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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. I am kinda with the OP here - I'd like to see some kind of peer reviewed paper suggesting an alternate to just combustion lift on the horizon. I thought I might have been onto something with my idea of mitigating (slowing down) a fission reaction - to which folks were kind enough to point out that atomic reactions are not conceptually similar to chemical reactions. (The closest thing to what I was hoping for is some variation of the nuclear salt water rocket.) It's really hard to turn handwavium into practical application!
  2. Yeah... I agree - but I don't follow this closely enough to even speculate what the tweet is telling us. (I rely on you experienced diviners for that!) Thanks!
  3. Any chance they light the candle this week? (I'll stop class to show it)
  4. This was a hoot on so many levels. Not the least of which, because I spent a good portion of the 70s driving through, and exploring places just like that town. Whiskey recommend. Yeah,I know the story is set in the 50s.. but time moves slowly in the desert.
  5. That is pretty damn awesome, if you ask me. Ornamental boondoggle or not
  6. https://news.sky.com/story/nasa-manages-to-produce-oxygen-on-mars-12957288
  7. I can prestart the car with the fob and run the AC along with the engine. Or the heater given time of year. When I get or make a call the radio mutes and the AC drops down to just a breeze - and back up again when I hang up. But losing power while driving has never been a concern. Maybe I don't notice it - but after a few minutes of running the AC I usually turn down the fan anyway. Never noticed it cycle during acceleration - but maybe it does. Ofc - I just hit the gas and that 6.2 liter V8 just goes ... My wife's Toyota isn't as satisfying. 6cyl. It's a gas sipper compared to the truck - but lots of acceleration lag.
  8. Yeah - also, my AC cuts out on phone calls, too, so it makes sense that they'd keep Powah in mind alongside convenience
  9. This is so weird to me. I've heard people say that running AC eats into performance but never experienced it. Ofc I drive Chevy and GMC trucks - but full AC, towing a load up a mountain pass, and I'm able to pass. Just step on the gas and go. Is it a EuroCar thing?
  10. There is a reason 'P' stands for 'Plenty' in the Demo Equation
  11. If it is worth going to, we'd better be there a lot sooner than 1 million years. We were on slide 9 1mya
  12. If they get ignition, I suspect they'll get orbit Depends on the number of booster rockets that survived take off - but I think if they have enough to attempt separation, they get orbit
  13. Those are features I enjoyed - seeing a grittier side of the Federation, one that had been infiltrated and was at times at war with itself. I also enjoyed the Q episodes and the forced introspection. I remember being annoyed with 'Number One' through most of the original televised ST series, but he had better writing in this series - with the exception of making him look unnecessarily weak during the crisis in the nebula. (response may seem disjointed but trying to be Spoiler Frei) But tbh Season 3 seems like a strong departure from the first two - almost like half of the writing is done by people who get the vision of the first two seasons of Picard and the other half by people who are faithful to the television show (but only have a passing knowledge of the earlier Picard seasons) - with the two shoved together awkwardly Example - the first episode of Season 3 literally rejected the character development arc of season 2 in favor of just sending the hero out on - what? A parallel but unconnected story arc?
  14. Yeah - I can't watch Hidden Figures or The Right Stuff and see anything but both audacity and deep thinking. If you contextually think about the risk Kathryn Johnson was taking being the person able to compute Glenn's return and recovery? There was a lot of bravery beyond just the guys who strapped in.
  15. Wifeypoo is sitting next to me, so I can't watch the video... But the first 30 seconds of the rant is entertaining
  16. Hold the phone - I thought that was the old system. How is this thinking still in play?
  17. Just amazing what people are doing with photography these days.
  18. So... this popped up a couple of years ago and I couldn't be bothered to buy yet another subscription (Peacock). But... The first two seasons are GOOD. Like seriously well done. And it was fun to see old characters again.
  19. I think, honestly, that the best comes after the government pushed breakthrough gets normalized and for profit competition takes over.
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