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Everything posted by OrbitalBuzzsaw

  1. Holy Kraken!. @GregroxMun, add these 2 - Eelus, god of ice and cold, and Jebedias, father of demigod Jedediah Keman, and god of flight.
  2. When you try to throttle up a Falcon 9 while watching landing footage. Or when Steam's counter ticked over 3500hrs today
  3. I'd say KPBS. UKS : REALLY hard. Pathfinder : DEFINITION OF LAG. KPBS : Fine
  4. BAK controllers nervously await word of the TVK Telescope, and prepare the 1200-ton CVE-Cruiser KSV Razor Hail for patrol.
  5. Looks cool. Might be good for refitting my ageing F-3A/B and F-5 fighters
  6. [Orders secretary to ready R-5 spy aircraft] Also, @DMSP, a status update - Has the TVK Space Telescope reached the desired 4000*4000km orbit? Judging by your like, I assume yes?
  7. I know where your space center is and I have a strike aircraft waiting on my runway.
  8. So I was using a old plane from 1.05, and the gear won't extend. "Gear Blocked : Yes". Could someone make a MMConfig/Mod that disables this monstrosity?
  9. At one point, a Crew Report While In Space High Over Duna said : "You decide to have a staring contest with Kerbol. You lose."
  10. Can you make this for the LY-10, make it stronger and disable default steering, @GoSlash27?
  11. @Matt Lowne's youtube channel has a Minmus SSTO tutorial that's pretty good
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