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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. You can make videos like this in KSP by using two Lazor mod cameras at the same time.
  2. If you are building a permanent habitat with centrifugal gravity, why wouldn't you make the simulated gravity 1g?
  3. Prvo i osnovno pitanje bez koga nema dalje: Koliko keša si spreman da potrošiš na komp?
  4. Zavisi za sta planiras da koristis stanicu. Kad lansiram stanice namenjene za dopunu goriva obicno ih stavim sto nize moguce (70-80km)jer se lakse stize do njih, cak i sa SSBTO avionima (single stage barely to orbit ). Inace, 3D teren Kerbina prestaje da se renderuje iznad 150km, tako da ni to nije losa visina za stanicu ako ti 3D teren usporava igru.
  5. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features
  6. I would make a lot more videos like this one:
  7. The terrain scatters (trees, rocks, etc) don't have colision boxes - craft, rovers and kerbals just go through them.
  8. I don't think he included any licence with any of his mods... :/
  9. *nevermind (10 char limit)
  10. Ma hteo sam da napravim nesto sto lici na Orion, nije me zanimala efikasnost. Kad sam ga poslao u orbitu primetio sam da se priblizava transfer window ka Duni pa mi je palo na pamet da probam.
  11. Can you post your fix? Deadbeef seems to have abandoned his plugin...
  12. Thanks, I'll see if I can make something like that. My reasoning for the request is that the CO2 recycler part that recycles CO2 back into oxygen would be a pretty advanced piece of technology, something that I might use on a mission to another planet, but not for a mun mission for example. I tried to send a 1-kerbal craft to land on the mun but the CO2 filled up and killed my kerbonaut while the pod still had loads of O2 left... Actually, now that I think about it, I guess the easiest thing to do would be to change the CO2 capacity of pods to be equal to their O2 capacity. I'll try that.
  13. Because they are airtight? Joking aside, no air seal is ever perfect, and all space craft slowly (very, very slowly) leak air into space. Still, it would take years for all the air to leak out.
  14. Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy is pretty realistic and a nice read.
  15. Well, once you are in a low pressure enviroment the pressure of the suit and the low outside pressure would kinda cancel each other out. The feeling should be near enough to wearing casual clothes on Earth. It would probably be unconfortably tight while you are putting it on inside a pressurized habitat. I believe the final suit should be able to dynamically change the 'squeezing power' as needed.
  16. It's not a complete suit, just a prototype for the elastic pressure-holding material. The final configuration would probably have a backpack, something like this:
  17. Bas smo se ucutali nesto... Evo cisto da malo pokrenem pricu: Malo sam eksperimentisao sa sto je moguce efikasnijim transfer orbitama ka Duni. Uspeo sam da uspostavim stabilnu orbitu oko Dune sa ovim brodom (moj pokusaj replike Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle). Taj jedan rezervoar goriva je bio dovoljan da ga posalje do Dune iz LKO i odradi cirkularizaciju i preostalo mi je jos oko 300 dV. Za povratak na Kerbin mi je falilo jos jedno 300-400 dV.
  18. The idea is that the elastic suit presses against your body instead of having to inflate the suit with air to the pressure of 1 atmosphere. It is supposed to be much lighter with greater autonomy compared to the present day suits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_activity_suit
  19. How about this MIT Biosuit prototype intended for use on Mars? The helmet looks almost like a standard motorcycle helmet...
  20. Can you add a pure CO2 scrubber? Just something that removes CO2 or expands the CO2 storage capacity of a life support module without adding the recuclers?
  21. Also, if you overdo it, the fuel flow algorithm gets all confused and you end up with fuel tanks that are still full but the fuel can't reach the engines...
  22. It adds improved aerodynamics and drag to the game, so you actually have to add nose cones to your rockets to reduce drag. Also, aircraft flight is much more realistic.
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