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Everything posted by OrbitalBuzzsaw

  1. Just look. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u00xd3tv7wr9hho/Screenshot%202016-05-26%2016.44.55.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oi2qxxqzbrhqz33/Screenshot%202016-05-26%2016.34.20.png?dl=0 I'm was trying to make F-86 replica (kinda). I crashed in the water and survived, and did this.
  2. Also, can we get rid of "Landing Gear/Wheel : Blocked"???
  3. My standard lifter is 30 tons to LKO, and that's with paper-thin margins and a hair-trigger tendency to flip out during launch.
  4. I don't even know why we have them. Don't use 'em.
  5. Oh yeah @DMSP - PM me if you want some fighters ETC - the planes in my thread is outdated from 1.05 and I have a bunch of better ones now.
  6. That's a huuuuuge fairing! I don't use 'em a whole lot cause they're heavy. Now I'm doing a lot of KPBS based stuff, don't use them much - KPBS FTW
  7. Yeah. Also, not-wearing-of-helmets-and-space-suits when EVA on Kerbin and when in plane cockpits
  8. Also, toggle staging on fairings, for nosecone fairings, SM walls, etc
  9. I do agree, the polar launch pad is a good idea. And KSC needs more runways. MOAR MOAR MOAR RUNWAYS. But maybe the third pad should be replaced with a large control tower. Also, AI trucks/cars driving around on some roads around KSC would be really cool.
  10. Dres DOES NOT EXIST!
  11. I have a standard design for up to 25 tons to LKO. After that, anything goes.
  12. Yeah! That would be awesome! Also, a Mk-1 Inline Cockpit with a full bubble canopy, a la P-51D
  13. The Island Runway killed 17 who were onboard a prototype STOL airliner once
  14. Looks really cool! What about some cockpits? A 2-seat inline, a inline with a long slope back (I.E. F4U Corsair) and a P-51 like one?
  15. Buzzsaw Aerospace has now exited a state of alert and into a state of caution . the F-11s are being rolled into the hangar, but their weapons remain attached.
  16. Do not worry. Buzzsaw Aerospace is based out of a classified location near Kerbin's south pole, but a second, equatorial launch location is operated.
  17. My launch vehicles are a "Mark (number) (Type) Launcher" so Mark VI Medium Launcher, Mark II Light Launcher, Mark I Super-Heavy Launcher, etc. A "+" indicates a variant with boosters. Some of my older rockets used very bland names : L-1B Rover-Carrying Lander, OS-1 Orbital Scanner, etc. Now, I use gods and numbers. IE the "Thor-1 Orbital Missile Platform", "Orion Station", "Hermes IIIB" For planes, it varies - Fighters : F-number 'Name (Usually a blade, but has been other things, for replicas, a strike aircraft, etc) (Loadout) Transports - C-Number 'Name' Cargo CF - Number (Progresses from 'C' numbers) 'Name' Spy Plane - R-Number 'Name' Space Plane - SP-Number 'Name' Trainer - T-Number 'Name' Ground Attack - A-Number 'Name' (Loadout) General Aviation - L-Number 'Name' Some exceptions are made - Aeris 3F (fighter Aeris 3A), Mallard 2 (Mallard w/ 4 underwing engines), etc etc
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