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Everything posted by nandhii

  1. no 1.3.1 anyway i solve my problem with this : -force-opengl or -force-d3d11 , it's working fine now
  2. Hi, I have not play since ksp 1.0 i want to play to ksp back but my game now always crash with mods .... i have try to download modpack from KerbalX website and anyway modpack that people currently use still make my game crash, so i need to ask why ??? Why they can play with this modpack but my game is crashing ? i have a good CPU and GC so i don't really understand where is the problem. If someone may have an idea for this.... thanks
  3. hi, i never use this mod and i want to know what happen with the contract if the order and name of planet change ? the vanilla contract are still coherent ? and contract pack is still working too ?
  4. im running on win7 64bits and and use this : "-force-d3d11 -force-opengl -popupwindow" im playing with the older ship manifest version 4.4.2 and it work fine
  5. with the new version when i click on the icon, ship manifest dont appear anymore, the icon goes green but nothing appear, but if i remove the folder and add it again, i can open ship manifest ingame 1 time but if i try to move the windows it disapear.
  6. ce pack supprime t-il les mission de base du jeu genre test part, rescue etc... ??? j'en ai plus aucune depuis que je l'ai installé :/
  7. thanks i will try thanks for your reply, i didnt know for alt+F5:) i will use it now i was only use F5 for quick save and i try it and yes it s really better for making quicksave! so thanks it will be enough i think ^^
  8. seriously :/ and it's possible to make a mod that would autosave every x time without overwriting them always oO??
  9. not working on 1.0.5 some1 know how to fix ? thanks make it work by my own
  10. does the mod remove vanilla contract ? i started a new career and i dont have the contract about testing engine or some part it's a bug or ...?
  11. same problem i been at least 2868000 but it never get good u_u and also, does the mod remove the vanilla contract ? i dont have them anymore, about test some engine ^^
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