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Posts posted by przybysz86

  1. 7 minutes ago, Conventia said:

    I wouldn't suggest changing the mass of the fairings back to their original, unless that makes them more realistic/accurate. .

    I agree with above. We should stick to realism not recreating tutorial that use old part versions. If anything - add a written note on a video that this part was using older version and some minor dV discrepancies may appear.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Hancer said:

    Currently I have problems with the default runway textures.  As known, the default tarmac runway turns into a normal concrete runway at the start of the realistic career.

    If looked closely, this runway texture is slightly above the default tarmac texture height of KSP runway, so when loading planes for test and regular flights, 80% of the time the gears do not recognize the concrete runway and sink into ground (to the default tarmac runway height)

    However the real problem is that the runway is made up of 3 sections and you can easily recognize the transition between the textures when you hover your mouse over them.  During take-off, when the plane passes these joint points over the runway, it jumps abruptly like it hits a bumper on the road.  This is even more recognizable during simulation.

    With this stage it is nearly impossible to take off, or worse, land to the default runway of realistic progress zero runway. I don't know which config or dll changes the runway textures, but I would be glad if someone can help me on this.

    There are no problems with Launchpad, VAB or SPH.

    do you have RSS? I have the same issue but I've always thought it's RSS not RP-0 related.

  3. @FullMetalMachinist that's nice work you did there and I think it confirms that fairings changes cause the difference. That said - I have no problem with that as long as I know what causes it.
    I see Nathan's tutorial more as of inspiration than step-by-step guide and I usually build my own versions of similar rockets that better suit my play style.

    I was only puzzled because when I first saw the tutorial few weeks ago I saw how inefficient my designs were - for example  was never able to create lunar impactor under 40t to use the lvl1 pad.

    I used tutorial designs as benchmark and that's why I was wondering what I do wrong that I cannot match dV.

    Long story short - I will stick to current masses and I will just adjust :)

  4. 13 hours ago, Maxsimal said:

     I also wonder if it might have something to do with having a large number of completed contracts.  my save file is > 10MB right now mostly because of the 100's of completed contracts in there.  If there's anything in CC that allocates a lot of memory every time it iterates over completed contracts that could be a big culprit.

    do not think so - I have stutter in sandbox as well. Possibly contracts are one of the small reasons that together make game skip a frame every few seconds but they are not the main reason. In general I think problem is with memory usage. with 8G Ram on my machine most of the game is in "system compressed memory" somewhere on the hard drive and I think this gets it. And given that it takes 4-5G of this memory I do not think 10MB more will mage a huge difference.
    But that's mine "hunch".

    I think also mods like TAC LS, Orbital Decay or Persistent Rotation (I have all three) can impact performance as they do lot of calculations even "on rails"

  5. 2 minutes ago, Diche Bach said:

    Interesting. So using "multiple Tier 1" antenna to amplify and achieve the effective range of a "Tier 2  or 3.5 (or whatever)" _IS_ a real thing (albeit with tradeoffs in reduced range in some directions, which the game cannot really model . . .). Thanks for posting that.

    normal antenna (like CB) is just a monopole, use two and you get dipole, use multiple and you get for eample Yagi-Uda antenna and so on.
    It's not just matter of putting two or more so omni spam would be a stupid thing but technically in very specific setups it can actually work

    If you want to see v. modern case where lot of small antennas create directional steerable source check this:

    Interesting thing is that it works for both sound and EM - sound phased arrays are used on concert stages - speakers are tuned together so that sound is as even as possible along the audience and not loud in middle and quite on sides, etc.
    More reading n EM phased arrays I suggest:


    this is just a beginning but will show you that EM propagation is much more complicated than you can imagine. There are lot of situation that are almost like "butterfly effect" when putting small thing somewhere or changing something by 0.00001m tend to dramatically change wave propagation and not always into negative side.

  6. 36 minutes ago, Djordje200179 said:

    I have tried to fully upgrade launch pad, but shaking occurs again. I have also tried to use launch clamps. but same problem occurs, only difference is that all parts except command pods start to move upside at speed 0.2-0.3m/s, and after 5-6 seconds-all parts explode simultaneously.

    if installed uninstall Tweakscale and try - had similar problem some time ago with that mod. but frankly - I have it now and it works.

  7. 1. KCT have nothing to do with failurs - it's part of Test Flight and you can disable test flight in UI - this will disable failures
    2. Test flight does nothing to battery as far as I know - maybe you have "dangit"?
    3. Are you 100% sure you are under the avionics mass weight with all the fairing, etc?

    As 1st attempt I'd suggest clean install of KSP + RO + RSS + RP-0 and re-check.

  8. 8 hours ago, Siege said:

     is less the heating of an antenna, but rather the antenna's emissions causing heating in dielectrics nearby them.

    that makes much more sense - omni antenna emits energy roughly spherically (good enough simplification) and you can calculate how much will return just by calculating angular ratio between your ship and whole sphere (forgive my English but I think you will get the idea).
    Then you have to check how many of that would be reflected, etc but it's not unlike the calculations done for IR radiation from Sun, etc

  9. it does not matter as with anything that emits waves you can, with proper placement, amplify signal in some directions. They will no longer be "omni" but frankly even "real omni" antenna is not. Based on nearby metal planes you can attenuate signal in some directions and amplify it in others. Putting more than one antennas will also add to that - signal in some directions would be amplified while other can cancel out totally.
    It's too complex to be easily simulated in games like KSP, we do not even have proper directional antennas now that have to be exactly directed toward the source - this is more of a concern in small probes without RCS than antenna heat.

