohol and narcotics, the only solution is more cocain!"
  19. In an interesting cowinkidink* my son and I were just discussing how spring guns are illegal in the US. Generally speaking you're not allowed to use deadly force to preserve property - on the other hand it is perfectly legal to use deadly force in defense of yourself or others. Won't keep you from being prosecuted or sued - but as an affirmative defense, it's better than nothing. *(throwback to black&white TV comedy specials)
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