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Everything posted by superstrijder15

  1. Compared to the threads of @0111narwhalz, it's still incredibly lively, although I hope both will get a lot more lively soon! New chapters should of course come soonTM
  2. When I'm gone for just a month, this happens! It's amazing! Well, of course the story is quite sad at the moment, but it is still amazing! Sadly the forum can't understand that I need more likes after I have been gone for a month and all of these stories need reading and likeing...
  3. People with a really good memory may remember I wrote an essay on that about 100 pages ago. It probably won't matter anymore because it seems like there is going to be a canon explanation, but if anyone wants it they can PM me or look it up(IDK the page number anymore, so you could be searching for a while). EDIT: There is a short post on page 41, and the whole essay can be found on page 112.
  4. On a thread of another sriter on this forum? Maybe Kuzzter, or Just Jim, or someone else who has a lot of plot in the stories
  5. Does it mean anything special that the last 2 frames are in spoilers? Well, he radio'ed his name like 10s before the explosion, that's so short I couldn't even not remember if I tried!
  6. That chapter was epic! I laughed so hard when the Buffaloon turned from a rover into a mushroom, good thing I didn't read it in class That kermit song sounds like they got the text, then just got a song that kinda sounded like the feeling they wanted and told a voice actor 'try to read it with the melody' The text is sometimes so off from the melody IMO
  7. What are those pre-filght checks! FIDO, Surgeon, EECOM?!?! And something went wrong with the krakendrive as well, did he turn it off or something? It's a great chapter BTW, and in retrospect it seems the surgeon was pretty useful.
  8. And his ships location is very forgetable as well, maybe the bloak machines were developed based on his forgeability?
  9. *Gene gets destroyed* Ooh no! We're doomed! All hope is lost! *Legit forgot his name already again to the rescue* Woooo!! Hope is back! We'll win for sure! So much for hope, we're in trouble again...
  10. That will however require a lot of energy, and even if there is chlorofyll in kerbal skin he is really far from Kerbol and only his face is exposed, so I doubt that he can make enough energy.
  11. If he can only breathe water it sounds like he would be able to breath on Kerbin and Laythe, but not on spaceships because of the dry air inside the capsule. I don't think the sun gives enough energy that far out, this is around Eeloo after all, so that is probably impossible. Will be nice to see how he handles emergencies if he can breathe both a bit, or how he handles spaceship atmosphere if he can't.
  12. It seems that in your long absence you forgot the knowledge of using the Enter key. Awesome song though. Nice EVA fuel, it still works after <how many was it again?> years! Well, or he is using the gun as a thruster. Also cool how this guy can now breathes vaccuum. The big question: Can he still breathe air?
  13. Nice new chapter sir, and also a new profile pic it seems Read: Hopefully before the next April 31st
  14. I'm pretty sure i read on Atomic Rockets that explosive decompression isn't that strong at just one atm. If you were in an elongated airlock of 3*2*10 you may be pulled along at less than 1m/s or something like that, it isn't like in the movies.
  15. He should have known: The players faction will ALWAYS find a way to improv out of it!
  16. Should not have watched that episode for the first time at 10 o' clock
  17. Mine is worse. According to Steam it can't run Terraria, and according to Minecraft it can't run Minecraft. I don't even have the specs for the game 8BitMMO, which advertises as 'could probably run on a toaster' I actually stopped playing KSP due to the extreme lag it had. 100 part rockets get me red framerates on launch.
  18. With us in Holland today it was so warm that people were out without coats! And the AC in the attic of our school was turned on! BTW, Why did this thread become a conversation about weather?
  19. I was scrolling through the mission logs reading about 90% of the threads. Reading a lot less of them nowadays, but Camwise is here to stay!
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