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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. Because they try to reduce the burn time? But honestly, if you need more than 3-4 nukes you might be better off with one of the other engines...
  2. Heh, I remember that one. I remember playing a lot of those handheld games back in the day...
  3. My first game was this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetpac
  4. http://news.sky.com/story/1198129/rosetta-comet-chasing-probe-wakes-up
  5. That's the same thing I posted, and it didn't help the OP...
  6. It's a known problem. This should help: (I'm quoting my own post from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64651-Serious-Lag-where-atmosphere-in-field-of-view)
  7. I agree, especially with mods that do not add any new parts but add so much new functionality such as the kerbal alarm clock, editor extensions, better maneuver nodes, crew manifest, TAC fuel balancer ETC...
  8. The easiest way without using launches timed to launch straight to a rendezvous is this: Get into an orbit that is a few kilometers lower than the orbit of your target. (I'm assuming that your target is in a circular orbit and is NOT in a lowest possible orbit. If it is as low as possible, the same principle works if you get into an orbit a few kilometers ABOVE your target). Make sure to match inclinations. Once in orbit, select the craft you are docking with as target. Then set up a maneuver node anywhere a few minutes ahead of your craft and increase the prograde value until your projected apoapsis reaches the altitude of your target. You should see the closest approach markers appear. (If you are starting from a higher orbit you do the same except retrograde). Now left click on the center circle of the maneuver node and, holding the left mouse button drag the maneuver node around your orbit until you get an as-close-as-possible intercept (1-2 km is fine). Execute the maneuver node. Click on your velocity indicator above the navball to switch to 'Target' mode. Once you are a few kilometers from your target, burn retrograde until your relative velocity is zero. Point towards your target (pink marker on navball) and accelerate to around 20-40 m/s. As you orbit, you will start to gain lateral velocity relative to your target, so you will probably not be able to get close enough to dock with just one burn. Once you are as close as possible, again burn retrograde to zero out your velocity. Point towards your target again, accelerate to 5-10 m/s. Rince and repeat until you are close enough to dock.
  9. There are also these color-coded dog leashes: http://www.friendlydogcollars.co.uk/
  10. KSP is 32bit because Unity (the engine it is based on) is 32bit. The 64bit version of Unity is still unstable on Windows and Mac machines. The Linux version of Unity is stable and there is a 64bit version of KSP for linux. Unfortunately, this is not something Squad can do much about.
  11. You can still assign the 'toggle door' action to an action group during construction. This will let you open and close the bay doors without losing the experiment. This works for the mysterious goo as well...
  12. The Mythbusters busted that! http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-shows/mythbusters/videos/elevator-of-death-minimyth.htm
  13. If you added the protractor mod AFTER you unlocked the science node that contains it (no idea which one it is), you need to find it in the tech tree, click on the protractor part itself in the node description and you will get a prompt to unlock the part.
  14. You can switch the patched conic draw mode to '0' by editing the settings.cfg file in the KSP folder. This draws the projected encounter trajectory around the planet itself, allowing you to center on the target planet and fine-tune the approach.
  15. You can use action groups to open/close the science parts.
  16. What do you mean not mentioned? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/240-KSP-0-23-Is-Live%21
  17. Chemist's is what the british call a drugstore, I think.
  18. 64 bit support is a unity issue that Squad has no control over - As soon as the unity devs sort out the bugs with the 64 bit version, KSP will be ported to it. The Linux version of Unity does not have these bugs, and the Linux version of KSP supports 64 bit.
  19. The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision. http://xkcd.com/893/
  20. Something along these lines, I guess:
  21. Moho is the most difficult planet to get an accurate Hohmann transfer to because it just moves so damn fast and being just hours off the ideal time means that you will spend much more dV to get a successful orbit insertion than you planned. All plugins and tools that calculate time to launch seem to give you a slightly different time to launch. The most accurate one I have seen yet is the Kerbal Alarm Clock's 'Model' method. I was able to land a probe on Moho today, and when I entered Moho's SOI, I needed around 2800 dV to circularize.
  22. Peter Molyneux is obsessed with AI in games but has never been able to make a good one... He has a history of making lavish promises about future games and then not delivering. See Black&White, the Fable series, Godus etc.
  23. Do you have any mods installed? I ask because there is a mod (BTSM) that kills your kerbonauts above 14000m untill you research pressurised cockpits.
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