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  1. For Spike88... I had the same issue B9PartSwitch error and somewhat stumbled upon a solution that worked for me. I though there may have been some kind of error while upgrading this mod with CKAN so I decided to uninstall Tantares - Soviet Spacecraft and reinstall it. When I started the uninstall CKAN also removed what was apparently a recolor dependency. After the Tantares - Soviet Spacecraft reinstall I didn't get the error. Maybe this will work the same for you.
  2. If you mean that illuminating of kerbin from space by a light attached on a craft surface I can't help you, but I will say I've had the same thing for years now and I assumed it was just something of a bug in the game. I never checked if it was there in a fresh install or not to be honest. I love the Benjee10's SOC mod and pretty much anything he puts out. His Artemis Construction Kit and Hab Tech2 are really nice additions if you don't have them already.
  3. I've been living with an overly bright (from reflected light I think) MK2 cockpit in the SPH and just recently started using BP Aerospace Procedural Wings mod. I really like the procedural wings and helps in parts count and overall looks. The issue is that the tops of the wings are sooo bright I can't really do a decent job of spacing and aligning wings from the top. The bottom of wings and the MK2 pod look fine from below and I wind up messing with sizing and positioning the wings from below most of the time. I suspect, but not really sure, that the culprit is related to EVE and/or TUFX somehow since the time of these mod installations would be about right for when I noticed the reflections problem but I'm not knowledgeable enough about either of these as to how to reduce that intensity of reflected light in the VAB or any tweaking of these in-game visuals for that matter. Anybody know of potential causes and solutions to these extremely bright reflections off of the lighter colored surfaces? I also think lens flare and flare from kerbol are rather intense but not nearly as bad as the problem of the bright reflections in the SPH. Thanks for any help here.
  4. "Currently there is a TU (Textures Unlimited) config file, which, if TU is installed, will override access to the following textures. If you want to get these textures, delete the file: B9PWingsUnlimited.cfg from the GameData\B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings directory." I didn't delete "B9PWingsUnlimited.cfg" but I changed the file name to "B9PWingsUnlimited.cfg_OLD" just to keep the original around, but I don't know how to locate those textures when making a PWing. I get a procedural wing, but I don't get a recolor GUI and the parts at the moment are extremely bright and reflective. What am I missing? Edit: By fumbling around I found the solution. I guess mostly it was from not being at all familiar with TU beyond it being a dependency for another mod and I was expecting to find the same GUI that showed up after I first installed this mod but didn't yet know about deleting the .cfg file if TU was installed. I eventually found the rest of the details and the surface was still extremely bright in the SPH but a test launch showed it correctly and at about the same color/brightness as an installed stock wing. It would be nice if one could have the option of changing the orientation of the structural detail by 90-degrees. For my first test of PWing it looks like the detail should be turned by 90-degrees.
  5. Finally came back to look at my post here. Thanks jimmymcgoochie for the reply. This KRE testing was done on a fresh copy of KSP from my Steam common that I pasted into a new temp folder. This fresh install was made with the cloud-sync turned off and without a KSP folder present in Steam common. So, nothing but stock stuff in the Gamedata folder. Yes, I used CKAN and did delete the cached files for KRE and its dependencies and got the same results, but on the fresh install Steam copy in the temp folder.
