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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. This is my third attempt to post from my Alt. Via Firefox on PC. Apparently, this works. However - Edge is still wonky. Joe.
  2. I am unable to reach Sci & Space with the alt on PC (Edge). This page isn’t working right now forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com can't currently handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
  3. This is my second attempt to post from my Alt. Via phone and Samsung Internet
  4. This is my first attempt to post with my Alt. Apparently my content will need to be approved by a moderator.
  5. @Dakota and @Gargamel I just tried logging in (am actually currently logged in) via my work computer. I have never logged in on this device, and the browser is Chrome. Error 500 again. So: multiple devices, multiple OSes... no joy.
  6. Mine either - I can only imagine the fireball. I've taught my teen the joy of Corned Beef Hash as an instant energy snack and he's been certified to both cook with and clean the Carbon Steel. However, 'she who cares about such things' regularly notes that his cooking leaves a fine mist of grease spatter around. So even if an oil mister did not give me a kitchen fireball creator - it would be banned for aesthetics
  7. Hi - thank you for the attempt. Both the PC and Phone still get error 500 when trying to view Sci & Space while logged in.
  8. Point of order. In 1977, a movie called Star Wars came out. Every other Star Wars branded film is either a prequel or a sequel. The first three movies are Star Wars Empire Strikes Back (and) Return of the Jedi. The value of the story telling faded dramatically after the first half of Empire. The third movie is a joke - ewoks? Pls. Just gave up and decided to sell toys. The ill-thought series with the kid and short whiney teen could not have produced Darth Vader and should be excluded. They were there merely to sell toys. The after series are OK although they also got kinda silly. Still selling toys. *This has been your curmudgeon moment for the day. * (I have spoken)
  9. Properly seasoned, the pan survived... But I had to heat it up with some water and scrape with an aluminum spatula to get the cheese off. No harm done. Thing is - just a light coat of oil isn't frying... I just cannot convince 'she who has her own ideas about things' that I'm right.
  10. That is cool of you... Sadly taking a break until some of the graphics stuff gets optimized and scrolling the official forums for word on the economy. I suspect graphics is the priority. The economic failsafes have been talked about, but no promises made.
  11. My wife decided to cook hamburgers for the kids using my CarbonSteel skillet. (At this point, the initiated should be guessing everything went fine - a well seasoned carbon steel skillet is perfect for meat.) Problem. She's opposed to using the tallow I rendered or butter or even olive oil to pre-grease the pan: she's cooking lean hamburger and doesn't want to add fats. Mmmkay. But then the kids wanted cheese. Anyone want to guess how the pan looks? Condolences PS - I hate that the forums mixes separate posts
  12. @magnemoe had similar experiences a while ago. Don't know if it's still happening for him. I've heard others say they've had temporary issues - but mine is persistent. Chrome (phone), Samsung Internet (phone), Edge (PC) and Firefox (PC) all refuse to work whenever I'm logged in. Ofc. once I log out - the forum works. Otherwise? Logged in? 500. Also - phone does not care whether I'm on the home wifi or data far, far from home. I've reset routers, cleared caches and done other things thinking it was my end... but being multi-platform and knowing at least one other guy has had the same problem makes me think it's not a 'me' thing.
  13. @Vanamonde this is the 'Next Unread'. However when I next hit either 'Go to Topic Listing' at the bottom, or the Sci & Space tab at the top of the page, I will again get 'Error 500'.
  14. I can typically go look for a past post of mine and use it to get into the specific thread. That takes me around the general subforum. But even from there, I can't "back in" to the sub. I can reply, however - as I will demonstrate.
  15. Nope. Kraken-Ban still in effect. If I'm not logged in, I can read Sci & Space - but that's all. If I am logged in, I can Forum everywhere else, but Sci & Space is Error 500. This is true for me on my phone and PC - and does not care which browser. Oh - and thank you for checking!
  16. We have the actual thread in the Lounge... This is a weird one to start off the Master Thread and pin. Unless you want more jokes about buying a car or a computer. TBH - I was just pricing a 4080 ($1200) and reading someone talking about buying a gaming system with income installments of $50? Yeek.
  17. Tower rarely has much impact; if you like the look & price go for it. There are some things to think about, depending upon build - like if you're not going watercooled and want a quiet efficient air cooled... you might go one direction. If you're going watercooled, you've got other considerations. I'd recommend looking at GamersNexus for recommendations.
  18. I like Corsair. @Nukecan talk more about the 'flavors' of PSUs. He's got higher standards than I do.
  19. 3070 will run almost anything at 1080p with max settings. Especially anything as old as KSP. Newer titles, or stuff running Ray Tracing might need some tweaks for 120+ FPS. What the 3070 really is - a solid GPU for 1440p or entry level for 4k. Echoing @Chemp - it does not pay to skimp on a power supply. Get a reputable named PSU and 1000w for a tower build is a good idea. Bad PSU eats the most expensive stuff in your build, if not careful.
  20. I've seen that. There is a developer response stating that teeth and LOD are not (really) the issue. Some hit... but not a major one. Cities: Skylines 2 developer: 'Yes, our characters have teeth. No, the characters' teeth are not affecting performance' | PC Gamer My biggest concern is the 'broken' simulation side. There is apparently a very wonky economic model that has multiple things wrong with it. A lot of people complaining about it just being a painter at the moment. The complaint echoes that of my son; there's not really a game to be played at the moment. Sure you can build something that looks like a city - but the game is so forgiving that there's no challenge. All you do is build (paint) something that you hope looks nice. Except - with the graphics issues? Nope.
  21. Must give props where due; those are some awesome images. Lighting, clouds and terrain look great.
  22. That actually defines the bug. There were variants (or perhaps differing ways of explaining the same phenomena) but essentially, you get a craft into orbit (know that it has a set PE and AP both in space) then go do something else. When you return to the ship now you discover there is no orbit and you're on a steep dive to the planetary body. IIRC there was some talk about this occurring whenever said orbit was below a certain altitude (a generous one; like 50km for Minmus or something). Needless to say, it was widely reported and bemoaned months ago.
  23. That is great - and what I'd hoped to accomplish. I just never quite figured out how it worked during the weeks I played. Whatever it was I was doing was not in line with the functionality they intended. I'll check out the system again after "For Science!" drops.
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