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Everything posted by Drakenred65

  1. NThey are being a bit vague about it for som reason. But he did mention that as of the day he recorded that video one engine that they had in that trailer has still not been identified. I think most people think it’s referring to the second “ compound” engine. Note I personally doubt it’s a Aeroplug engine, as that is a SSTO engine. That seemed to be in deep space and in use.
  2. What’s mildly disappointing thing is we supposedly still haven’t figured what that one drive is, despite several suggestions that I have seen that it may be a metallic Hydrogen fusion and metallic anti Hydrogen fusion - matter antimatter reaction engine.but then they probably don’t pay attention to Russian Language vids as it’s not native to them, and to be honest using a theoretical metallic anti hydrogen fusion drive that is pumped by a theoretical Metalic hydrogen drive puts the bat excrements crazy in bat excrements crazy. Oh sorry back on track.. its mildly disappointing because either it’s not batexcrements crazy enough. Or it’s too bat excrements.
  3. Ok guys Calm down. Atomic or metallic hydrogen engines , both simple chemical reaction and some of the more elaborate Fusion drives that some have suggested are at least mathematically possible which ironically makes them as realistic as the Fleets of Orion Drive space ships, or long term space Colony’s as in most of the population is born, lives out there lives, and dies their moon colony’s. Both in theory are doable. But no one currently wants to actually build them. Well apart from those in Mars One, and that one oilman that Apparently wanted NASA and Russia to build and launch them. Back on point though that kind of mathematically or theoretically possible type of drive is the only realistic, for a given value of realistic, way of getting to a nearby star system. you also have to realize that we’re talking about a game that is based on at least one currently extremely theoretical concept. That someplace else has sentient and sufficiently intelligent to support a space program and are hell bent at exploring the universe foe whatever reason life. Getting nit picky about how possibly engine x is is just silly.
  4. With all the headaches I’m still having with other mods I suspect that you will have Wolf out before I get every thing else stable or weeded out of my mod list.
  5. Good news everyone. I can now load into the game, select a ship from the tracking station, and load it without it exploding for the first time this week. the bad news? Nothing from MKS seems to be working right, one of my rovers seems to spontaneously deplete all EC while another apparently Does not use any charge, and my two big haulers refuse to light main engines. Oh well time to camp the forums for further updates
  6. Well that and also the concept gap of how on earth do Goo and thermometers lead to advanced radioes Rapier engines and advanced RTGs? The only core part that provides science that’s remotely applicable to designing or building a actual rocket is the SC9001.
  7. I Found it hilarious that Mr Matty had not one but two rant videos about there actually broken ass premium pass and not so private severs (seriously I was asked to join one persons privat sever so she could show me what’s wrong. The place we logged into was picked clean and had a rad zone from someone else’s nuke. And the people just started showing up that she had not invited . Never Mind comments by Oxhorn and yong yea. seriously most games nowadays deserve a rabid Matty unleashed on them.
  8. Probably because there still working on it. because, Really.....it’s not rocket science.... .....it’s programing! But realistically they probably are working on progression and may be trying to mod proof or at least minimize mods breaking it. So we can avoid problems like what happens when you stack mods like science and contract mods. As it is with all thi biomes at Kerbin and ksp and Science mods you get a big chunk of the science for everything back at Kerbin.
  9. ? Huh? If you mean the. blind stuff it’s an old joke about not seeing the science therefor not getting the science, therefor more science for the other person.
  10. What I meant is that basicaly we are getting almost all of the existing parts, (and a few higher tech parts that we don’t get in the current game) and really that’s it. There has been a couple of attempts at alternative paths to fund the game progress, but really, I think most of us realized early on how munch of a kludge job Science and Carrier is as it is.
  11. Why? He already posted his daily rant about video game company’s. It was Bethesda.
  12. Realisticly we already know what’s in Kerbin system, and what’s in a large part of the tech tree up to the interstellar bit. thats literaly dozens of hours of gameplay we already know.
