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Everything posted by Mycroft

  1. -41(-) nah sorry (no I'm not) If you're evil and you know it, clap your hands! [clap clap] If you're evil and you know it clap your hands! [clap clap] Cause the devil down below, he is looking up in ... something... ... IF YOU'RE EVIL AND YOU KNOW IT, CLAP YOUR HANDS!! [clap clap]
  2. Nonononono that needs to be -41(-) FOR REASONS LIKE ummm ... REASONS
  3. Woah we got RedIronCrown in here? Cool beans!
  4. Hold the phone. In the interest of factual accuracy, I might be crazy, but I'm purty sure that a minus is different from a plus sign.
  5. Now I'm confused *facepalm* Wouldn't skirmish rules apply there, too?
  6. @Dman979 yeah I think I got it now, thanks. So -41(-) Shoot.....post merging GAH Jose! Long time no see! Congrats on the GM spot! STAHP WITH THE POST MERGING!
  7. Um okay ignore the number but still I think there is an error here
  8. Wait what? @JoseEduardo @Dman979 either way -41(-)
  9. Thank you to all three of you for your submissions! They have been processed, and they will be reviewed mid December!
  10. @Nick88, @DMSP, and @TheEpicSquared, thank you all for your submissions. They are being processed, and I will be sure to let you know once we finish processing them.
  11. So @lo-fi how goes the struggle? I've been gone from the forums for a few weeks, so I wondered what I missed. Good news is, once this nightmare is over, you'll be an expert on 1.2 wheels! oh and @SpannerMonkey(smce), I'm loving your mods! Edit: yay 500 posts!
  12. -50(-) YOU SHALL NOT PASS! @adsii1970 I could use a hand
  13. I believe that the kas attachment pipe also works to connect separate craft.
  14. @Nick88 would you like to have a manufacturer credited with making your ships? For example, I own CMAU Incorporated and we are the ones making my ships. You don't need to make up a company. It can be fun, though, and I wanted to ask if you were interested in doing it before I process your submissions. Also, welcome to the forums!
  15. Actually quite a few new developers joined the team. I believe it is in the OP.
  16. -38 (-) @StupidAndy: You're still solidly in Negative territory, buddy. @adsii1970 you can only edit to add a 'I screwed up, ignore me' phrase. New ruling was that you shouldn't edit at all, and if you edit, your post is invalidated. If you post an invalid number, sorry but you can't change it, but adding that ignore me phrase helps others. @Dman979 correct me if I'm wrong, please.
  17. Your submission has been processed, and should be reviewed in December! Thank you for sharing your craft!
  18. Thanks! Yes the Avatar tail was deleted from the 1.1.3 update, and I'm trying to get OPT working for 1.2. It will be reviewed here:
  19. And at last, CMAU Incorporated is extremely proud to present: the Avatar Valkyrie Shuttle, now on KerbalX! https://kerbalx.com/Mycroft_33/Valkyrie-Shuttle An amazing and easy (ish) to fly VTOL SSTO, this is the only shuttle we know of that can take off VTOL style, make orbit and back, and land in VTOL mode! Capable of amazing speed! I hope you all enjoy this fantastic craft!
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