  6. Thanks OrbitalManeuvers for responding and creating the Github issue. I think there is now an issue with Configurable Containers in where the stock fuel tanks revert to their stock values after being rescaled larger after saving then reloading a craft. I just started testing that. Tank volume increases correctly when scaled and shows the new value correctly in the fuel editor window, but the tank volume does not change in the editor. So, when you save and reopen a craft the fuel levels revert to the stock values that correspond to the unchanging stock tank volume. I imagine this is the same issue for rescaled fuel levels in wings reverting back to their stock values too. Edit: Just an update... I found out that the Configurable Containers (CC) issue is a known problem. I found out from my own KSP backups that in my preCC backup tweakscaled tanks worked fine after saving/reloading and in the following backup with CC they failed. I'm in the process of reloading a copied version of my latest Steam common KSP with CC uninstalled to see if things are back to "normal". I wasn't using CC editing much and when I did it was with stock size tanks. Kind of a pity in that I found out about this issue yesterday when editing tweakscaled MK2 tanks to use LH2 and I would have found that useful. It would be nice if CC worked and with methalox available too. Btw, I did find a simple workaround "cheat" for non-working grid fins and that is to use the small hinge with the smallest stock aileron (pitch/yaw only and p/y/r control initially deactivated) attached and place the hinge/aileron in four-piece symmetry near the grid fins with a starting-in-the -VAB hinge angle of 90-degrees that places the ailerons parallel and pointing along the axis of rocket travel during launch and after booster separation use an action group that rotates the hinge/aileron 180-degrees and activates the pitch and yaw controls. If using "Booster-Guidance-Boosted" test and adjust the aileron "authority" as needed and after testing set that value of authority to the ailerons in the VAB. It's nice in that you can rescale these as needed, but unfortunately this also adds eight additional parts you wouldn't need if the grid fins were working properly. After final testing I rotated the hinge/ailerons 180-degrees and hide them in the booster and move them in enough so that when the ailerons are deflecting their tips don't poke out of the booster body. This way the grid-fins look like they're doing their thing when actually it is the hidden cheater-ailerons doing all the work. Edit #2: Just to say I deleted CC and things worked fine. As far as I know the only issue with my 183 mods now is with KRE grid-fins. I also added the B9 Procedural Wings Fork mod. I like this one because it will allow for using less parts, properly fueled wings, and better overall wing shapes/fits.
  7. I'm having the same or similar issue as Jack_T... This is with a fresh install of KSP v1.12.5 and only having the KRE mod installed. I use CKAN for everything but because of this issue I manually installed the "KerbalReusabilityExpansion" folder in the GameData Folder. The issue is with all the grid fins having their "authority" values change to ridiculously high positive or negative numbers when going from the VAB to the launchpad. The same thing happens when reloading a saved craft too. Any idea as to what's causing this or how to fix it?
  8. I've been having problems with grid fins from KRE with a KSP using 183 mods and decided to start from a fresh install and add mods slowly to isolate the problem. With the fresh install the first thing I did was to manually add the "KerbalReusabilityExpansion" folder to the GameData folder, as stated at the KRE mod site. I started KSP and loaded up a MK1 command pod and added a set of KRE four grid fins and set the authority to 20-degrees, launched the test craft and the authority was some god awful high number of degrees. So, it appears to me that KRE currently has a built in issue now. I have to assume others are experiencing this and have they found a solution. Just in case it matters this is how I made the "fresh" install... I deleted the Steam instance in CKAN, uninstalled KSP via Steam and stopped the Cloud Sync. I then totally deleted the rest of the KSP folder from the Steam common folder and then went back to Steam and reinstalled KSP and reenabled the Cloud Sync. I then copied this KSP from the common folder to a new temp folder for testing things out and right off the bat the KRE grid fins failed. I'm also going to start a similar topic to this one in the KRE mod site hoping somebody is monitoring it and will respond.
  9. I have 183 mods installed, so a lot, I know. I do use a lot of them but two frustrating issues have cropped up, and I'm not sure if they happened at or around the same time or not and don't know if they are related in some way. The first issue I noticed was that stock wing fuel levels scale when building the craft but when reloading the craft they revert back to the stock size fuel values even though the wings remain scaled and the fuel level slider shows it can hold the scaled amount. The second issue is that grid fins don't hold their authority setting when saving then reloading a craft and they don't hold from the VAB to the launch pad. Here's an example of three authority value changes after reloading... If I set the authority at 1, 5 and 50 (a Nemesis grid fin) and save the craft after reloading the values change to 137500 degrees, 1653750 degrees, and 17456250 degrees, respectively. I don't have a clue how/why this happens. I can say a fresh install of KSP v1.12.5 with the same mods freshly installed shows the same issues. Anybody else experience these issues and what corrected these two problems? Other things as far as I can tell are working as expected. One other thing I've noticed. And it seems to happen after reloading KSP after getting the Unity fatal error saying something like ran out of available RAM and that is parts won't rotate using the QWEADS keys. I have to go back to a previous KSP backup and reload that into STEAM. My older backups also show the wing fuel value issue but I need to check about the grid fins. Thanks for any info or help here.
