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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. He is talking about the first pictures JW might take of an exoplanet. The exoplanet itself would be just a few pixels wide on those pictures.
  2. Yeah, the maneuver system can get confused sometimes, and the burn you need to perform to correct your course can be less than 1 m/s dV so it is difficult to set a maneuver node with such precision. In that case, don't place maneuver nodes. Zoom in on the target in the map and use RCS - try thrusting in all possible directions and observe the pe of the intercept. Find out what direction moves your pe closer to the planet and burn that way. If you don't have rcs, point your ship in different directions (prograde, retrograde, nml+, nml-, rad+, rad-) and make tiny burns while watching your ap. You don't have to do this exactly - just get your ap below 100 km. The patched conic system is frequently imprecise - you set your approach trajectory just right, and as soon as you enter your target's SOI, the trajectory jumps a few dozen/hundred kilometers in a random direction. Just get your ap within a hundred kilometers of the target planet, and do the fine course adjustment after entering the target's SOI.
  3. You need to perform the burn that lowers your periapsis much, much sooner that that - halfway between Kerbin and Duna or even as soon as you leave Kerbin SOI. The closer you are to your target, the more dV you need to spend to change your course. That 1724 dV burn would could have been done with just a few puffs of RCS just after leaving Kerbin SOI. I find it easiest to change the CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE to 0 in the settings.cfg because it lets you zoom in on your target planet and see and fine-tune the predicted intercept orbit around it. Ideally, you should set your Pe to around 10 km and bleed away all your excess speed by aerobraking. *Edit* Also, the 310 m/s dV is the change you need in order to get into orbit from an IDEAL hohmann transfer from Kerbin to Duna. In this ideal situation, your ship would reach the Ap of the transfer orbit at the moment it enters Duna's SOI and it's path would be parallel to Duna's orbit. In your case, you are coming in at a weird angle and at a much greater speed.
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/35383-0-20-2-AIES-Aerospace-v1-3
  5. That we can't make this kind of connection in the VAB:
  6. I also really hated that they decided to completely ignore the light speed delay when communicating with Earth...
  7. http://orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=8573
  8. Yeah, but the entire video has a 'grand exploration' vibe going on, and the bombing (and, in a lesser way, the silly Jeb-on-a-SRB scene) detract from that... I would have put the SRB one at the beginning of the video, maybe adding a vintage black and white filter over it, to make it look like the (to modern eyes) silly first attempts at flight like this:
  9. It's a nice video but the scene where the B9 airplane nukes the KSC really clashes with the rest of it...
  10. I started playing around december 2011 as well. Bought the game in january of 2012. I think it was 0.14, the first time you had to buy the game in order to get the latest update. Best 10$ I ever spent...
  11. Pa jbg... Meni su cool, a i sfere se su u stvarnosti najefikasniji oblik za posude pod pritiskom (najmanja masa posude u odnosu na masu sadrzaja). Pored toga nikad nisam uspeo da napravim orbitalnu stanicu za dopunu goriva sa stock tankovima a da mi ne izgleda nekako bezveze.
  12. Establishing an orbit around Moho with an unmanned ion powered probe. 6 units of xenon left...
  13. Many things contribute to mutations. Evolution would be a lot slower without radiation, but not impossible.
  14. Inaccurate? A Star Wars movie? Do you mean to say that the Millenium Falcon CAN'T make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?
  15. But the movie explicitly mentions that they have to go through the core of the planet...
  16. The pressure in the core is too great. No known material could withstand it and remain solid, so it would move towards the center and squeeze out all the water to the surface, even if the core was made of titanium or diamond...
  17. Just replace the 'ModuleCommand' module in the part cfg: with the remotetech one: If you want to keep the power consumption the same, just make sure the value 'EnergyDrain' in the remotetech module is the same as the 'rate' value in the original 'ModuleCommand' module.
  18. I don't think you can convert a LF engine into a monopropellant engine just by editing the cfg file... :/
  19. Instead of deleting them completely, you could just reduce the amount of the resources in question to 1% of what it was before and call it emergency supplies.
  20. I believe those radial attachments are part of this pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/rla-stockalike-0-1/
  21. It really depends on how long the mission is supposed to take. All astronauts go through detailed medical checkups before going on mission, and an astronaut would have to be very very unlucky to develop an illness during the mission that would progress so fast that it would incapacitate him in a few months. On the other hand, you have to assume that any long term mission like Mars One or the permanent mars colony with 80.000 people that SpaceX is planning will include medical specialists and equipment needed for medical treatments...
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