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Posts posted by DerpzGames

  1. Decided to re-continue development and boy are things coming. First, I've decided to rename Sentus (and by extension the planet pack) to "Sentry". Second, I've made new rings for the planet and boy do they look good.  Last but by no means least, I'm currently working on a Minmus-type moon called "Conagher". Once I'm satisfied with Conagher I'll be running a closed beta. If I get good results from that then you should expect a release at some point of time.

  2. Started development on a moon, lots of progress was made... That is until the ground disappeared. I sent Jeb out to investigate, he took some samples of the invisible ground and made a report on the situation. His little ship, which housed Bob and Bill started to slide down an invisible slope so he ran after it. 



    This is the last image taken of Jeb. He attempted to leap towards his ship and was thrown into oblivion...

    ...And then the Kraken decided to pay a visit.

    I don't know what happened to Bill and Bob, may the Kraken have mercy on their souls.

  3. eA4tEZS.png


    AKA: Kerbol Mysteries Revision 3

    Next Release: Cancelled


    This WAS the third attempt at creating the Kerbal Mysteries Mod, now it's an attempt at creating a "single planet with many moons mod". Rather than having it ready for download from the start (probably with bugs and other nasty stuff) I've decided to keep it from the public... Or at least until It has reached some kind of standard. The aim of this mod is to add some new worlds to the game while at the same time keep the size relatively small so low-end PC users can enjoy this mod without their computer experiencing unplanned disassembly. So far, there is only the obligatory blue second gas giant but don't fret for there will be more worlds to explore in the future. Interested in this mod? Consider following this thread for updates!

    Within this spoiler is information about the bodies added in this mod.



    Sentry is a gas giant slightly larger than Jool orbiting between Dres and Duna. It got it's name from it's gentle and watchful nature, as it consumes many Class E+ asteroids which would otherwise be a huge threat to Kerbin. 


    Conagher is an ugly brown Minmus-type moon, by which I mean it's really small... Twice the size of Gilly to be exact. The strange thing about this moon is it orbits in a retrograde orbit, and will soon be swallowed by Sentry.


    With Thanks To:

    @Thomas P. for developing Kopernicus (along with his team).

    @Gameslinx for Sentry's texture and giving advice.

    @Cabbink for Conagher's heightmap (I hope I tagged the right person).

    @TheWanderer05 for their advice.

    @The White Guardian for their Kopernicus tutorials.

    EDIT 23/06/2019: Due to a plethora of things, including the death of a hard drive (and the only copy of the mod), I'm no longer able to continue development on this mod, nor will I be able to put it up for adoption. If I figure out a way to recover some of my work, I may start a new project with it but for now it's looking unlikely.

    EDIT: 17/12/2020: There is a chance that I have an old copy of the mod on an even older laptop. If I'm able to find it as well as the time (which I have plenty of), I may revitalize this project once more.

  4. On 26/03/2017 at 4:41 PM, HebaruSan said:

    The OP announced personal parachutes as a "Key Feature" of the DLC. Why would they be available without the DLC?

    Won't be long before people start making personal chute mods to circumvent this.

  5. 1 hour ago, fourfa said:

    I have been thinking about this for the past few days.  I'm imagining the water planet in Interstellar (the movie), underwater terrain maps with ore, submersible rovers and ore miners, seafloor mining bases, floating base launch platforms...

    I've been able to implement one, but the seafloor has no terrain whatsoever.


    The following section below is unrelated to waterworlds and instead related to star issues (just so i dont need to doublepost).

    Long story short, the how I call it aura of the star (Not sure what to call it) is too large.

    Here's the star zoomed out.

    Here it is zoomed in.

    The star is exactly half the size of Kerbol/The Sun.

    It'd be really helpful if someone told me how to fix this as I am soon going to be making a dwarf star and it'd be really strange if there was a dwarf star with such a huge aura.

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