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Everything posted by eberkain

  1. What is the recommended maximum time warp that should play nice with Kerbalism background simulation? The top two settings, 10,000x and 100,000x throw warnings. So I was thinking about using better time warp to readjust the max. Is 1000x the max, or would 2500x or 5000x be ok?
  2. I would assume there should be some configuration options if we are talking about a potential mod. I like how the options on CrewR&R work where you can customize the length of time. For me, playing science mode with kerbal xp disabled and using KCT. I'm thinking 5 years of service would be appropriate for a kerbal to then retire from active astronaut duty. A button to manually force retirement might also be used. Ship Manifest might not play nice with Kerbalism since it does so many different things. TRP-Hire, I will have to take another look at it. I remember that mod, but it was a long time ago.
  3. Excited to see this come back. I used to play with it many moons ago.
  4. I am playing in 1.10.1. There seems to be a bug with the "realistic" mode setting. If you are locked onto an SAS setting, and then push a different SAS button, you will get an immediate kick in that direction with the full reaction wheel torque. Then the torque gets scaled down and the craft can't stop spinning. I have been playing on the "none" setting to avoid those issues, which creates its own issue. That basically just removes reaction wheels from the game, you need RCS to have any attitude control. But I would still like to have small lightweight satellites rely on just reaction wheels. I kind of wish there was another setting, call it "hardcore". It would just blanket scale down reaction wheels all the time regardless of SAS activity. I suppose I could do that with a MM patch and then disable the reaction wheel rebalance in the mod. Would that be safe to do mid game? How would it effect vessels in-flight? Would the saturation feature still function correctly if I did that?
  5. @severedsoloI would be interested in retirement as a standalone for a science mode playthrough.
  6. Yeah, i looked at that mod, but I just can't bring myself to play regular career mode any more, doing contracts gets so boring.
  7. Hey, thanks for that patch. As many mods I have installed, there are surprisingly few parts that got flagged. Funny enough, all the new stock prop blades are on the list. Which might explain why I was having such a hard time making a prop plane with them.
  8. Is there a mod that allows crew to retire? Retired crew would no longer be able to go on missions, but you could still see their stats in mods like Final Frontier. Barring that, is there a mod to allow me to rename kerbals?
  9. Where would I find the numbers for the high/low flying and high/low space cutoffs for each planet? Is it a flat % of the SOI and atmo height? I do not see it in the CelestialBodies.pdf or the wonderful DeltaV map.
  10. Wow @ those cars, I'm sad I can only like the post 1 time.
  11. First manned orbital flight in JNSQ Unkerbaled Kerbalism, lol.. Comeon baby hold together...
  12. I find that I have to really pack on the batteries for a satellite to make it through the shadow time at Kerbin during the early game. Should a patch to boost battery capacity be considered?
  13. So I had this issue for several days and it was really annoying me before I took the time to make the gif and post. But now I can't reproduce it. The only mod I removed that I remember was the new revamped Docking Cam mod, it does do some gfx stuff with camera effects and whatnot, so maybe they have some weird interaction or conflict. I have not done an isolated test yet to confirm it is a problem.
  14. Could you have an "addon" module for scansat that is kind of squat and has a module slot on top. So you attach it to the telescope, and then attach a normal module to the addon module. And then get the functionality of both.
  15. You can toggle them on and leave them on, they will collect science if you are in a biome/situation they are designed for. The major difference is that all the experiments now take time to collect. So you have to stay in that location for 5 minutes to collect a mystery goo, or 3 days for a magnometer scan, etc... Its my single favorite part of Kerbalism, I really how the KSP 2 devs are paying attention.
  16. I got my first satellite into orbit on a new JNSQ Unkerbaled start using only 0.625m engines.
  17. So, it works fine in the editor, but not so much in flight. https://gfycat.com/cheerfulcoarsedolphin To me this looks like a conflict with autostruts. I do have this installed, mainly to keep my FAR planes from falling apart.
  18. I have what looks like a bad near clip plane or something weird going on. Is this normal scatterer behavior? https://gfycat.com/unselfishidealisticlamprey
  19. Yes I have animated attachment installed... or not... Shazbot... I have animated decouplers installed... My bad. EDIT: Yep, that works. And its Awsome! Wish it had an adjustment for rotation angle too.
  20. I can not get the small launch rails to move the rocket when I adjust it. The decoupler also does not function. Do you think I have something borked on my install? I have tried making the stand and the rail the root, and attaching the rocket before or after moving the root. Seems like no matter what I try the rocket is frozen in place regardless of the rail movement.
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