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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. I've just tried downloading it and it works fine for me. Try redownloading it or maybe try to install the latest version of 7zip if yours is outdated.
  2. I am just starting to read this whole thread, so I apologize if this has been mentioned before (or if there is already a convention I am not aware of), but would it be possible to add some kind of indication to the departure orbit/flyby orbit graphs that let us see at a glance where the maneuver should be executed. A vector pointing towards the central body or a shading of the planet drawn on the graph so the day/night sides are obvious would be nice...
  3. I get less ram usage but lower FPS. Also, on my PC the game does not render any shadows in openGL mode.
  4. "The design concept was published by Keith Lofstrom and describes an active structure maglev cable transport system that would be around 2,000 km (1,240 mi) long and maintained at an altitude of up to 80 km (50 mi). A launch loop would be held up at this altitude by momentum of a belt that circulates around the structure. [clarification needed]" So, essentially, it's being held up at the altitude of 80 km by a principle similar to a "Space fountain"? Couldn't something similar be used to raise the 'bottom' of a space elevator's relatively thin ribbon vulnerable to high speed winds and such above the thickest part of the atmosphere?
  5. Well, if humans want to leave the cradle that is the Earth, we are going to have to figure out how to protect ourselves without the help of the Earth's magnetic field. Compared to the kind of infrastructure we would need, the ISS is just an inflatable raft. Besides, LEO is getting crowded enough already. And hey, if you've got a space elevator, what's stopping you from building your GEO base with 10 cm lead walls?
  6. Switching SOI's under timewarp causes errors that alter your trajectory. Try to reduce warp as much as possible at the moment you switch SOI's. Also, if your periapsis is too high, don't burn retrograde, but rather burn at a 90 degree angle in relation to your course to lower Pe... Duna's atmosphere is very thin. If you want to aerobrake, you should aim at around 10-13 km Pe, depending on your speed, maybe even lower if you are coming in really fast.
  7. An elevator car going down could use some form of regenerative braking to generate power for the cars going up. The elevator would open many possibilities for asteroid mining, orbital industry and similar endeavors, and at some point the amount of stuff going down the elevator might exceed the mass going up, making the elevator a net PRODUCER of power...
  8. Wouldn't the same issue hold true for suspended animation? Heck, I've seen claims that our consciousness 'reboots' every time we sleep...
  9. Yes, I know, hence the smiley face. And it leads down the path of Däniken's ancient astronauts, vimanas and similar weirdness. But hey, he did ask...
  10. Actually, this guy figured out how to do most of the stuff needed to build the stonehenge. And he was able to replicate a (small) part of it BY HIMSELF.
  11. Oh, and Atlantis is totally something Plato made up to prove a point, and he says so himself in his"Timaeus" ("dialogue")...
  12. http://www.eloquentpeasant.com/2007/08/24/why-the-aliens-did-not-build-the-pyramids/
  13. Because in order to become MORE advanced than us, at some point they would have had to be LESS advanced or AS advanced as us, and easily available fossil fuels are arguably the only thing that allowed us to get where we are today. One does not go simply from burning wood to solar or fusion power, you know.
  14. Any civilization as advanced as ours would have exhausted the fossil fuel deposits as we are about to... Consequently, if we end up killing ourselves, any other intelligent species that might evolve after us will have a much tougher time reaching our own level of technology because the easily available high-yield fossil fuels will be much harder to come by because of us.
  15. Well, you could use a cannon round with an active RCS system so it can correct it's course slightly during flight. But yes, missiles would probably be preferable. As for the "armor on a spaceship" discussion, if a round such as the one discussed here hits the spacecraft, armor will not be very helpful. I believe that the best course of action would be to use armor around strictly limited areas of the ship (the "bridge" and other critical areas) and focus on lowering the mass and increasing the maneuverability and sensor capacity of the ship. After all, if you are able to detect a dumb fire projectile heading your way all you need to do in order to avoid it is move a few meters in a random direction.
  16. Erm, there's a 'Norway' entry at the "As a national and international colour" of the "Blue" article, so... 1. Blue 2. Norway 3. Svalbard
  17. Wait, if it is a wormhole, then I guess all the gravity implies that it is a one way wormhole, since nothing can come out of it. That would imply that somewhere else in the universe (multiverse?) there has to be a "white hole" that does not attract anything to it spewing out all the stuff that falls into our black hole, right?
  18. 1. War 2. Nuclear weapon 3. Supernova 4. Galaxy
  19. Well, you said that "there's no way you can dock space-craft with the part that spins", and the video shows just that, since the whole station is spinning...
  20. It always bothered me that it is basically not much more than a retextured, upside-down Akira. I wish they were more original with it's design.
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