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  1. OpenGL was indeed the culprit, When I removed it the icons worked just fine. Thank you so much for solving this for me :-)
  2. I have a small problem I was wondering if anyone could help me with? In the VAB the thumbnails on the top line in the parts selector are cut in half (se links) and it's driving me nuts. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I have the latest version of the (Steam) game and all DLC's installed. Link #1 Link #2
  3. I'm just curious, why do you not recommend downloading via CKAN? ((I have no problem downloading from the links provided. I'm just wondering)
  4. Does this mod work with KSP 1.4.2? I get a message when loading that I have to use 1.4.1 but everything seems to work just fine.
  5. I'm on version 1.2.1 and have the same problem! - Nevermind... After some Googling, I found the culprit. I'm using KIS/KAS and my backpack was full. After emtying out my personal inventory all was back to normal. - How stupid am I... Of course, the gravity affects me (my kerbal) hauling four 24-77 "Twitch" engines + 3 extra EVA tanks probably would effect me
  6. Okay, @dueb Just wanted to let you know I fixed it, and it was in fact not the .dll file's fault per say... I had unzipped the wrong version of it (the one you updated to KSP v. 1.2. - So all my frustration with both docking and .dll's are all on me Have a look at what's on my NavBall: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x1oyxcie6mlcfch/NvBall - TEST.jpg?dl=0 THANK YOU, for updating the file(s), and taking the time to sort this out with me!
  7. I think you are right. It's some kind of UI problem. I had the same thing happen when having the problems with the missing KIS/KAS .dll files. Then the "EVA" tab went missing in my VAB until I restored the file(s). But with this NavBall mod the file is there ( NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator.dll) and everything looks good except that I don't get that little (and essential/extremely) handy red indicator on my NavBall. - It clearly works for you, when recreating. Oh, man... I guess I just have to check all my mods one by one (there goes the night, lol).
  8. Here is a link to the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rentj6q8nrkljg6/KSP - Log 14.11.16.log?dl=0 I have no problems with any of the other mods, except KIS/KAS .dll that Norton absolutely hated and put in quarantine (had to restore, and all was good). I double checked the .dll file for this mod and it was there with the rest of the files. - The docking port I was docking to, I had to EVA and use KAS with my engineer. Maybe this could have caused some problems? LOL, yes I did remember to set the docking port as target (and control from docking port, after attaching it with KAS).
  9. I tried, but it's a no go for me on version Win 64bit. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/zczsz3h5xu87ce0/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE_Recompile_1.2.zip?)
  10. Does this AWSOME mod work with KSP version 1.2.1?
  11. Thank you, I'll keep this in mind and read the pictorial tutorial. I can't do much with the inclination on the target ship since it's out of fuel. Hadd to burn it all pro grade when I realized I had forgotten the chutes (I calculated the reentry just after SOI to Kerbin. Had it at a steady 30Km thinking it's all good for aerobraking). Edit; Ps. I'm also using TAC LS so I "only" have 50 days... Photo of my problem: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0kwfuw674lgta8j/20161113173109_1.jpg?dl=0
  12. Hello, I have a "tiny" problem with my scientist beeing stuck on return from Minmus (I forgot to pack parachutes, lol). So I've launched a rescue vessel with a mechanic to use KIS/KAS to attach the (missing) part. The problem is; I su** at rendezvous. I have matched the planes/inclination with the target. Do I also have to match the targets Ap and Pe (Ap= 7.87166Mm and the Pe= 85.975Km @ 5.989 inclination)? (I'm playing on the Windows x64 bit version).
  13. Hello, First of all, let me just say thank you for this mod! My question is; Is there any way of changing the currency from £ to $ ?
  14. Hello, Is this mod updated for KSP 1.2.1? Nevermind, just read the last post before me... Thank you for a GREAT MOD!
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