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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. Yup, it happened to me too with a ship returning to Kerbin from a successfull science-gathering mission on Duna piloted by Jeb. Fortunately, i still had a quicksave from before it happened (was positioning a probe for an aerobrake maneuver around Laythe). IF I tried resuming control of Jeb's ship immediately after quickloading, the same thing would happen over and over (and I would need to restart KSP). However, if I timewarped for about 10 days into the future, I was able to resume control of the ship with no problems.
  2. How is he Pocahontas? He is the white man that meets a native chick and helps the clueless natives with his mighty white man ways...
  3. Yup, samo mnogo brzo ide science.... Skinuo sam mod TreeLoader sa custom research tree-om gde treba malo da se pomucis da bi napredovao. Za sada mi se svidja.
  4. It's in the readme file: Original Music: Víctor Machado KSP Main Theme: Written by Felipe Falanghe Arranged by Víctor Machado Maybe you should PM Harvester and ask for permission.
  5. Also, we really need a way to transfer samples and science data between capsules. As it stands now, Apollo-style missions are impossible to do because you need to haul the lander capsule back to kerbin to get the most out of samples...
  6. This SHOULD be offset by making several smaller tanks mass more proportionately to the amount of fuel they carry than a single larger fuel tank that holds the same amount of fuel.
  7. What if we WERE colonized about 3.5 billion years ago? Maybe we all are 'colonists'...
  8. Knowing them, they probably just found the whole KSC laying on the side of the road...
  9. I have to say that the whole 'campaign as a tutorial' concept dissapoints me as I have been looking forward to campaign mode as a way to breathe new life into KSP for me... Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of hard core campaign mode mods comming out soon...
  10. Limiting number of components will come into play once money is implemented. It's easy to say 'Add moar boosters' when they are free. It's a different story when you actually have to pay for them.
  11. The mayan apocalypse! It hit Kerbin! A monster tsunami has flooded the entire kontinent! KSC has gone the way of Atlantis! (Actually, it's a glitch with the way the water is drawn, it cleared up once I got closer to the planet. I never saw this before...)
  12. Also, power. Without batteries or solar panels, probes run out of juice very quickly.
  13. Sorry, I meant to say that when you close them on purpose, you lose all the data. As to why they closed when you warped - that must be a bug.
  14. I think that we should be able to close the hatches of the materials bay and goo canister without resetting the science data inside, purely as a cosmetic effect. It just looks strange performing a violent reentry with those things open...
  15. AFAIK Braben said that it will not be possible to land on planets in the initial release but they plan to implement it in a later expansion.
  16. As someone who has never played pokemon, I have to ask - What exactly is the deal with the red/blue sapphire/emerald, white/black, x/y versions? What are the differences? How does one choose which one to play?
  17. Here's the thing that bothers me with this thought experiment: Yes, to the outside observers it might SEEM like the light beams/ftl signals/whatever arrive at the bomb at different times depending on the observers frame of reference, but surely the bomb exploding or not depends exclusively on what the bomb itself 'sees' in it's own frame of reference, right? I mean, it seems to me that all that would happen would be that one of the observers would say 'hmm, the bomb SHOULD have exploded just now but didn't for some reason.' (or vice versa).
  18. I'm pretty sure that one of the devs (Harvester maybe? I can't find it now) said that adding colliders to terrain scatter would be easy. However, doing it without crippling game performance is very difficult and would take a lot more time.
  19. Originally he was only able to jump really, really far. Later they added flying to his list of powers because why not...
  20. And all the science descriptions are probably in another editable text file and you can just dig around the game files and find them... Isn't that basically the same as using OP parts to progress in the campaign? My point was that those funny little texts should be considered as a reward for something you did while under the constraints of the campaign mode.
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