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Everything posted by superstrijder15

  1. Laythe-->late(not early) btw, to me the first syllable of valentina rhymes with hall
  2. But I used it to be able to pretend I was doing something useful! Seriously though, Word is really useful for actually long-term planning my missions instead of having Bob out coming from Dres, Jeb in orbit with the comet catcher(catching class A comets only, really need to work on the design) and Bill... somewhere... when the window for my fully designed Duna mission comes along
  3. I would be the gut who stayed home because he doesn't like music dancing or talking to normal, not sci-fi-obsessed people. There seems to be a correlation of nerdness and KSP-forum activity
  4. My specs: The cheapest thing in store built for lightness in 2011... Once I managed to crash my system by watching Scott Manley while having KSP and word open Edit: though suprisingly it still worksTM!
  5. What is this goo stuff? I don't think it has come up before
  6. Just too bad my teacher doesn't know about KSP! For the test we will have to write a scientific essay, and these worldbuilding notes would be great sources for whatever I write
  7. The normal pictures take long to load to, and while the upper ones load they offset the ones of this chapter, this could be helped by spoilering them *hint hint*
  8. New update!! I'm getting really interested in how much forknowledge we will get from the early story arc about the Edrim one... writing
  9. You should of course notify crossing the equator, and hebes chasma looks interesting: a mountain in a seabed or something. Good luck driving!
  10. Okay,he wins, but still is really high, and I think Badies posts would be longer as he is staff.
  11. If it were a book, I would leave it on my desk, just waiting to see if new pages appeared out of nothing!! with recovery Jim
  12. Great chapter!! Let's hope the program continues! Is Bill as in government policy thingie supposed to be with a capital letter? In my opinion it's quite confusing when they go from talking about Bill person to talking about Bill policy thingie
  13. You might also get problems if you're on really slow internet, the internet of my school has that sometimes when all 750 people are trying to use it (It's meant for <400)
  14. It probably does, but this makes it easier to read the posts below the chapter, as those will move down as the pictures load.
  15. I like the long chapters, but I really like all chapters, I would however advise putting them in a spoiler: If the pictures load that makes it hard to read the post below as I constantly have to scroll as another picture loads, so I first have to wait a few mins till the pictures are back at rest
  16. I'm happy I live in NL, the worst weather we had this year is when there was a hailstorm and suddenly everything was coverd in 10 cm of harmlessly small hail. Probably for the better, as one hurricane would probably destroy the dykes neccesary to keep half the country from flooding.
  17. I don't find it patronizing, I love random trivia!! Also I'm on this world to learn, and in this subject there is a lot I don't know yet as my personal preferences lay elsewhere, somewhere close to Jool I think That Was Awesome! I tried to read the music as it played while reading the comic, but that is really hard.
  18. So the song is Sunrise, I don't know it (which with my musical knowledge is incredebly unsuprising)
  19. A it's just become saturday here( I should probably go to bed): Happy Birthday Just Jim :party: By The Way :party: should became a face, just like
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