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Martian Emigrant

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Everything posted by Martian Emigrant

  1. That's a recurring one. But these days it's the exact opposite. Jeb won't get onboard and I have to revert to the VAB and stick him in again. Something to do with the first part that was selected me think. ME
  2. Hey. Just found your reply. (If you want to be noticed in an older tread you really should "Quote" the person, or "Name" the person or use "Like" so a notification is sent) I.......Don't remember. I will go look at the craft. I still have the file. The decoupler was clicked to the engine in the normal way. Then was offset up using the offset tool in the VAB. The engine exhaust doesn't impinge on the decoupler. Nor does the decoupling damage the engine....in this case. When "Clipping" parts you need to try them as they can stick together and not function quite the way you would like. ME
  3. @kBob and @Red Stapler ah. Modern stuff those are. Novelties really. Mine was the Ohio Scientific Challenger C1P. It had 8K. No editor. Loaded from a cassette recorder and and and and I had to walk barefoot uphill in the snow to use it. As far as the OP, Yes, I have done it....But now I use F5 more often and on complex mission I will duplicate the quicksave with a new name before saving over it. ME
  4. Your LK look wonderful. Quite good looking. I recognize some of the components but not all. How did you make them green? Change in the texture files or mod? ME
  5. If I may. Heading hold is a feature on aircrafts. I agree that it might not be a good one in orbit. Even on aircrafts there are limits. For instance nobody "Normally" fly over the pole. Commercial airliners don't do it. Their instruments are not certified for such operation. So impose limits as they have. Normal operation between say the equator and say 80°N or S. Heading hold might revert to Attitude hold. ME
  6. Hey all. Thank you @NISSKEPCSIM for the challenge. Always was interested by the LK. In my own words "Wonderful-Wonderful 1930-Tractor-Retro Punk look to it". Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/w31op Mission report: To the Mun Soviet Style. N1, LOK, LK. A few pictures: Score: 85 EDIT: 85 + 15 (Docking without RCS Bonus) Final Score: 100. ME
  7. Hi. As EJ pointed out there was no lost of life in the trials of the N1. They never got to space either. But I must also point out that the first attempt to launch the N1 was in Feb 1969. There were a lot of Soviet-Style delays. Apollo 8 had orbited the Moon already. By the second attempt Apollo 9 and 10 had been successful. When the 4th was tried the Apollo program was already shutdown. There was only 17 left to fly from the original 20. And that's my friends is history. ME
  8. Part 3. Goodbye LK. You were a good ship. A quick adjustment of the manoeuvre nodes. A short burn (With the engine back at full power). Goodbye Mun. Separating the parts that will not help the re-entry. Het look it's the KSC below the Service Module explosion. Jeb: Who packed the chute? Val: It's was Bill. Jeb: Was it before or after the Superball? Both Val and Jeb: It was before! Jeb: This spaceship looks like a "Stubby" (Beer bottle) makes me thirsty. This concluded the adventure. Thank you for reading this. ME
  9. Part 2 of my report. After achieving Munar orbit Val (It had to be Val) does an EVA to get from the LOK to the LK. She seems to be enjoying herself. The fifth stage was used to get into orbit. Now it is used to start the descent by providing the de-orbit burn. Goodbye 5th stage. The Single multiple restart LK engine better work because we are going down. Val is relieved. Touchdown. F5 please. Mandatory flag. Let's go back. Nothing to do here. After waiting for the LOK to fly overhead. Liftoff. Leaving the legs behind. A few burns to achieve a rendez-vous. Now my design was a bit shy of Delta-V. And ran out of fuel AND Mono-Propellant. 700m to the LOK. Jeb had to spring into action. And that's when I noticed...... I couldn't get the RCS to work..... No nozles....... Many emotions. Oh, what the eck. Tuned the main engine down and used it to do the docking. Success. Now Val does another EVA to the LOK.
  10. Hey all. This is a report with pictures of my mission to the Mun using the 1969 vintage Soviet Rocketery. I must say that the LK (Lunniy Korabl or Lunar Craft) has a Wonderful-Wonderful 1930-Tractor-Retro Punk look to it. But the whole thing was messed up. Too many parts, too many manufacturing problems and way too late to upstage the Apollo program. Anyway here is my rocket. imgur album http://imgur.com/a/w31op My version has 16 engines on the first stage (30 on the Original), 8 on the second, 4 on the third then one per stage. The interstage between 1, 2 and 3 are ventilated like the original (I used clipped inflatable heat shields). I concluded that the Soviet engineers had spherical fuel cells inside a skin-structure. Then braced the parts together. The Americans came in with more of a wet-wing concept where the outside skin IS the fuel cell. And they weren't spheres. The more I look at the overall result the more convinced I am that it never would have worked. No matter how many alternate reality you might look at. Anyway. The LK is between the fifth stage and the LOK (Lunniy Orbitalny Korabl, Lunar Orbital Craft) My LOK is closer to a Soyuz with it's solar panels than the original. It's made of 2 MK1 clipped together with a fairing around them. Launch Running stage 2 Stage 3 gets the contraption to space. Losing the fairing, exposing stage 4, 5, the LK, LOK, deploying antennas and solar panels. On my version the LK is naked to space. My research indicate that there were other fairings....Holding 4th to fifth and fifth to LOK around the LK.....(Structure? I guess). Stage 3 finishes its job of achieving orbit Stage 4 does the Translunar injection. Goodbye 4th stage Separating with the 4th stage this close to Kerbin messed up my Mun flyby altitude. Corrected with RCS. The 5th stage is ignited for the first time to do the Mun Orbit Insertion.
