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Everything posted by superstrijder15

  1. The Kerm finally has its(his, hers I don't know) sentience!! Thanks again for all these awesome chapters @KSK
  2. And Third: these ways will all take long, what if the potal is activated while the asteroid is coasting to an encounter Also you could try dropping it into the sun, possibly while first raising the apoapsis, as that can make it easier.
  3. I understand that this had to be cut in 2, there was already too much awesomeness!!!!
  4. Now I had to explain why my eyes where tearing to my friends!
  5. When I was a child, my and my brother managed to play with the lego's being soldiers and heroes and stuff. It was actually really funny.
  6. Note that in one of my space atlases the 'surface'of jupiter is at 1atm, and, if i remember correctly, that the surface of jool isn't the surface, but set to destroy anything because glitches occured when people went to low.
  7. *insert Brace Yourself, Conspiracy Theories Coming meme here*
  8. Not a problem: in deep space, or anywhere exept LKO escape pods will only lengthen the time till death...
  9. Hello everyone, I am trying to find out when and how often mars-->jupiter-->saturn windows happen. However, I seem to be unable to find a site allowing me to see when mars--jupiter or jupiter-->saturn windows occur. I searched, but only got kerbol system calculators. I'm gonna use it outside KSP, so 'use KAC' is a really annoying answer which I keep finding. Does anyone know a site where I could find them? Edit: also nice would be the time between to windows or how to calculate that Edit2: Thanks to wikipedia, a friend of mine and excel, I found everything I needed! I can conclude that a window for a transfer mars-->jupiter-->saturn will occur every 102,... years. My physics teacher will be proud, and that guy who did an orbital mechanics project of 12 weeks finding the deltaV for a normal mars--> saturn transfer will envy me! Thanks in advance!
  10. I us remoteTech, my network consists of 40+ sattelites scattered al trough kerbal+munar SOI and one link around eve for eve ship, and same for jool. the sattelites aren't in any constellation, I just got every satelite contract I could find...
  11. I call cheats That sounds like a good idea, you can't really repair a broken wall with ducktape, or even handwavium! And altough some stories are more fun with only 3 walls, this one is better with 4.
  12. well, I added the best stock antenae, and the red warning saying "This orbital survey module require a data transmitter to operate" didn't disappear. note that I also use remotetech, and I couldn't scan minmus either. EDIT: My theory is taht it needs to send it with a stock antenae, but I used a remote one to send, but then why does the VAB still give me a warning?
  13. I'm gonna do a Jool mission, but to get the mission working i'll need ISRU, so I made some 'scansats'. However, the VAB says they need data transmitters. I tried using stock antenas instead of remotetech ones, but that didn't help. I can't launch my mission untill I'm sure this will work. what antenae can the orbital scanner use
  14. Maybe you can make your ships out of thompberrycan-material to survive it, but you could try to stimulate the rocks like he did when coming from Jool to Ike
  15. The imgur home page is also blocked, yours probably because the whole domain has been blocked, and i'm home, it's eleven at night here.
  16. So I tried going to imgur, and then a notification blocked up. It translates to: We blocked this page cause it may contain inapropriate content, if you wnat to go on it anyway you can ask the admin. Their site says that they catalogue sites by what kind of content there may be(violence, nudity, swearing) apperently imgur is so forbidden I can't even watch its images! 9gag's fine however... Confused now, gotta talk with my parents tomorrow.
  17. I don't know why, but the pictures are invisible for me. reloading changed them into really small picture icons...
  18. On reading Next Frontier and its sequel, I reached this post: I read to fast... It was a great read though.
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