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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. I kinda always assumed that the announcement that they were switching to 'faster-paced small updates' was a 'cover story' for the surprise steam launch, because that update came early just as the steam version was launched and then everything went back to normal... Not implying any conspiracu here, they wanted to release a new version quickly, saw that the short development time wasn't working out and went back to the old model.
  2. That's what happens in the cores of stars basically... If you compress something to the pressures required for fusion, it WILL heat up, so all you get is plain old regular fusion, not cold fusion.
  3. There was the dynamic warp mod, but I am not sure it works in 0.21. Try the fixes from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/27524-Where-is-the-Dynamic-warp-mod/page3
  4. I think he doesn't mean the parachute dome itself but the white 'casing' part that you physically place on the ship in the VAB. It matched the old mk.1 pod, but not the new one...
  5. The maneuver node system makes getting a mun intercept easy. Just get your ship into a circular orbit around Kerbin. Then set up a maneuver node anywhere along your orbit. Increase the prograde vector of the maneuver node untill the Ap of your projected orbit reaches the orbit of the mun. Then grab the maneuver node by holding the left mouse button when your mouse is over the circle in the center of the maneuver node and drag it around your orbit untill you find a position where you get a mun intercept. Then just execute the burn when your ship gets to the maneuver node and you are on your way!
  6. Master of Orion 1 and 2, Space Empires IV and V, Galactic Civilization 1 and 2, Distant Worlds, Sword of the Stars etc, etc...
  7. Ascendancy was a great game, but the colony micromanagement would get unbearable once you had over a dozen colonies
  8. From the role-playing perspective, the increased mass makes sense. The Mk 1 pod is TINY, similar to the RL Mercury capsule, not meant for missions longer than a day or two. The Mk 1-2 is roomier and intended for longer missions, so it probably has a lot more life support equipment.
  9. Felipe Flnhh? Besides that, it's great to see KSP get as much exposure as possible.
  10. Just like the aerospike engine, jet engines have only one connection node, so you can't place anything behind/below them...
  11. You can try this little game that simulates the visual effects of moving close to the speed of light, but be warned, you WILL feel slightly nauseus after playing it for more than a few minutes. Do not try it if you are prone to epileptic seasures. http://gamelab.mit.edu/games/a-slower-speed-of-light/
  12. I looked at the battleship craft game wiki page and I can find no mention of ion drives on there. And it's a game about sea-going ships, not space ships, so any kind of 'ion drive' would not be at all similar with the ion drive used for space propulsion. Maybe he is thinking about something similar to the "caterpillar drive" from "The hunt for the Red October" (a magnetohydrodynamic drive).
  13. It all depends on how much time we have to work with. If we were to detect an asteroid that we know is going to hit the earth in 30 years time, than there would be time to plan a mission to divert it. Over such a long period of time even a tiny change of course might be enough to make it miss the Earth. It might be enough just to fly a ship close to the asteroid and let the ship's gravity alter the asteroid's course a tiny bit. If we find an asteroid that is going to hit us in a few days/months time, there is probably not much we can do about it... :/
  14. Nope, gunpowder (and other gun propellants, pretty sure gunpowder itself is not used in modern military-grade weapons) contains within itself both the fuel and the oxidizer needed for combustion. That is why you can fire guns underwater and, yes, probably in space too... Just how do you think air could get inside the sealed bullet casing in the milliseconds of time the combustion is taking place?
  15. I'm sorry, but how do these two statements fit together? Either you have simple electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen that turn back into water when burned OR you have fusion. If "the byproducts can be combusted back into water" than there is no fusion occuring...
  16. When in IVA, they open/remove their helmet visors...
  17. Either Kerbals have male and female genders, or the devs have allowed us to make drag queens in kerbalizer on purpose...
  18. Then what you want to do is impossible because the hitchhiker module is not surface-attachable. You can try rotating the hitchhiker pod so the docking port is on the top node (but that wouldn't make much sense). Or edit it's part.cfg to make it surface attachable (open the part.cfg and change "attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0" to "attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0") but that would be considered modding the game... :/ You would need to build the side modules part by part, starting from the docking port of course. Copy-paste still won't work. *edit* Wait, that won't work... :/ You would need to edit the docking port as well because you can't radially attach things to it... And it will probably cause them to connect in a weird way.
  19. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if that's your cup of tea), lack of females does not prevent rule 34 AT ALL...
  20. The stock game does not let you do this because of the way the relationship of parent/child parts work. You would need to attach one docking port to the other first and then radially attach the hab module to it, but this can't be done... However, this mod lets you do that by letting you choose any part to be the root part: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43208-0-21-1-Jul29-SelectRoot-Let-another-part-be-root-Fixed-Action-Groups Just build your hab module as you did before, select the docking port as the root, save it as a subassembly and try to connect it then. *note* Doing this can cause mechjeb/kerbal engineer to report mass incorrectly and start giving wrong dV values, but that may be just my crazy designs...
  21. I always assumed that they planned to include kerbalizer into KSP at some point, either as a player-accessible editor or just as a 'random kerbal generator' and that female kerbals would be implemented at that time. I mean, we have mods now that let you have kerbals with random appearances, so it should be relatively simple to implement, it's just that they haven't gotten around to it yet. Another thing to consider is that KSP is starting to seriously rub against the performance 'ceiling' of the unity engine, and every new feature they implement, every new texture that has to be loaded into RAM makes the problem that little bit worse. That all might change in the future with new versions of unity and the fact that SQUAD is working closely with unity devs to solve the problem...
  22. Spinning the inner ring with electric motors will make the outside ring and anything connected to it spin in the opposite direction, forcing you to use RCS or some other means of propulsion to stop it spinning. Then you might as well spin the whole ship and avoid all the extra mass of equipment you would need to make the inside ring. As for the coriolis forces, basically they mess with a person's sense of balance causing them to feel dizzy every time they move, with prolonged exposure causing nausea and stuff like that. Think of the dizziness you feel after riding on a merry-go-found and imagine living on one for weeks or months at a time... Since this effect decreases as the diameter of the spinning habitat increases, according to this, the minimal diameter of the ring needs to be larger than 40 meters with the spin rate of no more than 4 revolutions per second to avoid the worst effects. This gives you around 1/3 G of artificial gravity inside the ring. If you want more gravity, you must build a bigger ring to avoid the effect.
  23. But that's the point - it might turn out that the only way to make the planet habitable to humans is to completely sterilize it...
  24. Well, any resource you can find on an earth-like planet (well, except organics/biomass, I guess), you can get from asteroids at a fraction of the cost assuming you have space-born industry. That is pretty much a given if you are considering going to another star system. And that applies even before taking into account that you would need to lug those resources out of that planet's gravity well. The asteroid in our own asteroid belt have enough resources to keep Human industry running for thousands of years, and odds are that we will develop the capability to extract those resources long before the capability to go interstellar. So no, we probably won't be blowing up trees populated by giant smurfs any time soon to dig for unobtanium. As for colonization, we have no idea how life from Earth might react in contact with an alien biosphere. Every living thing there might be deadly poison or an allergen to us. Their biochemistry might be using proteins of opposite chirality, making it incompatible with ours. It might turn out to be easier to take a dead world like Mars and terraform it to our liking than it is to adapt an alien biosphere to make it suitable for us...
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