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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. If you didn't name it some variation of 'Tripinbol', you named it wrong.
  2. Used to have regular power outages (rolling blackouts) in my country during the nineties. Two or three hours every day...
  3. "Caution. Point away from face." Yeah, the self contained magnetic field always sounded a bit too handwavy to me, can't say for sure, of course. I mean, even if you could create a clever arrangement that lets the plasma glob contain itself, it seems to me that the magnetic field would need to be very powerful, and it would probably drain away most of the energy in the plasma very quickly. And then you are left with a very inefficient mass driver-type weapon... Then again, if you accelerate the glob to a great velocity, a split second of containment might be enough.
  4. No, Stijnovic is right. They perform an aerobraking maneuver in Mars' atmosphere, and then go UP to a 'periapsis' of 35000 km at which point they burn to raise their real periapsis to about 500 km from the surface. The funny thing is that in MY version of the book, the final quoted passages state 'while PERIGEE was so close' and 'During PERIGEE Mars filled most of the sky'. So they corrected that at some point but not the first passages.... *edit* Well, "corrected", since it should still technically say periapsis, not perigee...
  5. "Snuff"? It only gets a passing mention there. I gather you didn't read his "Science of Discworld" books? They are basically a blend of a standard discworld story (where the wizards accidentally create our own universe) and a 'popular science' book about the origin of our universe, evolution and science in general. There is four books in the series and they are a very good read.
  6. Three. I donated just before the first paid version (was it 0.14?), i bought it for a friend and I got it on steam as well to support the devs.
  7. Jesi li sad nabavio bolji komp?
  8. No, once you land the chutes will not open again until you repack them.
  9. IMO, the worst offenders are the barrel fuel tanks and the ugliness that is the Mk. 3 cockpit. Everything else is at least passable...
  10. As well as TOS: "Amok Time"...
  11. Because they filmed those scenes at the National Ignition Facility, a collection of Big Scary Lasers that hoped to achieve controlled nuclear fusion...
  12. If we (humans as a whole or our descendants) are still alive in the next 5-7 billion years and have not yet colonized the entire Milky Way galaxy (and a few neighbouring ones for good measure) then they deserve to become extinct... Even without any fancy FTL, it would take just a few million years to do it, not billions. And besides, the Sun might make Earth uninhabitable to humans far, far sooner than that...
  13. It's not so much that we are running out of resources on Earth, it is about how much more cost effective it would be to provide space-based facilities with resources (such as water for example) from a captured asteroid than launching those same resources from Earth atop very expensive fireworks.
  14. If you haven't already, check out the "Building Blocks" part of this page (and the entire site while you are at it): http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/aliens.php
  15. Stupid question, but are you pointing the 'blue line' directly at the Mun? Because you should aim about a quarter orbit AHEAD of the Mun, at which point you should get a yellowish line that wraps around the Mun, kinda like this: The easiest way to get an intercept is to get into a circular orbit around Kerbin, create a maneuver node anywhere on your path, increase prograde velocity of the node until the projected path touches the line of the mun's orbit and then grab the maneuver node by left clicking and holding on it's center and move it around until you get an intercept.
  16. My oldest lander I was able to find: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/6507-The-MunJumper
  17. Or it could just propell itself with leg motions, like a person on rollerblades...
  18. Krece polako sa najavama... Trenutno ide TwitchTV, a baci pogled i na ovo:
  19. BTSM places radially-mountable girders really, really high up the tech tree, so that won't help much... :/
  20. You could try this mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/fasa_launch_towers/ It's just the launch clamps from the FASA mod... No idea how they will integrate themselves with the BTSM techtree, though. :/ Might take some fiddling to get them to appropriate tech tiers.
  21. Well, excuse me for thinking that a mission pack made in cooperation with NASA should have some basis in reality...
  22. Asteroids are frequently just loose piles of rubble... And even if they aren't, I highly doubt the material they are made of would have enough tensile strength to allow you to pull the entire asteroid. You would likely end up pulling away from the asteroid with a claw full of gravel.
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