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Everything posted by Falco01

  1. You have to name the folder JetSound and not Jetsound otherwise the path in the cfg for the sound effect is wrong To be sure, open one of the patches and look for something like JetSounds/Sounds/GE90_Startup it is the path that the game will use to find the sound, if you name your folder Jetsound instead of JetSound it won't find it
  2. After doing some testing I noticed an other problem with this mod For the afterburner, when you have real plume despite the :final tweak, the sound still doesn't work The only solution I found was to change the names of the effects the mod replace in the cfg, I didn't had the time to post sooner due to exams Here is the change I made @EFFECTS { <non afterburner effects> @Turbojet-Spool //change here { @AUDIO { @clip = JetSounds/Sounds/GE404_Afterburner_Low volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.05 1.0 volume = 0.3 1.0 volume = 0.4 1.0 volume = 0.5 1.0 //Point at which the afterburner crackle starts to set in. volume = 0.7 0.8 volume = 0.8 0.7 volume = 1.0 0.6 pitch = 0.0 1.0 pitch = 0.05 1.0 pitch = 1.0 1.5 } } @Turbojet //and here { @AUDIO { @clip = JetSounds/Sounds/GE404_Afterburner_High volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.05 0.2 volume = 0.3 0.4 volume = 0.5 0.9 volume = 0.7 1.0 volume = 1.0 1.0 pitch = 0.0 0.8 pitch = 0.5 0.8 pitch = 1.0 0.8 } } <the rest> Maybe there is a way to make it so when you have real plume that an other cfg write this instead of your original one, I didn't delved in deeper because of my exams (and 'cause that's all the fun of modding ) Also due to crappy internet I could't test the latest version, maybe you fixed it already, in that case, sorry for bothering Have fun
  3. You should add :FINAL at the first line of the patches otherwise the configs get overwritten by Real Plume or any mod that change the configs for the effects should look like this for eg @PART[turboJet]:NEEDS[JetSounds]:FINAL that way it's the last patch applied by MM and thus overwrite any other
  4. Got that weird bug too, I deleted a part and the crash and no output log
  5. But on the vid, there is only one explosion and I didn't saw any sub munition I'll do some testing on my end
  6. do you think it would be possible to make an actual cluster missile like the cluster bomb in BDa ? You know, that one with all the sub-munitions
  7. My friend and I lost contact, can anyone help with this project or will I have to learn C# by myself Also, i can start working in july, exams ya know
  8. Use the "camera focus changer" mod (I hope I spelled it right) and focus on a part in front of the kerbal then zoom in and use the middle mouse button to reorient the view and voila
  9. I know, I meant that it would work at low speed but not at 10^(6) m/s (too lazy to write all the 0 ) No, rather use it
  10. Or you can make it so the particles start at x% of the speed of the ship You won't go at 100000m/s in atm anyway
  11. I talked to a friend who learned a bit of C# for his physics studies and he may be able to help me write a plugin the idea would be to put a small part where you want the smoke trail which would trigger a particle effect depending on G force and speed idk how doable this is or if it's an accurate enough way to do it also the particle FX would vary depending on speed in order to avoid some problems like in the pic of the green fighter shown earlier but I bet that with SmokeScreen I can do a few things to help with spacing or use a method similar to my other flight sim but that would be hard and i have no idea if ksp can handle that kind of particles, I think it's doable in Unity though Any advice/help ?
  12. Thanks for the link Now with your IVA and the dev version of BDa, the ksc will become a battlefield again C:
  13. You should remove the "/1.1]" in your title since rpm is not compatible with 1.1 I just did the test with the last version Maybe there is a dev version that's compatible but then a link would be helpful as you did with ASET props
  14. I'm trying to adapt the folding warp drive of the Interstellar mod to work with this plugin, but I run into troubles pretty quickly, there is no guide bubble inside the editor and I have troubles understanding how the cfg work for your module Could you help me ? If it can be done only through cfg, I'll do a MM cfg so other people can use it Just noticed that somebody asked already
  15. Indeed, though the new water shader in 1.1 is very nice to me, I even prefer it to the one of scatterer I would use scatterer if I used RSS though
  16. It make me think I noticed that the water on the water for the bda town that there were a crap lot of faces, you could try to make them into one face, or at least a few bigger one, reducing the poly count on such surface could help a bit for lower end PC (as far as I know) and maybe even help a bit with texturing, you can do that by selecting a whole bunch of faces then press X then select "dissolve faces" (in case you didn't know)
  17. in fact, all you'd have to do is make a hollow cockpit, put a decoupler on the canopy, make a small separatron, a small chute and here you go, use an external seat for ejection ofc but you'd have a functional ejection seat with a compatible cockpit -Edit- I should have read the last page ^_^'
  18. It's not a bug, you are meant to add a docking port on top of the capsule, try to add the one with a chute the attach the cover you'll see that it align perfectly
  19. You can't imagine how much things I blew up that way
  20. Still, it look really nice Also, I'd suggest you use the cell fracture addon for Blender to destroy buildings, then the physic engine to make them crumble, it's fun and you'll have realistic debris
  21. That's some awesome work, must have taken you quite a while to make
  22. Idk if it have been already reported but the aileron of the DDWinglet doesn't move the right way, it rotate around the X axis of the DDwinget (though the origin is right) instead of the X axis of the obj_ctrlsurf Since I run ksp 1.05 in x64, it could be due to that, though I don't find it probable since all the other control surfaces work right, the stock, the remodeled and the one from B9PWM I hope this is useful and if not, sorry for disturbing, have a nice day
  23. Well, on the modelling if I wanna stay low poly, it'll stay roughly that, texturing will be fun though I'd like to get this kind of results http://fav.me/d8o0dyo (I made the pic btw) but it's too high poly but making a similar thing low poly would be easy enough
  24. good idea, I'll start tomorrow, I'll work slowly though, maybe one building a day
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