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Everything posted by se5a

  1. Oh nice, I did notice this and typically locked my engine gimbals while under AA control.
  2. You could maybe add one your self by creating a copy of the winch part.cfg and changing the max length. you could even tweak the model scale etc in there too, as well as the winch speed, spring, etc. Making it tweakable might be harder, but you should be able to figure out the real basic things. Edit: I got curious about WW2 gliders and found this: https://ci.lubbock.tx.us/storage/images/nblcRNAqT6nI81IZjQkS2qrp9gcurPswFOFjOibf.pdf The Americans used nylon - (a new material back then) which gave a 25% stretch without breaking and would slowly contract again when strain was released. looks like they towed with a 350` ~100m length. A fair bit of interesting info in there. it mentioned that the Brits used hemp, but details were not given.
  3. I'm having some problems with incorrect Dv readings after dropping tanks (with fuel still in them). Is there a way to force KE to recalculate everything? The problem can be exerbated by using KIS ports to link and shift fuel around and detach again. After dropping tanks and attempting to leave the mun with apparently over 1k Dv, I found I couldn't even get into mun orbit, acording to my orbital velocity when I ran out of fuel I had only 300 m/s. Saveskummed and used KIS ports to link the ship to the tanks I'd dropped the Dv showed 400 or so, after transferring fuel around a bit more till I had approximately 1000, I attempted to get home again, and again ran out before expected. I'm attempting to leave as much fuel behind as possible, or I'd just fill the tanks on the return vehicle and be done with it. KE from CKAN. with KSP 1.4.9 Linux
  4. I tried the pal arm once, couldn't figure out how to get it to do anything remotely what I wanted.
  5. I imagine crush injuries in space would be a big issue, you might be able to move that massive block of lead slowly, but once you've got it moving, you'll still need the same amount of time to slow it down/stop it. if you don't notice a massive object is slowly getting closer till you're 'pinched' it could be quite possibly too late to stop it.
  6. Yeah got him in via Transfer, but right clicking on the DERP pod didn't have a transfer button, so I couldn't get him out. (realized after I'd transfered him that there was no way I could deploy the parachutes, or even de-orbit). Guess I need to get my comms network up a bit more reliable so I can stick a probe core on them.
  7. Ok that makes a little more sense, I'm still a bit confused on the separator bit of the drill though. From what I understand you can change what the drill digs up, but it can also separate what it digs up... or something. I'm confused.
  8. Weight and Volume (ltrs) are different. I think the only way to see the volume of an item is to put it into a KAS inventory slot and mouse over it.
  9. I don't understand the drills. What's the difference between the MEU-100 and the MEU-100-A Contrary to the descriptions, once out of the VAB you can't change either of these even EVA that I can see. Also the separator function is confusing, and the description doesn't seem to match up with the options given. "Swappable drillheads and internal separator configurations allow the drill to focus on specific resources, or pull in all resources for later separation" I don't see the option for the "pull in all resources" and in my little runway test I didd't see anything other than what the drill was configured for going into the tanks, but maybe I didn't leave it running long enough.
  10. If you put a tourist into a DERP pod, you don't have the option of transferring him out again. - I assume this goes for crew too but I need to check, it's late and I just closed the game,.
  11. Ok game finally loaded. Yeah, that's way more intuitive than whatever the Konstruction ports were trying to get me to do.
  12. Ah yeah I was looking at that and just installed it, it works with the Konstruction ports out of the box? I read the whole thread and people were saying it'd be nice if it did, but I didn't see anywhere that defiantly said it did work with them.
  13. Is there a video of the angle stuff for the ports? I read this: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Functions-(Konstruction) Which was somewhat helpfull, but trying it out on the runway I just can't get it to rotate, from what I understand rotation happens during the "Acquire" process, I've got two cans with ports on each of them, I undocked, reset acquire, it docked, I then twiddled with the rotate and undocked again, but it seemed that reset acquire wouldn't work anymore, I couldn't get it to re-dock. The weld and rotate warning didn't make a hell of a lot of sense on that page either, needed more pictures for that.
