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Everything posted by _Astra_

  1. I can use these parts, these hinges are in the database. Tell please which pre-rework parts do i need exactly? There is a lot of "pre" stuff between 2.0 and 2.0.4, i have both Legacy and Updated parts, only hinges fail but because these two were the only hinges everything fails.
  2. I had to leave KSP for a while, then tried to load my year-old designs but failed. Tell please what's wrong? Looks bizarre. A part is loaded but is not available for a weird reason. It seems that every design using IRHinge* parts cannot be loaded anymore for me. The hinge parts themselves are operational. A brief excerpt follows: [ERR 19:48:10.097] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-13 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.097] [ShipTemplate]: Could not locate root part in My_Ship-13 as 7 entries remain after eliminating all parts listed as children. This is probably wrong. [ERR 19:48:10.114] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-14 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.115] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-14 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.115] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-14 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.115] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-14 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.116] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-14 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.116] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-14 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.116] [ShipTemplate]: Could not locate root part in My_Ship-14 as 7 entries remain after eliminating all parts listed as children. This is probably wrong. [ERR 19:48:10.140] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-5 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable [ERR 19:48:10.141] [ShipConstruct]: Trying to load My_Ship-5 - No AvailablePart found for IRHingeTallScaleable Both IRHingeTallScaleable and IRHingeTallNDScaleable are broken this way.
  3. I have x64 and it crashes. Rolled back to 1.3.0, works.
  4. I have no Kopernics. It crashes when doing something to Unity.
  5. Same to me. I'm rolling back to 1.3.0
  6. Not exact. The sail package was deployed by rotatrons and extendatrons and then packed back just before landing. Sadly i cannot remember more details as it was a half year ago and now the Infernal Robotics fails to handle the same craft. But the acceleration was incorrect, mostly opposite to the sunlight.
  7. I remember we probably discussed that cport1 to be deprecated, but losing strut1 is is very frustrating. Thank you for answerring soon, but what happens if i put 0.6.3 into the KSP 1.3 setup in addition to 1.0? Or maybe i need to merge these two manually? Update. trying to find 0.6.3 but it looks being missed from the releases.
  8. Good evening. Tell please what happened to strut1 ? If there is any replacement for an inline strut ? Maybe there's a legacy part pack i missed ? cport1 was replaced, but strut1 wasn't. This little part looked both nice and handy.
  9. Good news, very glad to hear it. I had to abandon KSP for two months due to this mod-breaking update (unexpected, as usual).
  10. Allista, it seems there is an unexpected issue with Thud engines. When a Thud is mounted non-radially TAC does not allow controlling the engine manually, the limit is always reset to zero. I cannot move a slider in Manual Control mode, it's locked at 0%. Used the same approach with rear mounted engines, but Thud rotated 90 degrees does not work this way. Are the radial engines handled differently? Or there is another problem?
  11. Sorry, it seems i found it, perhaps the only type of tank accepting rock is HA-350. Looks like a slightly modified goo canister and it's very hard to be noticed. No other tank can be switched to rock. But then i got another problem: cannot refill Rock on planets. MEU-100 provides Dirt, not rock (i dont think every rock is dirty). Tell please how do i get any Rock resource on Kerbin?
  12. RoverDude, the problem is that a bundled Community Resource Pack (0.6.6) seems to have no Rock definition . Have Alumina.cfg ArgonGas.cfg CarbonDioxide.cfg Dirt.cfg ExoticMinerals.cfg Gypsum.cfg Hydrates.cfg IntakeLqd.cfg Karbonite.cfg Karborundum.cfg LqdHe3.cfg LqdHydrogen.cfg MetallicOre.cfg Minerals.cfg Mopedantte.cfg Oxygen.cfg RareMetals.cfg Silicates.cfg Substrate.cfg Uraninite.cfg Water.cfg XenonGas.cfg No rock. I'be clicked many small and midrange tanks - they provide Dust, Water, Mulch (whatever it means) but no Rock.
  13. I tried using mass drivers from with no luck. The mass engine requires a 'Rock' resource but i can't find any rock container. It's a bug or didn't i catch something?
  14. It's not beautiful, it's ugly. It's anything but not Russian language. Even the tech terminology differs seriously between languages. I hope it's not a sample of the fourthcoming KSP translation
  15. I am using KSP mostly as a flight simulator so it doesnt matter. It has been been removed even from the settings file ?
  16. Thank you, sounds good. But if this setting still exist in config it can be changed manually i hope. Before the release happens.
  17. Dear blackrack tell please how do i change the near clipping plane in scatterer ? Some early release had this setting but now it's gone. When i'am in IVA the most of wings is clipped out.
  18. Can you add eye reflections please ? If it is possible ?
  19. It happens on landings and takeoff. Auto deploying or retracting gears and brakes immediately resets Level. Level is also reset in Cruise and Go To modes.
  20. Supposed just a simple checkbox to Enable / Disable the main key but okay, thanks. We'll see it. There is another problem: both of AutoBreak and AutoGear functions reset the Level mode to Stop upon activation on low altitudes. A large unbalanced craft would fall then. Pretty hard to understand why Level cannot be kept active in any mode.
  21. Whenever i'm doing this TCA rewrites config.xml at its own. Tried twice. Y key is hardcoded into mod and is restored on game start.
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