  10. @jarraya I'll check it when I get home from work. I'm curious as well.


    EDIT: I've checked and I have the "hiccup" in sandbox as well. It's much, much less frequent but it's there. I think in your case contract configuration might be what gets it over the border.
    I think it have to do with memory usage. I only have 8G of ram and lot of game temp memory is in page file and this restrict access availability so I think that's why my heavily modded game gets those lags.

  11. The assumption about fairings and fairing bases might be correct. I was able to match the dV by decreasing the diameter of my stages a little and stretching them to compensate. This decreased fairing weight proportionally but kept everything else more or less constant - I lost some utilisation due to worse ratio between 100% utilised domes and rest of the tanks volume.

  12. question - is it possible to add 2 things (or tell how to do it as I cant see it):
    -relative delay from last command - for example I want next step to execute exactly 1,5s after previous one

    -option to write the sequence down locally and then "upload" the whole sequence with delayed start?

    It would make the mod much more useful in RO/RSS/RP-0 games without need to use kOS for every slightly more complex sequence of actions.


  13. Just now, NathanKell said:

    Thanks! :)

    It's possible that's the case, although if anything you should be getting more delta V due to the fairing side/base lightening. Check your tank utilization values, they might be different?

    I use more mods than you in your tutorial setup so that might also be the reason (hard to compare 2 different game setups) but I will most likely tweak it little more - just for fun.

  14. Great set of videos - I am not a total newcomer to RP-0 + RSS but your video showed me how inefficient my designs were. I am still hard pressed to equal your constructions but if I say fall 50m/s short for your Thor-Ablestar version then I think something might just changed in KSP since video was recorded.

    Nevertheless - even as somehow experienced player I find them useful - keep up the good work mate :)

  15. On 27.07.2016 at 10:23 AM, SyzygyΣE said:


    Hello there. I've just noticed a minor issue. The latest version of Time Control seems to conflict with your mod. With Time Control installed, the date/time bar shows the default "Year X, Day X," and not the real time and date your mod is supposed to deliver. After removing Time Control and testing, your mod once again works. Anyway, reproduction steps is to just simply install this mod and Time Control. If the reproduction steps doesn't seem to work, leave me a message and I shall test again.

    Not really a big problem but it is nice to know exactly what "real" time I'm in during a RP-0 career. Hope you can take a look at it or consult with the developer of Time Control for a fix. Thanks you. :)

    I can confirm - it's not one off specific to @SyzygyΣE . I see the same in mine KSP.

  16. 1 hour ago, deleted said:

    So i just built a very basic bonanza plane.  No matter what I do, I constantly veer off to the left.  I have stripped the plane down to just the wheels(which are attached to the side and perfectly straight), motor, and air intake.  SAS on or off.  

    @NathanKell do we have some (semi)official RP-0 tutorial thread for such Q&A?

    @deleted wheels are not aligned mist likely -- if you attach wheels to bonanza cabin they will not be perfeclty aligned with plane axis and when you gain speed one of them will start to "plough" and turn the plane. Add small procedural tank or whatever (as long as it is perfeclty straight cylinder) at behind the cabin and attach wheels to it. Then offset wheels to proper place:






    Otherwise they will be perpendicular to curvature of the bonanza cabin which almost nowhere is parallel to plane longitudinal axis so they will always have small angle between where wheel want to go and where plane is pointed and this will make whole plane unstable.

    EDIT: I forgot - you can also use "absolute" mode in rotation gizmo

  17. 7 minutes ago, deleted said:

    I know this is probably a very dumb question, but I have looked everywhere. How do I see maximum burn times on engines while constructing a ship in the VAB?  I have seen @NathanKell click on a part in the VAB and it brings up a darker menu.  I just can't figure out for the life of me how to do that.

    in the part info when you scroll down you will see information about reliability of each "setup" also when part is placed you can use right click and "engine gui" is the menu you are looking for.
    Strangely it can give you info about other options than selected one but for the selected one you do not have info about the rated burn time. Not a problem if you have other options to choose from but that's not always the case. I hope they will add tha info for selected "setup" as well :)

  18. 25 minutes ago, Sir_Fanch said:

    Is there a more appropriate place to post suggestions for this mod (If I may be so bold :P)? I had an idea about surface samples, but don't want to clutter the thread if it's meant for bug fixing and info. Is there a dev thread somewhere?

    My understanding is that this thread is not support only so I guess that as long as suggestion is for RP-0 specifically you are welcomed to post it here

  19. On 1.08.2016 at 1:00 AM, EliasDanger said:

    I had a problem with no contracts appearing too. When I quit to main menu, not the game, then reopened the career, the contracts reappeared. This worked twice for me.


    I can confirm that this fixes the problem. Contracts are broken when you create new career but when you resume it (either exit to menu and resume or exit game all together, restart and resume) contracts ("world's firsts") appeared. We will see if new contracts will get unlocked normally from now on.

    EDIT: switching space centre also works. I am using RSS and I've switched from Canaveral to Kourou and it activated my contracts

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