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Everything posted by superstrijder15

  1. Yeah! Moar chapters!!!! Yeah! No promises on release date!!
  2. My heaviest launch ever is like... 1/4 of that weight on pad, and lagging to 10 fps before I even press the spacebar. So I never had to ask myself this question (Yet).
  3. Those craft like the ones I used when I deorbited a station for a rescue contract. (the station being 2.5 orange tanks and a hitchhiker + a probe and stuff, had 5 or so in orbit Why? Cause contracts!)
  4. Sorry, can't hear you over the fan of my computer!! Maybe I left it on with 2 games and 5 tabs overnight, and my earphones 'might' have laid right next to the heat exhaust port... the rest of which might have been blocked by a book
  5. Either something is wrong with your video or with my laptop. it is 'Just don't stop ERRR.. now' which can't be correct By the way, am I allowed to say that thing looks really unsafe?
  6. Wow, nice shot at the VAB, If I'd try that my plane would probably end up like you missile... And whenever I try my missiles just do a loop, can't get the decouplers to let go of the booster instead of the missile. If only there was a radial seperatron XD
  7. I meant that you said any planet. kerbin being a planet that means you have never landed on kerbin...
  8. My first 'landing' was on Duna. The 'lander' was a ion probe which areobraked to hard. It was only supposed to do a flyby... That was when I learned about TWR. Addendum: The first succesful landing was another probe, which had an antenna and solar panels so it was succes allright :). The first manned one a manned Ike mission accompanying the probe, which did succeed and get back home with ~2k deltaV left, may be slightly overbuilt. Sooo... All of your missions ended up burning up? or are they still in orbit?
  9. Well, I've only used a heat shield once, since then I just land the whole last stage back on kerbin. So I guess even just trying some thing with it in sandbox would make this a yes
  10. I'm sorry, I thought that OP wanted to talk about if this is how we should organise or would organise future mars missions. The wikipedia page is kind of scientific, but I think I get the idea now. This would be a cool mission to execute, but I'm afraid it got to wait till I got a better cpu: ksp lags to 10 fps when I launch things with 150 parts
  11. I agree with @Tw1 on that you should cut out the 'boring' bits. Maybe you could say you launched that rocket real high and now you're gonna test the shield while you're going down again and cut everything of the launch?
  12. Welcome aboard Fluffy, I don't really know what you mean by your cyclers, but this is definetly now what you will do in ksp. Challenges is a place where you post a suggest for something to do, often hard. do you want us to do this? say more explicitly. no? than it should be moved to science & spaceflight. Good luck, me
  13. I think you should add something about chutes not opening correctly, for example: I'm doing suborbital trajectories, but when I return my chutes burn up all the time, I can't deploy them in time for landing! answer: go more horizontal. chutes nowadays need low speed to work correctly. you will need time in the atmosphere to slow you to that speed, so more horizontal speed, more drag or some wings so you can 'glide'.
  14. Or you're like me and you never ever use a heat shield but instead go for really tedious aeorbraking with 5-30 passes before you reenter... maybe I should try a heat shield on the next thing I build.
  15. I don't need pictures, lol to the rest of your answer!
  16. Can you show us the kerbalion missions into Sol. Maybe some mission to get hold of an asteriod to inspect it low density, probes to asteroids and planets, and how do they avoid being noticed? Have manned mission been leunched yet?
  17. Percy Jackson is awesome! Uou shouldn't make him pay for reading, it's said that to little people read often nowadays
  18. This is how I think Thompberrys device would work, with some 'facts' which you have given or which can be derivated from the story to support it: 1. The stones are alive, the rock lady basically says this, and they also seem to react on certain stimuli. a. They are also a hivemind, as the things the rock lady hears are not only from the mun. b. They have an instinct of self-preservation, as almost every animal has that. 2. The elder kraken has made Thompsberrys probe core thingy and is a god/alien from a warpcapable civilization. 3. Fuel lines in kerbal ships can be changed mid-flight. The proof is that you can transfer trough claws which are attached in flight. Probes can do this as well, so a computer does this. One thing all living beings do is react, for example if you give a kerbal the stimuli of seeing a snack machine he will get some money and use it to get snacks. The stones will also react to a certain stimulus. Probably one thing they can do is change the amount of gravioli they emit. All Thompberry has to do is make a chemical compound which work as a hormone which lets the stone make an insane amount of gravioli. He has years to experiment with oxidizer, liquid fuel and monoprop, and probably some air as well. So eventually he finds this compound, now he makes so much of it that if he released it the stone would launch him away, probably to like 0.9c. he then waits till this trajectory is gonna hit ike, and fires his fuel through a line he made from a cockpit( where he stored it) to the thrusters, it hits the stone and that now emits a huge burst of gravioli which pushes away the rover, totally destroying it. The only thing surviving is the pod made by the kraken, which can sustain almost infinite g-forces. Now the stone at the base becomes active, because it notices one of its brothers under insane pain and pressure. It goes on alert and ‘looks’ to the Jool system. It senses something approaching at relativistic speeds! Now an instinct of self-preservation activates: if that thing impacts at such speed it would probably destroy Ike totally. So it too makes a gravioli burst, which slows Thompberry down back to a speed of almost zero. Warp complete
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