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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. However, It would only work once you decoupled the rotor from the rest of the craft. As long as it was one single craft, the wheels would just clip through.
  2. Except in sandbox you can build a 3000 part nuclear-power monstrosity with mechjeb and get to eeloo with your eyes closed, while once cash is implemented in addition to science, getting there in campaign mode will feel like quite an accomplishment.
  3. And then there's this guy: http://www.physicscentral.com/explore/action/project-cyborg.cfm
  4. No, all of them are still standing except the first one. From your link:
  5. Try experimenting with the 'Max physics delta time' slider in the settings.
  6. I remember reading about this a while back. Wasn't Bill Gates involved with it in some way?
  7. As far as I know, Harv said that this update should not be save-breaking.
  8. Do you use the Steam version or the one from the Squad store? The steam version should update itself automatically, just like all other steam games. As for the store version, you will need to download it again from scratch, extract it to a new folder and then migrate your saved game and .craft files to the new folder (just copying the new version over the old one can cause problems...). As far as we know so far this update should not be save-breaking, but make a backup of your persistance.sfs and .craft files just in case.
  9. We are running out of the fuel needed to make them: Not sure if they can use other, more abundant forms of nuclear fuel...
  10. Yes, the orbital mechanics are inaccurate but without those inaccuracies there would be no movie... The whole plot would be "debris hits ISS and anyone not killed outright slowly dies from suffocation and exposure with no chance of being rescued by anyone".
  11. And aiming the portal over dosens of AU towards the sun/pluto is a piece of cake then?
  12. Well yeah, but still, if you want to test an Eve ascent lander then whenever you want to make a small change in the design, you have to fly your craft all the way from kerbin all over again (unless you use hyperedit or edit the persistence file yourself, of course).
  13. The only problem is that computer USB ports usually have lower amperage than dedicated chargers, and because of that it takes longer to charge the tablet from an USB port that from a charger.
  14. Chargers use 110v or 220v but they all output 5v, the same as all USB ports. So, you won't damage the tablet by charging it from your laptop.
  15. Yes, you can charge it via USB or you can buy a 220V charger for it when you get back home. Charging via USB usually takes significantly longer than using the charger.
  16. As I understand it the entire KSP soundtrack except the KSP main theme is royalty free music that anyone can use...
  17. It might render all the work that went into the part models worthless, but the idea still remains viable. Instead of a new tech unlocking a larger tank that can hold 2000 units of fuel it unlocks something like 'the maximum capacity of procedural tanks has been increased from 1000 to 2000 units of fuel.'
  18. A quick google search reveals this: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=XKCDColors
  19. The only objection to procedural fuel tanks I have is the same objection I have to all large KSP parts (say large orange tank and larger mod parts) - the large parts behave very strange with KSP physics.
  20. Yeah, and what Harvester said about "the issue being that there wasn't enough science to do at the very early stages of a Career game" has me worried. I personally don't really like planes in KSP (the weird aerodynamics in the game being one of the issues) and have never spent much time flying them. If I am forced to spend a lot of time at the beginning of the career mode flying around Kerbin collecting lichen from different 'biomes' just to unlock the ability to even reach orbit, I will be a sad panda.
  21. OR you can just double-tap 'B' to engage the parking brakes...
  22. I really don't think that it is practical to have any kind of physical object stretching over almost 3000 kilometers... And what are you gonna do even if you can make it work? Physically move things up and down the line? Over and over again? That would get boring fast. Why not just make something similar to the extraplanetary launchpad mod - a 'launchpad' where you can spawn ships that is in a keostationary orbit, maybe with a line fading into the distance towards kerbin and abstract the process of getting stuff up there.
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