  13. I just assume unless they say otherwise that it’s pushed back one month for every month they don’t say anything. That way I’m pleasantly surprised when it either launches on time or shortly thereafter. realistically though, it does take time to get to a place where they can talk about it. Because doing a show and tell takes time to get set up to do the show and tell, then determine what exclusive tidbit goes to who., And all the interviews and presentations and web sight that basicaly take place off sight, because ironically it’s less disruptive to send a few people away for publicity than to do publicity in house with various games journalist trooping all over the place.
  14. The problem is squads not responsible for 3rd party mods. They may (and have) more or less take over some functionality from various mods, but third party mods are exactly that. Third party. That’s someone who is not squad trying to get the program to do things it was not expected to do. They really cant just sit there try and work on changes and updates, and then sit back and wait for 3rd party mod developers( some of whom may actually no longer be supporting there own mods) to get off there ass and update there mods. Rover dude for one has been quite clear about the fact that it may be next week before he’s even back home. now if my being aware of how reality works makes me “blind”, well that’s just to bad . . . for you. After all while I’m blind, that means more science for you! um don’t ask me to explain that...it’s an old joke from when they did the big sci nerf.... someone complained they could not launch a solar observer and just lap up the science because it’s now once and your blind so I said well you being blind to science just means more science for me!
  15. Right. They made a few changes that directly impacted this and several other mods. The mod makers are working to try and sort all this all out. Unfortunately that will take some time since Squad May have to put in a patch on top of the current patch.
  16. I honestly don’t know, short of someone finding planet 9 and the Deves sticking in something 10,000 au out though, or adding in more planets is just a basic delta v and timing problem
  17. Ohh I was thinking you were referring to long period or wide binary s since those can be have an orbit of around 1 light year or around 63,000 au wide, and given that the theoretical planet 9 has a 10-20,000 year orbit anything further out would have an even larger and longer orbit.
  18. Then the world needs to go on a diet! oh wait it’s holloween that uniquely Japanese time of year when parents take there kids to visit the local Yakuza for candy and the rest of Japan trashes,Well, Japan. Although after living there, honestly I think it’s partly so they can clean up the mess afterwords. https://kotaku.com/shibuya-trashed-after-halloween-so-volunteers-clean-up-1820034368 in the states it’s also national half off miniture candy eve.
  19. Actualy we have binary stars that have orbital periods of under an hour. And that’s not the crazyest thing in the real universe.
  20. I suspect someone will have a outer worlds kind of mod ported over or built, but for the core system I don’t really expect much in the way of changes.
  21. Give Rover and Doc a day or two, at least, then realize that his fixing things in his stuff might actually break things for you in some other mod. if nothing else while you wait hit up Netflix or mug redbox for a movie or two, or binge read a webcomic. There’s Freefall, Grrl power or ...hmmm....
  22. Well currently im just using the kaboose as an inverted unmanned micro booster + monoprop tank and RSC unit + small battery that gets stuck upside down under the probecore, that replaces the Kerbal with a small mono prop tank giving you a small bit of everything and a place to grab onto it later if you need to do anything with it. like building a unmanned scan sat satellite and making it possible to send it from LKO to the Mun Minmus and beyond.
  23. I occasionally boot up oblivion or Skyrim or fallout new vegas or fallout 4. that said, I doubt I will mess with ksp when 2 gets up to speed. After all I haven’t played sims 3 since 4.
  24. Actualy just flip the thing over, stick a 50 kilo Monopropellant tank where the kerbal used to be and repaint it grey or white . Oddly it works just fine for me like that when inverted.. While you still have the 4 micro solid rockets, those are technically good enough to kick you away from your last booster. Stage, just reset them to have a minimum fuel of like .1 or so, and let people tweek that up to 4 if they really want it.
  25. And this is why i never should touch actual models with anything to extravagant., somehow the extra Monopropellant thruster I added is making the thing spin at any thrust like I put it on the edge and not dead center, but a just tweek the numbers version that doesn’t have an actual extra thruster added to it remains stable. Granted I did not add the parachute as ballast, but you would think it would be just as unstable rather way. Or maybe I’m just not spotting it when not useing the monothruster because it’s less of a torc issue then. granted the extra Monopropellant in kaboose mode seems to give better control on ascent and maneuvering, so for me it’s still useful.
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