  11. I support this. How many times I have wished for some kind of basic autopilot. With Heading hold, Attitude hold, Altitude hold and a yaw damper. ME
  12. Hey Kerbalomites. I am sure you all missed me. I was around. Not much worth reporting. Today I went Soviet Style. All stock. Imgur Album: http://imgur.com/a/w31op Val and Jeb are back at the KSC. Still need to do a mission report. It was interesting. Learned a lot about days gone by. The LK had a nice retro look to it. but ....That project was doomed..... Keep on playing stimulating simulating. ME
  13. Hello EJ. I have been preparing a Duna mission for a while now. The hardware is built and tested. What do you mean by "Cargo"? As setup I have A Kerbin-Duna transfer for satellites, one for the ascent Vehicle, one for the habitat and one for the crew. None are dedicated cargo. Do I need to amend? ME
  14. Hi. Intriguing. I have an idea.....Wouldn't work from Kerbin. EDIT Woulnd't work anywhere. I just tested my idea in .01G It's a total bust. You need to carry bombs and get enough delta-V to do work. The more bombs the less push.... Maybe from Minmus. Get to orbit. Landing? I don't see how. Me
  15. Hi all. Jupiter (And presumably Jool) has an atmosphere mostly composed of Hydrogen which can burn if Oxygen is combined to it. It also as 10 % Helium but that's no worst than Earth's 78% of Nitogen. Now, I am no chemist. No aeronautical engineer. But I think if you went low enough you could get "Lift" for your wings. And if you compressed that denser atmosphere you could make it burn but..... Isn't hydrogen poor, energy wise, compared to say Kerosene or even methane? Seem to me to be "Realist" (I know it's a game) you would need more oxidizer flying around Jool than LF on Kerbin for the same work. Also it seems to me that if you are now that low you will never get out again. Combined with nowhere to go...What's the point? Send a one way probe. As for Eve....IDK....Something similar I guess. ME
  16. Hello all. Here is my take on the Asteroid mission. Mission Repost Doing it Constellation Style Imgur (More messed up than usual) http://martianarepeopletoo.imgur.com/all/ My game gave me a hard time. So this mission was made seemed worse than it was. Glad to have done it though. The Altair was modified for the new mission. The Orion was also redesigned as it was needlessly too big. I have no real (Get it? Real?) experience with asteroids. But I found that the only way to get an encounter was to be exactly on the same orbital plane. Nothing else seemed to work. Close doesn't work. But on it. Easy. Here is the Altair taking down the Death Star probing Rock-24 with the Science TieBeam Impactor Coliider. STIC. Total score: 81 I would like to request my next badge. Thank you. ME PS EJ I will make more mission patches.