  10. Thought I'd finish this topic with the results after upgrading to 64gb. I'm now running between 175 and 180 mods including MemGraph. The padheap.cfg is fixed at 16384 (probably could lower it actually) with "visible = true" and "applyPadding = true" in the settings.cfg . The total memory used was 82% with KSP using about 28 gb of memory when the image below was saved. I've seen as high as 87% memory used, so between 10% and 15% of total RAM is still free. I'm sure I could have quite a bit less free because that's a lot of free RAM for Windows and the other apps running in the background. To test the new 64gb setup I've played with quite a few craft using as few as 96 parts to over 250 from launch to final orbit. I also have an over 650 part Hab Tech2 ISS with US and Russian parts plus a Dragon-2 cargo ship docked to it in a 100km orbit around Kerbin and so far time between stutters is pretty much always longer than a minute and often more than two minutes. The stutter time for a garbage-clean is under a second and is typically not even noticed unless I happen to be doing something at the time. At the moment KSP is behaving very nicely after the new RAM upgrade. I haven't had a single hiccup or crash due to a memory overflow after playing for many hours straight. Edit: I meant to add that the total loading time is long, about 7 minutes, but that's a onetime thing per playing session. Edit #2: I just loaded up KSP1 and went to the VAB. Shortly after that I looked and % Memory was 88% and Ram used was 47gb. That's a new observed high but it typically drops down to around 80% after a while of playing and very slowly increases with time played. The following image gives the frame-rate and memgraph data while the Artemis Construction Kit's ICPS and Orion is in Kerbin orbit...
  11. Memgraph sounds interesting. I'll have to try that. Thanks. (Edit: I looked up MemGraph and linuxgurugamer pointed to another mod called HeapPadder. It appears to be something like a MemGraph-lite. I think I'll give that a try first. 2nd edit to the 1st edit... Looks like MemGraph is a dependency of HeapPadder in that CKAN installed both. 3rd Edit: After installing MemGraph, and using it for ~30 minutes, I realized this won't solve the issue at the moment. The real issue seems to be bumping up too close to my max available 32gb of RAM and adding to the heap reduces that small headroom even further. My install of KSP1 is using up around 25gb of RAM at the start, so not small. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and double my RAM to 64 gb and then reinvestigate MemGraph because I think that should reduce whatever stutters I do get to a lower number over time. ) I really don't want to lower the texture quality because I like the looks and generally get good fps. I have an ~650 part ship (Habtech ISS with a docked Benjee10 Space Shuttle) in orbit and the physics slows from 1s in ksp time being equal to1s in real time to 1s ksp being less than 2s in real time. I can live with that. Shortly after liftoff from an alphamense launchpad a ~150 part BDB Apollo Saturn V shows around 30 fps the couple of times I've checked and once in orbit I get about 40 fps. I'm still kind of leaning to upgrade the RAM to 64gb too. I like to post process astronomy images and sometimes videos and generally the more RAM the better for that as well. I only upgraded from KSP v1.11.2 to 1.12.5 about two weeks ago because all the mods I was using finally had 1.12+ versions. I'm now in the process of trying to get orbiting craft, landers, rovers, and bases back to the way I like it. Like usual, after a major upgrade, many of my v1.11.2 craft files have missing or invalid parts and I need to redo the important ones.
  12. Yesterday I added two additional mods that resulted in a drastic increase in app and craft load times and a lot of stuttering during play until KSP would lock up. I really don't want to mention the mods by name because I don't think they were at fault but seemed to be the "straw that broke the camel's back" in that before the two new mods were added I could get to the start screen in about 7 minutes and have about 5 gb of my 32 gb of RAM initially still left free and could work in KSP for something like six or so hours with very little stuttering until getting into the mid to upper 90% of RAM used and then things start to quickly bog down and I either quit and restarted or eventually get the "Unexpected Stack Overflow" error warning from Unity Analytics. When KSP is not running the system plus other processes uses around 27% of the available RAM. After installing those two new mods, one with a fair number of new parts and the other with increased animation effects, the load times went to about 10 minutes and about 98% of memory was being used right at the start screen. Loading up a craft would take a few minutes when it used to take maybe 30s up to 45s on a bad day. During the craft loading free memory would often be jumping into the few hundred mb numbers when before it would pretty much stay in the low gbs at worse. When in flight mode there was 98+% of total RAM used with quite a bit of stuttering and after about 15 or so minutes KSP would lock up. This morning, I uninstalled the two new apps and things went back to normal. The memory usage stays around 85% while in flight with no stuttering and smooth graphics with the physics time scale in the green. So, I'm thinking I may bite the bullet and upgrade from 32gb of RAM to 64gb considering what I've seen suggests I'm bumping up against a lack of free RAM ceiling. Just wondering if this RAM upgrade sounds about right based on the above recent observations or if there is a better solution that doesn't involve reducing the number of mods.
