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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. Some mods are not on Spaceport, but have a forum thread with download links here instead. When you download a mod, you will usually get a .zip file. Inside this file you will find one or more folders. There is usually a 'source' folder or a file with a .cs extension somewhere in there. You do not need this file or folder for the mod to work. It is the source file for the plugin used in the mod. This must be included in the download so that other members of the community can have a look at the source and make sure that the plugin does not do anything it is supposed to (like hiding a virus or something like that). In addition to the source, you will probably find either a folder named after the mod or it's creator OR a folder called GameData. Basically, if you see the 'GameData' folder, you can just copy it into your KSP folder and you are done. (There is already a GameData folder in there and you will be asked if you want to overwrite it. Just do so, it is all right). If you see a differently named folder, or some combination of folders and files, than you need to copy all of them INTO the GameData folder in the KSP installation folder. The mods should load up automatically the next time you run KSP. No further action is needed. You can have multiple instalations of KSP. Just copy the entire KSP folder somewhere else and that's it, should work with no problems. Placing the KSP folder in certain places (desktop, root of C drive, etc.) can cause problems because the game might not have the permission to access those places fully. Placing the installation folder into (for example) C:\games or something like that eliminates the problem.
  2. Oh, I know, I read them all, but just didn't like them...
  3. The first Rama novel is great. The others didn't sit well with me. The Fountains of Paradise is great. It describes the construction of a space elevator. Don't tell me you didn't read 2001: A space odyssey and the sequels?
  4. Another FTL-like game currently in development for iOS and Android, PC version to come later. No combat though...
  5. And even if they werent fixed, you would need an impossibly large rocket (hundreds of thousands of parts) to make a perceptible change...
  6. Well, they are not really laws, but... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarke's_three_laws
  7. A very nice looking lander. It weighs 29.072 tons. However, to be a truly apollo-style lander, it would need to have a docking port on top...
  8. Have you tried applying this fix? It sometimes helps with low fps when looking at terrain: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51042-Looking-to-the-horizon-FPS-Drop?p=667684#post667684
  9. Basically, it lets you sacrifice a kerbal and get some resources...
  10. You can just place the engine directly on the docking port and simply undock it when you don't need it anymore.
  11. The advanced inline stabiliser also adds ASAS functionality to your craft if it doesn't have a command part that has it (holds your craft's orientation when you press 'T'). *edit* My bad, that was before they changed how it works... As for the stack separators, sometimes you want to separate two things from each other without leaving the decoupler ring stuck to one of them. Say if you make a lander that drops a rover after landing for example.
  12. Everything is tracked already. You can see icons for things closer than 100km right now. I don't think a tiny star-like particle or something similar would be all that hardware intensive...
  13. I use the Kerbal Alarm Clock's 'Model' mode (as opposed to 'formula') for intercepts, since it is a lot more accurate for Moho in my experience. First, I create a maneuver node that takes me from LKO to roughly the same altitude above kerbol as moho. Then I create a new maneuver node on the ascend/descent node of the projected path and reduce the inclination to 0/NaN. If I get an intercept, great. If I don't I fiddle with the first maneuver node until I do. Even then, I can never execute the maneuver node perfectly and need to make a correction burn later, but it is close enough...
  14. I really think simulating burn patterns would be overkill. Just letting us edit the thrust curve directly would be good enough in my opinion.
  15. I had this happen as well while I had Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed, always on scene load. It was less impressive than yours, though. Every single part would just fly off in a random direction at thousands of meters per second. I recently removed KJR and it hasn't happened since...
  16. My daily routine is to check my subscriptions and then check out New Posts for anything interesting.
  17. I think this is it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24594-0-23-Telemachus-%E2%80%93-Telemetry-and-Flight-Control-in-the-Web-Browser-(2014-1-11) http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/telemachus/
  18. And thanks to KSP's wonky aerodynamics, there is nothing (well, except solving the potential problem of an uneven jet engine flameout) preventing you from flying exactly the same ascent profile with your jet-powered rocket as you would with your space plane and ejecting your jet engines when they are no longer useful.
  19. It's because when you disable sun tracking they stay horizontal and (usually) face the air stream edge-on. I've had some solar panels survive for some time during reentry if they happened to be oriented the right way.
  20. And yet there are people like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth_Society No conspiracy is too large to be unbelievable to some people...
  21. It would be spotted and well known since ancient times. Anybody with a telescope or larger binoculars would be able to see it. The conspiracy to keep it secret would have to be orders of magnitude more elaborate than the one needed to supposedly fake a moon landing and keep it a secret all this time, and that is ridiculously implausible already...
  22. It usually takes a few months per update. Asking 'when is the next update coming' is frowned upon. It will be done when it's done.
  23. Also, the lazor mod lets you increase the cutoff distance to what ever you want. Expect lag...
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