  17. Hey all Kerbomites. Last night I threw a Scientific Tiebeam Impactor Colider. STIC for short at an asteroid. And the scientis smart guys are disappointed. Apparently you can't "Pop" an asteroid. ME
  18. Here is the rest. Following the flight of Asteroid Investigator II. A mofified Altair was sent up. This Altair has no fuel. I decided it required none. By removing fuel and engines the delta-V of the EDS is increased. The reduction in the Orion weight also contribute to fuel not being required for this mission. A modest amount of science was loaded in the Instrument bay. Somewhere in the planning the drill and ore tank was forgotten. 2 Impacting probes were added to the payload. The "Scientific Tiebeam Impacting Collider" STIC for short. Scientist have been wanting to know for a long time now. Can you "Pop" an asteroid? The vehicle at the launch pad waited for the orbit of AI2 to come overhead. The rest is routine. Orbital plane was immediately corrected to match Rock-24. A request was put in to take pictures of the asteroid from the Kubble space telescope. The request was denied and delayed. The telescope was being used to take pictures of the 3legged race being conducted at the Annual Astronomer Picnic. Eventually this picture was delivered. Time passed and when the asteroid got to 8 days to Pe The Orion was launched in the same orbital plane as the Altair. Rendez-vous. Planning mid course corrections. Matching speed using the EDS The last of the EDS fuel was used to top up the Orion.....Just in case. Followed by the capture. One day before Pe Science Then someone intentioned that the Altair was supposed to dock on it's own. So they did it again. Undocking More undocking Docking And another one Val went on an EVA and had a regolith bath Jeb told her that if you touch and asteroid, cross your fingers, toes, twist you tongue, close your eyes and make a wish it will come true. He also told her if you put your head inside an asteroid you can see the diamond in the middle of it. She could not get her head in there. but just as she boarded she saw the diamond. After another 6 days the Orion was undocked and headed for home. A simulation showed that the ship could not survive re-entry if going for a direct shot. Two pass through the upper atmosphere was planned. Those extra orbits put our crew over the planned 20 days in space. But fun was had by all Kerbals involved. And val's wish did come true. When she boarded the Altair after her EVA Sidgan had made hot chocolate milk with marshmallows for everyone. ME
  19. Hi EJ. That is how I build them. Never seemed to be an issue. This feel sudden. To add to the problem is that the Orion as an escape tower. And if it decide to go from probe core (Or the docking port just below) to something else, it is hard in flight (Once realised what just happened) to click it back. For the Altair the top of the ship is in fairing. You can't get to it. Really makes me wish for the day we will deselect "Control-from-here" in the VAB. Anyhoo. I have upgraded to 1.2.2 and it has that new car feel. Still messes up but I got both ship in orbit on the appropriate orbital planes. ME
  20. Hey there. Frustrated, very frustrated. I don't know if it' the way I built and then tweaked the ships or if my game got somehow corrupted (read confused) but it's barely playable. Actually , no it's unplayable. Let me explain. My ship have multiple pods and probe cores all pointing in different directions. Every time I switch back from the map the nav ball turns to some random direction. Same when I load a Quicksave. Pretty hard to go from a rocket, check it's path over Kerbin Then come back to fly and jettison stages. I try to do a rendez-vous and am always off just to find out that the ship is being driven from a random pod and is 15° off from forward. Currently running 1.2.0. I will upgrade and copy my save game and ships. We'll see. ME
  21. Hi there. Well a "Simulation" was conducted yesterday. And a few problems showed up. The first involved the Orion-Mark II. A smaller more efficient Orion. Half the size, Still hold 4 crews as before. The cockpits aren't even clipped. The docking port was replaced with the Junior......But not on the ARM version of the Altair...... The simulation sent the EDS-Altair to Rock-24. And the flight needs to depart sooner. The Orion as to wait for the orbit of the Altair to cross overhead. The difficulty in making an encounter even for one degree makes matching the planes mandatory. The travel time was 4 days. Arrival was 1 day before periapsis. not the planned 3. So a newer simulation will be conducted. One where the Altair will be matched to Rock-24 before the crew shows up. Where the Orion launch procedure will begin 8 days before Rock-24's apoapsis. On another note the testing of the Impactors: Stick-1 and Stick-2 were successfully fired. Giving a very satisfying set of explosions. Stay tuned, ME
  22. Hey all. I am now starting the next mission. It involves meeting an asteroid inside the Kerbin SOI. It also stipulate no more than 20 days. So no deep space shenanigan. I have chosen my rock. Its called VBD-024. Provisional name. It will get another one. For now let us call it.....Rock-24. I like it because it crosses the orbit or Minmus. The tip of the orbit are past 180°. Making it a near capture. Flight to Minmus barely use more fuel than the ones to the Mun. There are 19 days between Ap and leaving the SOI. So call it 38 days to work with. It will be here (The Ap anyway) in 139 days. So I started by launching a Satellite. The Asteroid Investigator II (It's no.2 because it's predecessor ran out of go-go-juice). I first matched the plane with the Mun. So now I know for sure that the plane of Rock-24 is 18.1°. More precise that I can fly that's for sure. Asteroid Investigator was repositioned to match the plane of Rock-24. The PLAN! The plan as it stands now. Standby for changes. Is to wait for Rock-24 to enter the SOI (Well the Warp kind of waiting). At that point the ARM mission will be launched. A modified Altair-Mun-Lander on an Ares V. It will be launched to match the orbital plane of Asteroid Investigator (Easier than matching Rock-24 on a take-off). When Rock-24 is about 6 days to AP the Orion mounted on the Ares 1 will be launched with crew. They will meet with the Altair. An intercept course will be computed (I will play with the nodes) to encounter Rock-24 aprox 3 days prior to Ap. That will give me some fudging room. The stay will be 7 days or 3 days past AP. Which ever comes first That should keep me within the orbit of Minmus). The crew will return with the Orion Spacecraft to Kerbin.......Hopefully. Standby for more development. ME
  23. Hi. Yes, their impact resistance is 7m/s. When one end touches the water the chute disappear and the top end falls faster than that. My solution was to place the chutes at both ends. ME
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