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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. The easiest way I found: If you launch into a polar orbit, you will always fly over the badlands on your SECOND orbit...
  2. This is the best maneuver node mod available at the moment: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47863-0-22 It just makes setting up maneuver nodes easier, but it does not change estimated burn times in any way...
  3. How far are you along? Thank god they finally finished the series. Now if only G.R.R. Martin would do the same thing in the next decade...
  4. If your FPS is normal when looking at the sky, that is usually a sign that you have 'water lag'. Try the instructions here and see if you get a FPS boost: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51042-Looking-to-the-horizon-FPS-Drop?p=667684#post667684
  5. Reactor: Online Sensors: Online Weapons: Online All systems nominal.
  6. Mecha in general are extremely unrealistic because of the Square-cube law. Basically, you would need materials much stronger that what we have just to prevent them from collapsing under their own weight. I guess the best we can hope for are Elemental-like power suits or maybe a bit bigger than that. But even then, would they really be more effective than present day tank-equivalents?
  7. Was in a mood for a nice space game, so I went here and started going down the list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_flight_simulator_games Only made it to K... This was back in version 0.12.
  8. Check out this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51042-Looking-to-the-horizon-FPS-Drop
  9. Reminds me of this: http://what-if.xkcd.com/30/
  10. Last post on this, I swear but that's electricity + ablating material and electricity + ionised gas. The point is, no matter how you look at it (and discounting magic 'space drives'), you need some kind of reaction mass and just electricity is not going to work.
  11. He said just electricity, not electricity + water...
  12. I doubt there will be major diversification in humans unless it is intentional (deliberately altering humans to do certain tasks/live in certain enviroments) or unless we split the population into groups that don't interact regularly (by interplanetary/interstellar colonization).
  13. Well, as Arthur C. Clarke said, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." The closest thing I can think of to what you are describing would be the 'Age of Legends' in the Wheel of time series. From rare glimpses into this age before a wizard war obliterated the planet changing the layout of the continents and plunging the survivors into a classic medieval fantasy setting, the civilization flourished, with huge metropolises containing skyscrapers and with cars and passenger planes all created and powered by magic-users. They explored other planets and other dimensions and made things like computers, music players, cars, passenger aeroplanes, tanks and rifles powered by magic that could be used by anyone. Basically, imagine what would happen if we suddenly discovered a source of (nearly infinite) energy that can be manipulated by individual people's minds. We would certainly find a whole lot of 'scientific' ways to use them. There is a series of novels by John Ringo called "The Council Wars", which is set in a far distant future. People have colonized the solar system, have advanced nanotechnology and teleportation and everything on earth is controlled by an all-powerful AI called mother. People can modify their own bodies at will, and some have adapted themselves to live underwater. Others turned themselves into mythical-looking creatures like centaurs, flying snakes and even dragons, purely on a whim. The chimpanzees have been genetically modified for purposes of war a long time ago and have since limited contact with Humans, keeping to themselves and calling them self "Elves". And then everything collapses in civil war, power becomes scarce, many die and others are stuck in forms they were in at the time of the collapse. Only a select few still have access to the all-powerful AI through spoken-word passcodes (spells for all intents and purposes) and practically become "wizards". Basically, you see where this is going. Basically, by the time you reach the middle of the first book, you are in a classic fantasy setting. When you think about it, most SF stories could work almost equally well in a fantasy setting and vice versa, all it takes is a little handwaving with fictional future technology/magic system/whatever. Also, the Might&Magic CRPG series is famous for this kind of stuff... You start in a classic fantasy setting, but then near the end of the game you find crashed space ships, ray guns and other stuff and discover that your entire world is an artificial construct or something like that. There's also the D'n'D Spelljammer settings where wizards fly around the universe in wooden spaceships powered by magic... If you don't mind going to TVTropes (warning, a huge time waster if you get the 'just one more link' syndrome) check these out for more examples: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WizardsFromOuterSpace http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScienceFantasy
  14. Since our Sun and Alpha Centauri orbit around the center of our galaxy, theoretically, you could perform a Hohmann transfer there, but you would probably need to wait a few million years for the right alignment. Besides, even if you did, the speed would probably be so low it would take several thousand years for your craft to get there. And if you are able to reach speeds that would allow you to get there in a single human lifetime, the transfer would involve more or less burning in a straight line towards Alpha Centauri (with a bit of leading to account for the relative velocities of our two star systems).
  15. A ship capable of continual 1g acceleration would reach light speed in less than a year... Considering it would need at least 4.37 years (measured from Earth, less in shiptime due to relativistic effects) to get to the nearest star even if moving at C the entire time, adding a year or two of acceleration/deceleration is not that big an issue...
  16. You don't need unity to do what you want. I recommend you check Module Manager Plugin and learn how to use it.
  17. The lander fuel tank seems to be from AIES Aerospace.
  18. Whoo boy, where to begin... First of all, I was unable to unpack your zip file with window's default zip for some reason... I had to use a third party program (7-zip) to unzip it. Many people might try to open it with the default program and assume it's a corrupted file. Second, why the tag spam? How is your mod 'Craft', 'Decals', 'Command & Control' or 'Utility & Scientific' in any way? Third, the parts are just cfg edits of stock parts, something that can be achieved with module manager without making the game load redundant files into memory (and for modded KSP installations, every KB of memory counts). Fourth, I get a weird issue with your rapier engine where the VAB icon for it is bugged and flickering. *edit* Ninja'd
  19. You should try Better Than Starting Manned then. The reaction wheels are disabled for all command pods, and all separate reaction wheel parts are severely nerfed.
  20. Also, the Gundam/Robotech/many other anime mechs spend so much time flying one might wonder why they are humanoid at all...
  21. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the original Robotech/Macross series...
  22. The difference between getting to the Mun and getting to Minmus is negligible in terms of fuel needed. However, the need to match inclination makes Minmus a bit more difficult to get to than the Mun, at least for beginners.
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