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Everything posted by Jhawk1099

  1. Ha I am also starting a new campaign. So just like you very small. I am actually trying my first tourist to orbit contract right now! It should be a resounding success being as Jeb is at the controls.
  2. I am definitely using the 64 bit version. Although most of the crashes seem to be in the VAB/SPH
  3. Hello, I have been waiting a while for the new update with great anticipation. And now upon it's release I am very happy. Yet the game crashes very very frequently. I do not know if this is an isolated case and as such I am making this thread.Is anyone else experiencing these crashes? Also how can I reduce/prevent these annoying setbacks. Thank you for your time.
  4. I can't seem to find this mod. All I can find is a fan story. Never mind but this mod is still in 1.0.5 version so I cant completly start until this gets updated
  5. @Peppie23 I have downloaded the mod and have the antenas and such in the game but the actual range and connection part is not working. Can you help me or direct me to a place where someone could help me please?
  6. Its impossible. you would have to move every single part off and somehow keep it from spiraling off into space then get rid of the docking ports somehow. Someone else should take the save I'll run some tests to try to figure this out.
  7. OK there seems to be some confusion and I have no energy to solve this so as soon as you guys figure it out then hit me up.
  8. Sir perhaps your creativity (or lack there of) makes this nearly impossible. Use the little doors on a cargo bay or girders to absorb the impact. And also this is a challenge it isn't meant to be easy.
  9. @Jetski Oh well. I have a swim meet today and tomorrow so I am kinda pressed for time anyway. It would be great if you had a thing or two you'd like me to do as far as maintenance/ manipulation of the station goes. Like if you want me to get rid of all the claws and have the asteroid docked to the station (Via KIS/KAS) or if any modules need moving or deorbiting. Or if you want me to make something of an orbital shipyard I would be more than happy to do so.
  10. OK I have the save now it ill be up by midnight EDIT: I lied actually more like tonight... a day late sorry!!
  11. Si eres un gringo por que estas aquí?
  12. speaking of cooperation I have yet to check the save out again (been busy) but I assume you put your ISRU module on to the asteroid via the claw. I have KAS/KIS and would be more than happy to move some things around (it wouldn't be the first time on this station) to make it to where your module was attached to the station itself. Also I could maybe get a docking port directly on the asteroid and dock it with the station if you'd like. It would make a great video and self promoting on your thread would be fun. Maybe I could even be the designated station maintainer? Any way just tell me what you want to do and I'll do my best.
  13. I would assume no but I am not @eloquentJane. Which by the way if either of you need help with your challenges and management I would love to lend a hand (the challenge I am speaking of for you @Jetski is of course the space station)
  14. Well if you were using a nuke power plant then you would have the Delta-v to go anywhere but the big problem would be getting your center of thrust directly behind the center of thrust of the asteroid
  15. @eloquentJane My only dislike of this challenge as far as dificulty goes is the remote tech part. I am perfectly fine with having to have comms systems but it is the delay that gets me. If I were to turn the delay off what would that do to my point multiplier thingy?
  16. Um I may have moved it with some custom tugs that I brought up with my cupola because I wanted my modules to be together. Sorry probably should have mentioned that
  17. With the memory VR games plus the memory that KSP takes? You would need one hell of a computer.
  18. @KerbalSpace Tengo que contarte una cosa. Soy un gringo y por eso mi español es menos de bueño. Pero quiero ayudarte. Si necisitas ayuda debes preguntarme. Yo he hecho vídeos de KSP. Puedo mirar a tu vídeo y contarte que debes hacer para tener vídeos mejor. Lo siento si no puedes entenderme. Tengo solo 2 años de experincía de español.
  19. added an auxiliary cupola, pretty blue light, and a docking port for future expansion to mine the asteroid. Also used a couple of tugs I brought up to move a module around. save file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sjr1y6ggzxroku3/KSS.sfs?dl=0
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