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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. Hey, animals (including humans too of course) have enough trouble finding ONE partner to reproduce with, imagine how much more difficult it would be to have to find two at the same time... I guess the advantages of three sexes just aren't great enough to justify the increased difficulty of finding suitable partners.
  2. My first rendezvous, back in March of 2012. Then there's this: (Don't ask...)
  3. As for the devs being silent, almost every time before a new release they would go quiet for a week or more. They are busy making the game!!!!
  4. Well, that depends on the technology available. The 'skyscraper' layout makes sense if the ship spends a lot of it operational time under steady acceleration. If it accelerates only for relatively short periods at a time and spends a lot of time in freefall, than it might require adding some kind of centrifugal rotating ring or something like that to maintain crew health. On the other hand, if you add 'standard' Sci-Fi technologies like artificial gravity then the layout can be whatever you want...
  5. The 'booster stages' in that image look almost exacly like some of the parts from the KW rocketry pack
  6. Actually, most SF universes have explanations that more or less sense in their lore, it's just that it rarely shows up in the visuals. Let me take Star Trek for example: One of the primary ship weapons in ST is the 'photon torpedo'. The lore says that it is powered by a small warp drive and moves at FTL speeds. However, watching any episode where they fire them they appear to be moving at a few hundred Km/h at most (basically at a same relative speed as an AA missile fired from a fighter plane). Also, in a few episodes during a battle scene, the crew members talk about ranges of several thousand kilometers or more but the visuals show the ships dogfighting at a range that seems less than a few kilometers. So, you can rationalize it by imagining that the battle does take place over ranges of thousands of kilometers and you are being shown a 'simulation' with ship sizes greatly exaggerated and visual and audio effects added so it would be more visually exciting and more easily understood... or something...
  7. No idea about the lore, but ingame all ships move like WWI fighter planes... :/
  8. Deep Impact got almost everything right EXCEPT the ending...
  9. Given the timescales involved it's more like the current US navy vs. one guy sitting on a floating log.
  10. Well, seeing tiny poins of light exchanging invisible laser beam shots over distances of several thousand kilometers wouldn't be terribly exciting...
  11. I was always fascinated with hollywood computers that have only a command line interface but can understand commands written in plain english...
  12. If (and it's a BIG if) you had a drive that could accelerate continuously at 1G you could pretty much point straight toward your target, accelerate for half your trip and decelerate the rest of the way. It would get you from Earth to Mars in 2 days, so you would need to aim slightly ahead of the planet to get there but you would be flying in an almost straight line. And ST and SW ships are capable of much more than 1G, with their fancy antimatter powered drives, inertial dampeners and other handwavium near-magitech...
  13. If you want to see the effects of moving at the speed of light, try this little game: http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/ WARNING: Playing it for more than a few minutes at a time will likely make you slightly nauseous, and definitely DO NOT try it if you are prone to epilepsy seizures. The fact that you always observe light to be moving at C no matter what your speed is what causes all those effects in the first place! To put it simply, because the speed of light doesn't change other things like the flow of time, frequency of light (color) and the direction the light is coming from change instead...
  14. 1. Saturn 2. Agriculture 3. Vegetable 4. Cucumber
  15. All you have to do is place the tank ANYWHERE on the ship before placing it radially in symmetry. I usually keep the top node of my command pod or the bottom node of my engine free until I finish my rocket. Than I can just pop the fuel tank there and then move it to wherever I want it...
  16. 1. Moon 2. Kinetic energy 3. Bicycle
  17. I think that it is set to a joystick button by default. Check this thread for instructions on how to change the key binding: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/26136-Looking-for-a-minigun-to-mount-on-my-plane
  18. Voyager is a SSTHWATG - Single Stage To Half Way Across The Galaxy...
  19. Actually, Unity (and, by extension, KSP) does use PhysX, but without hardware acceleration: http://unity3d.com/unity/quality/physics
  20. And again, you can only measure the time 'slowdown' (dilation) in relation to something else. If you are in a spaceship moving at relativistic velocities, you will not feel the time slow down - only by looking at something outside your ship (a pulsar for example) will you be able to measure the change in time flow IN RELATION TO THAT OBJECT. And if you had six ships moving at the same near-lightspeed velocity away from our planet in six different directions, they would all measure exactly the same time dilation in relation to Earth...
  21. That is your website? I bow to you sir! Wonderful site.
  22. There WAS orbital physics, and it was pretty accurate, at least near planets (never tried a hohmann transfer in frontier). You could orbit just fine, its just that the average ship in frontier was able to pull 30-40 g's of acceleration and almost accelerate to lightspeed with a single tank of gas, which made any kind of orbital maneuvering kinda pointless... You just pointed towards wherever you wanted to go and burned at full thrust.
  23. You have just stumbled upon one of the central tenets of Einsteins theory of relativity - there is no universal reference point in relation to which something could be stationary. Everything is stationary in relation to something, but moving in relation to something else...
  24. Well, a sphere of semi-transparent gasses would APPEAR like a ring to someone looking at it from outside simply because light passing through the edges of the sphere need to pass through more material than light passing through the center.
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