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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. Define 'reasonable', and how much money you're willing to spend. The drives we've seen them show for interstellar drives all are based on known principles and technologies. (Quibbles about metallic hydrogen aside - even there it's based on reasonable theories, even if there's major doubts about it working.)
  2. If you're talking about jets on Duna - what real-world jet would you think could work there? There of course could be several models of nuclear thermal jets, but that's the only 'jet' technology I know of that would stand a chance to work in that atmosphere. The next closest I can think of would be some form of electric turbofan. (And you'd have to have some good EC storage/generation - if it's nuclear, just go with the nuclear thermal as it'll be simpler.)
  3. Best you'd likely get on Duna is Nuclear Thermal - there really shouldn't be anything that's going to have an energetic reaction in Duna's atmosphere. You'd need life or an active geothermal system to maintain something like that in free-floating form.
  4. I see nothing in that page that won't work on a Mac. (In fact, I see some Mac-specific recommendations for what program to use.) Though I can see the point about not wanting to go into the Squad files and adding something.
  5. As far as I know, it's been there since at least when they implemented time-warp, which this is built off of. It gets discussed a fair amount in the MKS thread, as it directly impacts the local logistics that MKS uses. (Which makes in noticeable to players, otherwise typically in most situations it's not really noticeable. It affects stock ISRU as well, but it's less visible there.) I'm not sure if there's an official documentation source, it's mostly been 'this is the repeatable behavior we can all see' in MKS, though I think RoverDude has confirmed it.
  6. This isn't *GC* working this way. This is *KSP* working this way: It utilizes the time-skip code to do the background catch-up, by calculating what happened in 6-hour time skip intervals.
  7. To add to the above (I wasn't sure if GC followed the catch-up, so I didn't add earlier) - catch-up is typically done in 6-hour chunks. So, @B-STRK you want enough battery to last at *least* 6 hours, and round that up. Then the catch-up can fill that battery and drain it during the catch up repeatedly. If you have less than 6 hours of storage, the catch up will act as if it's only online for the amount of storage you had.
  8. I play almost exclusively Science mode. I like the structure of unlocking parts and advancing the tech tree, but I find most of the contracts basically busywork. (I also tend to over-engineer my space agency - having them have multiple missions and bases on Mun and Minmus, and then a new version of KSP comes out and I can't transfer my save to it without breaking something...)
  9. Why would you guess that? The thread title indicates it's current to the current KSP.
  10. If you're coming back to KSP - are you looking at Gravity Turn or Gravity Turn Continued in CKAN?
  11. Typically I only see that behavior when I have fairly weak reaction wheels in relation to the mass of my vessel. Can we see a pic of the ship?
  12. I've updated it @linuxgurugamer - Updated version in the PR. Now allows surface attachment in all the parts except the docking ports, and is specific enough that I'm not worried about it accidentally hitting other parts.
  13. There's limitations on both lower and upper velocities. At lower velocities as you said it isn't generating enough fuel through the scoop to resupply. At high velocities it gets to the point where the fuel it's gathering isn't sufficient to accelerate all the fuel it's gathering to the velocity of the ship so it can be used. There *is* a range in the middle where it's useful, but it's narrower than you'd think and total time star-to-star for nearly all voyages is actually lower with a ship that carries it's own fuel for the entire trip. (As it can get to higher velocities.) A ramjet is calculated to have trouble getting beyond 0.12c. (And depending on the calculations, you may not be getting enough fuel to resupply until anywhere from 0.1c to 0.6c. Assuming the lower of those is correct, you could cruse at 0.11c indefinately, with fuel in your tanks.)
  14. While I would love to see them - if we do, they'd have to have the drawbacks which make them impractical for most real uses. (Basically that giant scoop creates drag, which limits how fast you can go. For nearly all practical purposes you can go from star to star faster without a ramjet and just carrying your fuel.)
  15. Which then makes years-long journeys to other stars under timewarp impractical - especially if you have colonies as well. If you limit clock-driven mechanics, you have to be careful not to be breaking the utility of timewarp.
  16. Tested, last night. I may update based on the testing - it only allows passage through node connections. (Though surface is toggleable with the right CLS settings.)
  17. Really, given the size of a Kerbal, I'm not sure how you'd set up a science lab in a 1.25m part anyway. It'd be like trying to run a science lab from an airplane seat.
  18. Added. Note that I haven't tested it. It was composed in-forum.
  19. The scripting they were talking about in that is at a different level - it's to control the game/parts, not to control the ships/stations/flights. You could likely use one to build the other, since it's at a lower level of abstraction of course.
  20. Would this be to permissive? @PART[KT_*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]]:AFTER[KerbalTubes] { MODULE { name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace passable = true } }
  21. How many 'wheels' does the Critter Crawler actually have? (In terms of KSPWheel instances.) I suspect it's likely just one...
  22. Good to hear you've got a plan. I just wanted to make sure you'd thought about it before you were stuck on the pole with no power...
  23. Copy patch into a text editor (like Notepad) and save it as a file with the extension .cfg into your GameData folder. Make sure you're saving as plain text. Best practice is to create your own sub-folder for patches like this, named something unique. Then you can just copy them between KSP installs as you upgrade. Oh, and thanks @Friznit - I'd been thinking of doing something similar, but never gotten around to it... (Honestly, I find the probe core and guidance computer in this pack fairly underwhelming - by the time I've unlocked them, I've got cores that are both better and smaller.)
  24. Quick thought looking at that, from my experience trying to drive rovers of that manufacturer to the poles: Is it's only power source solar? The roof-mounted solar panels are great at lower latitudes, but at the poles they don't get any exposure and won't be able to generate power.
  25. I don't recall anything about out of focus acceleration - there was talk about acceleration under time-warp, but that's not the same thing.
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