  13. Thanks DeadJohn. As mentioned I have BDB and I have NFS but I didn't have Knes. I've added that mod to both my v1.12.5 and v1.11.2 KSPs. I just recently upgraded from v1.11.2 over to v1.12.5 in part because all the mods I used in v1.11.2 were now available for v1.12.5. I was surprised during this latest version upgrade that CKAN upgraded all the necessary mods properly and KSP v1.12.5 loaded and worked on the first try. As usual, for most of the major version upgrades many of my v1.11.2 builds have "missing or invalid parts" and now won't load so I've rebuilt the Starship from the Starship Expansion Project and the Space Shuttle (still loaded but redid it a bit) from the Shuttle Orbital Construction Kit and in the process of redoing Apollo, Gemini, and Mercury from BDB and Artemis from the Artimis Construction Kit. I "cheated" and Hyperedited up Benjee10's HabTech ISS build (usually I do a full rebuild of any included craft) along with the Tantare's Russian bits by Beale now slightly changed by me to be a bit more realistic looking. There's something like 650 parts now floating around up there with the ISS-plus build but the physics only slows from 1s being 1s to 1s now being about 1.5 - 2 s. Beale, Benjee10, Cobalt Wolf, and Kari, along with their various associates, have done super super jobs at what they have provided for KSP players. In hindsight, I think Squad should have used "HG" for any hypergolic fueled RCS/engines instead of MP. That would have been more "realistic" with no added burden on the developers. Too bad about KSP2 being essentially terminated. I didn't purchase it because I didn't feel like dealing with all the frustration from all the constant bugs, bug fixes, and the bug fixes creating new bugs. That's the rest of the story as to why I waited so long to upgrade to v1.12.5. Sadly, a lot of mod developer's efforts related to KSP2 will have been waste if it truly dies.
  14. I've been playing KSP1 for thousands of hours now and over and over again I bump up against what many may consider a silly issue and that issue is we need more monopropellant (MP) engines. The reason being nearly all ships are boosted to orbit and often inserted into a proper transfer by LF/OX or LH/OX engines. But within about 24 hours or so everything transitions over to hypergolic engines because of their high reliability and no need for heavy/expensive cooling/insulation. The closest KSP has to a hypergolic fuel is MP. LCH4 is also a decent fuel for longer duration missions because LCH4 doesn't require Herculean efforts for longer term storage but LCH4/Ox engines are still not as reliable, Musk may disagree , as those using hypergolic fuels. I know, I know, it's just a game but I make as many service-modules and lander builds as I can using nothing but the few monopropellant engines generally meant for the space shuttle type builds from a few mods and sometimes a bit of LF/Ox when using fuel cells. Even for the Artemis Construction Kit, I've substituted the LF/Ox engines on the ESM with scaled monopropellant orbital insertion engines and buried a MP tank and a few of the spherical Space X 400 unit MP tanks to get about the same total Dv. One particular application for suitable MP engines would be for Blue Dog Bureau's Apollo style lunar lander instead of the two provided LF/OX engines. The descent and ascent stages can have their fuels switched to MP with a fuel switcher mod.
  15. Thanks towermom9. Too bad that IRN and ER don't play well together. I'll have to give it a try. In essence I gather one just has to specify the target to capture and EasyRobotics moves the LEE to the target for capturing. Pretty cool. Today I've been modifying the Zaray, Zevezda, and Nauka included in Benjee10s ISS (2023) craft build for better RCS control and a somewhat (maybe?) better comparison to their real counterparts for looks. The Nauka required the most work and I had to do more cheating than I would like to get the COM/ACOM/ECOM close to overlapping and at the correct point for the more or less correctly positioned thrusters to function properly for translations. Of course, this has added parts and I think it's now close to 500 in total right now.
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