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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. *cringe* I gave up at Stephen 'Hawkins' inventing string theory... I mean, i heard star trek technobabble that made more sense.
  2. The bicoupler only allows fuel flow one way - from the single node to the twin nodes. Just place a fuel line from the fuel tanks above to the bicoupler and it should work fine.
  3. Before one of the recent updates (0.20 or 0.21, not sure) the game loaded all the high detail planetary meshes into memory. Since KSP is a 32 bit application, it can only use a limited amount of memory and a lot of it was taken by these meshes. The update changed the way KSP loads planetary data so that the high detail mesh is only loaded into memory once you approach a planet.
  4. Right now we could afford to just timewarp for 2-3 years to research something, but once money is implemented it won't be as viable. If they made it so research costs money (along with maintenance costs for orbital facilities, maybe?) than just timewarping would suck away all of your budget and you would be forced to perform other missions concurrently to earn the money you need to fund the research.
  5. No matter how high you get, based on your tiny image you are still on a suborbital path - the other end of your arc ends back at the surface of Kerbin, which means that your ship will eventually fall back to the surface. What you need to do is to make a burn 'prograde' once you reach the highest point of your arc until your flight path is a full circle around the planet - You can orient yourself prograde by moving your ship so that you point towards the yellow circular marker, kind of like on this image:
  6. I think he means that the size of the fairing should be determined by the size of the decoupler below the engine, not the engine itself, so if you place the nuclear engine above a large decoupler, you get a larger fairing. It might be a good idea, but then every engine would need to have several different fairings to cover all possible size combinations. To OP: The fairings are purely cosmetic and do not add structural stability in any way, so you would still need struts...
  7. That will all come when economy is implemented and we get to perform specific missions to earn money. Science is just the beginning of career mode.
  8. Well, these pages were the most informative ones I could find: http://www.friends-partners.org/partners/mwade/lvs/ur700.htm http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/ur700.htm
  9. How about just limiting the amount of fuel per second that can flow through the fuel line? I mean right now a single fuel line can drain an entire orange tank in a second or two if you go overboard with asparagus staging... That's hardly realistic.
  10. I think that the steam version of KSP lets you just copy the entire game folder somewhere else, allowing you to have two separate instalations of the game.
  11. My Kod, that is the most Kerbal RL rocket design I have ever seen!
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-21-x-Universe-Replacer-v4-0
  13. What we are leaving behind is beaming powerful omnidirectional signals leaking outside the atmosphere of the Earth. While even those would be difficult to detect from interstellar distances, directional forms of communication like lasers are much more difficult to detect because of much less 'spillage'.
  14. Basically, the farther away you are from the 'perfect' angle, the more dV (and therefore, fuel) you need to get where you want.
  15. Both SAS and RCS can be used to rotate your ship, but only RCS can be used to translate the ship (move sideways).
  16. Well, I think that after transmission they should go back to whatever state they were before the transmission- if they were open, they stay open, if they were closed they close again.
  17. Actually, that theory has been put into question by more recent research...
  18. Basically, you have to watch how the prograde/retrograde markers behave when you burn while not centered directly on them. Burning while oriented near the prograde marker will cause the marker to move TOWARDS the center of the navball because you are increasing the velocity towards that direction. Similarly, when you are burning while oriented near the retrograde marker, the marker will move AWAY from the center of the navball. To kill your lateral velocity center the navball in such a way so that the retrograde marker is located somewhere on the line between the center of the navball and the dot in the middle of the blue navball hemisphere (the point you orient towards when facing 'up'). This way, when you burn, the retrograde marker will move away from the center of the navball and TOWARDS the 'up' marker. Once they overlap, you are falling straight down with very little lateral velocity. Then point your ship up, turn on sas and descend, slowly reducing your velocity as you get closer to the surface. The retrograde marker will try to drift away from the center, but just point your ship towards it while burning to bring it back to center.
  19. He can certainly make it to Duna (just a flyby or orbit, not a landing). That does not require much more fuel than for minmus. Return? Maaaaybe...
  20. Looks like a wind tunnel to me... Image source *edit* This one might even have been the reference for the model: Image source
  21. IIRC it is not possible for a moon to have a moon. The configuration would be unstable and the moon's moon would be ejected... soonâ„¢.
  22. Also, when exactly does it start to turn by it self? As soon as you launch? At a certain altitude/velocity? After staging?
  23. Posting pics or a .craft file would help. It might be fuel drain imbalance...
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