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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. Astronomer's Visual Pack - Beyond Ultra v4.20 (Preview) A reimagining of Astronomer's Visual Pack with raymarched volumetrics support, and the final major update of AVP for KSP1 (for real this time). Coming SoonTM* * after i finish elden ring
  2. If anyone is having one of their fairing halves fall off at or slightly after launch, turning off Fairing Auto-struts on the fairing base seems to fix this for me.
  3. If you're using Parallax, I've forced citylights to disable when that mod is detected in order to avoid clipping issues on the surface. It looks like the latest update for Parallax fixes that, though. The Parallax fix will be removed next AVP update, but for now, you can open CityLights.cfg in the AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/ folder, remove the ":NEEDS[!Parallax]" on the first line, and save the file.
  4. Y'all in career - if you're playing with the difficulty setting that forces you to purchase parts before you can use them, you will have to buy the fairing size upgrades in R&D in order to use sizes larger than 1.5m as the upgrades will not show up in the parts list.
  5. Update v4.13 Changelog Fixed overexposed Jool aurora. Forced city lights to disable when Parallax is detected (the effects clip into Parallax terrain). Lowered altitude of Dres surface dust and reduced particle size. Fixed fine detail and seams in cirrus cloud detail texture. Adjusted TUFX configs: Disabled TUFX antialiasing in favor of scatterer's implementation. Reduced bloom softness. Tweaked auto exposure to be brighter in most scenes. Ambient occlusion is now visible in the IVA only with the default AVP TUFX config. Added an alternate TUFX config with ambient occlusion visible in all scenes (albeit still with artifacts when zoomed in to a vessel). Download by clicking the period at the end of this sentence. You will have to download the new texture update.
  6. KSP with any decent EVE and scatterer effects will invariably push most GPUs to their max if the framerate isn't limited. The programming behind the 3D rendering of the game simply isn't cut for efficiency in producing these heavy effects. You can either set a framerate limit or stress the CPU with other mods and large part counts to alleviate the stress on the GPU.
  7. Sounds like you encountered a Minmus geyser, though, they shouldn't appear black but blue. I'll have to take a look myself.
  8. Update v4.12 Changelog Redone scatterer configs for the latest scatterer version. Enabled TUFX SMAA (Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing), with less performance impact than the ingame AA. Turn off the ingame antialiasing, it will be redundant. For those who don't mind smearing artifacts in the background while time warping, I personally recommend changing the antialiasing mode in TUFX to Temporal Antialiasing (TAA). Added auto exposure and eye adaptation TUFX effects. Now you should be able to see your craft in all its glory under low light. Enabled TUFX HDR to accommodate higher exposure scenes. Disabled TUFX ambient occlusion (still bugged). Decreased lightning on Laythe. Tuned Neidon and Urlum aurora coloration. Reduced Thatmo atmosphere and clouds to a more realistic level. Lessened lightning on Urlum and Tekto. Adjusted Tekto's ocean to better reflect the composition of the oceans. New loading screens. General atmosphere look changes. Download by clicking below.
  9. This is an inevitable anomaly when the square detail textures are tessellated over a spherical body. It's unfortunately much more prominent with the auroras as their detail texture is scaled much larger than that of any cloud layer.
  10. Update v4.11 Changelog Removed KS3P support. Disabled TUFX antialiasing. Removed custom scatterer settings, use scatterer presets instead. Changing scatterer presets from 'very high' can yield up to a 25% performance increase in some situations with only a slight visual difference. You can do this by clicking on the blue globe button in the toolbar while in the Space Center.
  11. Aside from the aforementioned ambient occlusion bug that happens regardless of version, yep.
  12. AVP's profile has ambient occlusion enabled, a TUFX feature which is slightly bugged causing odd interference pattern shadows to appear when the camera is close to an object. I left the feature enabled as the way it adds depth to scenes is pretty incredible... ...anticipating that the developer would eventually fix this issue, but I guess it's been unfixed long enough that others have outright disabled the feature in their profiles. Interestingly, the same feature in TUFX's predecessor, KS3P, does not exhibit this bug.
  13. Parallax and AVP are totally different. You can run them both in the same install if you please. Parallax will overhaul planetary surfaces and terrain while AVP spruces up the atmosphere alongside some other effects. 8k textures are currently the top-of-the-line for AVP. TUFX will work fine (well, as functional as it would be on 1.9.1) on the latest version of KSP. I highly recommend using AVP's TUFX profile to achieve the visuals seen in the images, but you are free to use your own profiles as well.
  14. Looks like uploading the 43k clouds unintentionally made the texture release the latest release lol. I have rectified this, apologies for the inconvenience. You can open the EVE GUI in the tracking station, navigate to CloudsManager > AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/clouds > Laythe, select either cloud layer, change the last value in RGBA (alpha, or transparency) to a lower value, and hit Apply and Save if the cloud density is a hassle.
  15. For those of you willing to sacrifice your relationship with your GPU and RAM, here's the 43k Kerbin cloud enhancement.
  16. Depending on your texture resolution, the clouds may look blurry from certain altitudes. Try out a higher texture resolution. It just occurred to me I forgot to reupload these with the latest update. Sorry about that, they'll be available later today.
  17. Both have negligible impact to the CPU. TUFX allows for the AVP profile to be easily swapped and tweaked in-game, but currently has an issue with ambient occlusion, creating the 'shadow banding' seen when zoomed close to a craft. KS3P does not have this issue, but you lose out on some ease-of-use and newer effects.
  18. If you mean reducing the hit to the GPU with the mod, you can try turning off some of the features either in the main menu GUI or in the scatterer/config/config.cfg file.
  19. Update v4.1 (Beyond - Phase 2) Changelog Massive performance improvements. The following measurements were recorded using AVP with 8k textures at 1080p on an i7-7700k @ 4.5GHz, GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition, and 32GB DDR4-2400 memory. All suggested mods are enabled. OPM is installed. 30-40% decreased RAM usage in most situations. 20-30 fps increase in most situations (note that a GPU bottleneck occurs here; stronger GPUs should be able to benefit even more.) 20% decrease in uncompressed mod filesize. Higher resolution textures. Cumulus cloud particle has been upgraded from 256x to 1024x. Cirrus cloud detail texture has been upgraded from 1024x to 4096x. Removed snow. This visual effect is not feasible with the current performance impact of EVE particles, though may be revisited if new developments arise here. Disabled terrain shadows. This visual effect is not feasible with the current performance impact of the feature, though may be revisited if new developments arise here. Adjusted Kerbin's terminator. Optimized Duna's atmosphere. Optimized Laythe's atmosphere Adjusted Sarnus's atmosphere. Adjusted Neidon's atmosphere. Adjusted Tekto's atmosphere. Adjusted Tekto's lightning. Adjusted Thatmo's atmosphere. Adjusted Duna's auroras. Increased city lights scaling. Removed Vall glow. Reduced scatterer ocean fourier grid size to 64. Added caustics to and adjusted Tekto's oceans. New loading screen logo. New loading screens. Removed old loading screens. Thank you all for your patience.
  20. I'm currently waiting on a minor update to EVE to deploy a major update in the works As for the rest of you folk, apologies for any unresponsiveness on my part. It's been a stressful many months. Hopefully the upcoming update to AVP will rectify the last of our issues to become the greatest, most performant update yet.
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