  14. Your hitches are perfect for docking tiny ships into cargo bays of motherships: Unfortunately this little shuttle didn't go far yet, it had a mission to the surface of the Mun, but after undocking, and clearing the motherhsip, Trimon Kerbal realised that he'd not have enough Dv to get it back to the ship from the surface, even if he added in the Dv of the RCS! I guess those surface samples for C7 Aerospace will have to wait. It was a good test of the shuttle and docking system though, it'll be perfect on Minmus.
  15. Is it just me or are the AES RCS thruster animations firing in the wrong direction? (ie hit D and the ship will go right, but the thruster plume is coming out the right side too!) I'll grab a screen shot. Edit: Hitting L and It's pushing me in the direction of the arrow (correctly), however the animation should be going the other direction, this is the same for all axes. (the animation is flipped on all of them) The wheel motors are off. It's a little confusing when trying to maneuver this thing in space I feel like the animation might be a bit large too. it's not *that* powerful is it? I've created this as an issue on github. also see my PR for the fixed PackRat wheels. Edit again: Ooops, I didn't even see ChrisF0001's post. duh. But yeah this one doesn't appear to be a simple .cfg tweak so it's a bit out of my ken.
  16. Yeah the radial attachment doodad was attached to a separator which would have been the root when I attached that to the main ship, I imagine the radial attachment would have become the root on separation.
  17. The Grey Detach, this seems to happen when it's a part that's attached to the root (the radial Attachment point is the root, and I'm trying to get rid of it) : I can Grab though: Trying to put it on the ground, it wouldn't go the right way up without rotating it using the w key, but then it wouldn't go high enough (using b) not to clip: While that is an ok work around in some cases, for heavy items it requires more kerbals to lift. I did come across the problem with wheels not turning after being attached using stock parts, but that was some time ago. I'll have to go revisit the rover that I was having problems with recently in this game, it's at the north pole at the moment with no kerbals close by. in that case I was dropping the wheels on the ground before placing. The cursor always jumps to a different location when I'm KIS'ing stuff as well, is that normal? you can see in the above pictures the grab tool cursor is nowhere near the part I'd clicked.
  18. Could we get the switchable types on the mk3 service bay like the mk2 service bay?
  19. This mod has surprising attention to detail, I like how things are easy to attach to the inside surface of the service modules. even stock parts are poor in that regard. one problem I keep running into though is it's a little hard to get inside a rover, it seems you've got to be at exactly the right hight, and having to maneuver a kerbal to get to just the right spot for the "Board" option to show up gets tedious really fast. anyway to make this a bit easier? In this particular case, grabbing made it come up but in other cases this often does not work. I had this sitting on the ground without wheels or ladder, and found it impossible to board.
  20. I've got a problem with the Survey Scanner, I'm in polar orbit, I right click on it to do a scan, I then show the overlay map. There's a button in the context menu called "Resource" which I assume switches the map overlay between resource types, however it doesn't say *which* resource. I'm assuming that this button is added by MKS, I'm unsure I've never gotten this far in stock. (stock only had Ore right?) I've a vague recollection of this button showing a type of resource earlier in the game, at that point I wasn't in a position to start exploiting the resources so I didn't look too closely at it, I'm wondering if another mod has conflicted? Edit: Nevermind I've just installed SCANSat, that has better tools.
  21. So sometimes I've had problems where I want to detach a part, but the tool is grayed out. it's not the root part, and the only other part that is attached is the root part (though that has other things attached) fortunately it was light enough for me to 'g'rab and detach, but it wouldn't' let me just detach in-place. I've also had a few things explode when I've placed them on the ground. and I found that attaching a wheel to a lynx rover while it's 'jacked up' using LT-1 landing struts can cause the struts to suddenly explode. I've also had a problem where after attaching wheels to a rover, one of them refused to turn, causing the vehicle to pull to one side when trying to drive it.
  22. So sometimes I've had problems where I want to detach a part, but the tool is grayed out. it's not the root part, and the only other part that is attached is the root part (though that has other things attached) fortunately it was light enough for me to 'g'rab and detach, but it wouldn't' let me just detach in-place. I've also had a few things explode when I've placed them on the ground. and I found that attaching a wheel to a lynx rover while it's 'jacked up' using landing struts can cause the struts to suddenly explode. this is still all the old version though.
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