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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. Just now, Ultimate Steve said:

    Yeah, same!


    Also, LANDING!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's really weird: I'm an American but because I play KSP so much I prefer when they do the metric sidebar.

    Yeah, I loved the m/s speed indicator. I knew exactly how fast the rocket was going!

    All we need now is a navball. :wink: 

  2. 8 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

    Launch scrubbed. :( 

    Launch window tomorrow same time. I'll be in school, so I'll have to find a way to get around the teachers. SpaceX is way more important than English! :P 

    Actually, I just realized it's May Day tomorrow, so no school! Ha! Take that, English class! :sticktongue: 

  3. 11 minutes ago, goldenpeach said:

    I can't explain you what is a locked thread, you have to see it by yourself.

    Take the red lock, and you will see the truth behind the locked threads.

    Take the blue lock and you will forget this post and remain in the realm of locked threads


  4. I've noticed that having many engines clustered under a fuel tank can look a bit ugly. To get around this, I use a surprisingly simple solution: Radiators.

    For a 2.5m fuel tank, eight of the large radiator panels (these ones) on the side of the tank do wonders at giving a clean look to the bottom of rockets. If you offset the panels to that they align exactly with the tank, they almost look like they're meant to fit on the tanks!

    I'm not on KSP now, but I'll try to get screenshots tomorrow. :) 



    "Oh, Hardfield... you have no idea what you just got yourself into..."

    "By SQUAD... it's a black hole!" Hardfield exclaimed, in utter shock.

    "I-i-it would seem so, Mr Hardfield..." the intern trembled.

    Hardfield slowly sipped his cup of tea. His mind was whirling.

    "Lodfurt, does this pose a threat to the solar system?" he asked.

    "Ehmm, well, it's hard to tell from these early data pieces, but it seems it's in a stable orbit. But how? By all accounts, it's impossible! And how... how come the solar system isn't going haywire, with planets going everywhere?"

    "I have no idea," Hardfield replied, still visibly shaken. "How far away is it?"

    "Rough estimates suggest roughly 1.57 billion kilometers from Kerbol, give or take a few million kilometers. However, the Kerbol Space Telescope is only  so accurate. It's the most powerful telescope in our arsenal, but the only way of getting a sure answer is sending a probe there."

    "But... it's 1.57 billion kilometers away! How-how are we going to get there in a reasonable time span? It's impossible!" Hardfield replied incredulously.

    "Yeah, that's the problem. Unless we develop a new form of propulsion, this black hole system remains out of reach for the foreseeable future. It's going to take four years just to get to Jool - how are we supposed to get to this?

    "I know a way, Hardfield... I think it's about time you tell everyone about me..."

    Are you sure? Hardfield thought?

    "Oh yes... go on, tell them... it'll be beneficial... to the survivability of the kerbal race..."

    "Everyone, I think there may be a way," Hardfield started, "But it's a long story, so everyone take a seat."


    "... And that's pretty much the story," Hardfield said when he finished telling the room about everything.

    Lodfurt was clearly in disbelief at the entire story, while Caldos was just feeling shocked that Hardfield hadn't told him the Hybridium were talking to him as well.

    However, when everyone had gotten over their shock, Hardfield spoke the exact words that the Hybridium had told him just moments earlier.

    "A wormhole."

    "A wormhole?" Lodfurt repeated, clearly baffled.

    "Yes, the Hybridium told me that the black hole is accompanied by a wormhole, from Jool to the black hole. If we could engineer a craft that can somehow go through this wormhole, we would cover several hundred millions of kilometers in an instant!" Hardfield replied. He was clearly excited.

    "Well... looks like we've gotten ourselves into something big, alright," Lodfurt said.

    "Oh, you have... by SQUAD, you've gotten yourself into something huge... greater than you can even imagine..."

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