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Everything posted by superstrijder15

  1. Luckily we don't get a full text of Old Kerba, but it is surrounded by a known language. This allowed me to know the meaning and work toward that. Connections could be used for persons we know, and then the sentence would mean 'they cut possesions of connections' aka 'they broke stuff of people we know'
  2. I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I would like to show support for this anti-the-new-forum-UI thread. What became better? Nothing. Worse? all blueness has been taken away, apart from the very top bar. My whole screen is a mix of boring greys, there are gaps inbetween posts and an enter does this, while normally that should be the job of 2 enters. EDIT: Ooh, and I can't see the delete post button. What happenened? Am I blind or did it really disappear? What if I want to delete a post? Do I report it with the reason 'admins please delete my post'?
  3. After being gone for quite some time, I returned to my position as reader and decipherer of First Flight. I tried to translate this with the knowledge I have*, but I seem to lack any knowledge of the word taleka. Translation so far: skilda bar an taleka dissection: balskila= means by which I cut, bal=means by which-->skil= to cut -->skilda=they cut bar = possesion an = inclusion = of/from (owned by) taleka = The full meaning can be deduced from text around it to be a judicial word for criminal or outlaw. The meaning ‘they cut possesion of ‘nation’’ would make sense, but taleka isn’t among the known states. Sadly I can’t find any source one the word or parts of it. *read it here, feel free to leave a comment with additions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r0eDcf2dWf6_HwHZTgiDGwFXxOZ7Qxv-LyD2Jgpj8u0/edit EDIT: Why are all 'Enter'-presses as effective as 2 of them should be?! How will I write now! I'm am now even less of a fan of the new forum layout! /rant
  4. Stuff looks generally different all over the forum from how I remember it. New graphical design for the forum since July?
  5. Don't know a lot of songs, so this definitly helped me! I died with laughter at the guitar solo BTW, I have been gone for a while, when has this weird new look been implemented?
  6. The krakens seem to be a defense mechanism meant to protect against the kerbals realizing too much, or griefers . Big question: who did the stringpulling that allowed <forgot the name already> to notice stringpulling? Maybe the precursors are still around, and this area is part of the playground... And if not, that is still scary, as then we truly don't know what could cause it.
  7. I'm not wearing one right now, but to be sure I'll get one and press it on tight, better to lose a brand new hat then to suddenly be bald...
  8. It's horrible, yet amazing. What should I feel now? What do I feel? Why do I suddenly feel like I would be good at philosophy? Oh wait, I know that one: I'm great at asking questions.
  9. I have asperger, yet I don't get it either... Also, you just can't make a legit sentence with any of these posts. If you try to give us messages to decode, please say something like 'Hey guys, see if y'all can decode this? <coded stuff>' If not, please try to practice with making valid sentences. When that is hard, maybe ask someone for help who knows you well and knows what you mean.
  10. Don't be, I'm playing aurora 4X, and I gotta wait for the turns, although currently it's getting interesting: I'm trying to vanquish a precursor fleet, and apparently missile targeting doesn't work for me or something
  11. http://www.dcode.fr/polybius-cipher I entered the things into the square, then used the list of permutations and tried different ones going down the list, indeed a long manual job
  12. You could at least have told us, then I wouldn't even have tried a brute-force
  13. Aal this time I was working with a normal grid, but you made that up too!
  14. But how? How would E end up there?!
  15. Weird, then either the polybius square has a different internal layour than normal, or the column and row organisation is completly unrelated, or I did something terribly wrong
  16. Yeah, now someone needs to run all 120 possibilities through the polybius square Edit: I'm busy fighting my first enemies in Aurora 4X, for the third time, sorry
  17. I found a polybius square decoder, going to run the different possible combos ending in N through it, with the rows starting with N instead http://www.dcode.fr/polybius-cipher EDIT: WIth columns ending in N and rows being the keys of columns reversed, none of the possibilities works out
  18. So to recap the info we already have on this one:
  19. "Cut off the feed, Centurion, we've seen enough" You haven't, I guarantee it. Whenever you say that, a second after you cut the feed something that you would have needed to see is happening.
  20. I got that far, but there are 5!=120 possibilities, and I would have to bruteforce them with search-replace to change the letters to ADFGV to put them into a decoder, which I'm quite frankly just not gonna do. And that is assuming the columns and rows would have the same marking.
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