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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 26 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

    @ZooNamedGames @TheEpicSquared

    Actually I was thinking, a long, horizontal beam, with connectors on both ends right? Join many of therm together, end to end, along the equator. Little bit of jiggery-pokery to squish a few extra beams in to increase the radius, give it a bit of a kick and put it into orbit around Kerbin. Double points if you spin it fast enough to generate a mild artificial gravity on its inner surface.

    Am I anywhere close? Is that even possible in KSP, whaddya reckon?

    This probably isn't possible due to the physics simulation distances that KSP crafts are limited by. Nice idea though, it's sort of be like a giant ring station.

    BD Armory increases the physics distance, but not nearly enough to make this type of structure possible (I believe that's how @Stratzenblitz75 made his 34km stock monorail). Maybe there are some other mods out there? 

  2. 1 hour ago, munlander1 said:

    So how did you do?

    I did well I think, EXCEPT FOR ONE GODDAMN QUESTION!!! :mad:

    So I got to the question, and just as I was about to read it, my classmate sitting at the other end of the table distracted me by asking to borrow my eraser. He then was incredibly noisy while erasing and after giving it back he started HUMMING! 

    Obviously this was extremely irritating, and he wouldn't stop humming even when I asked him to. So because of this distraction, I accidentally solved the question as a quadratic equation (oh god I feel so stupid now) instead of factorising the expression.

    I realized my mistake while going over my test, but by then the testing time was over and the teacher swiftly collected mine (and everyone else's papers) before I could change my answer. :( 

    I have since sent an email to the teacher, kindly asking him to disregard the question/give me the benefit of the doubt. I even completed the question correctly in the email. 

    Hopefully I get a positive response! 


    *sigh* I feel stupid. Very stupid :P 

  3. 12 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Is it structurally stable? Can you climb it? 

    Actually, if you can build that side ways and interlock with others like it, then I have a job for you.


    14 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

    Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?


  4. 17 minutes ago, IncongruousGoat said:

    Does anybody know how Red Dragon is supposed to generate power once it arrives at Mars? In transit it has the solar panels on the trunk, but once it lands is it going to deploy solar panels from some internal compartment? Is it going to carry an RTG? Is it going to run on batteries?

    Probably solar, RTGs are expensive and batteries won't last long, like @Spaceception said.

  5. *presses the button* If I wake up early, I can put myself back to sleep. :wink: 


    Funding for space exploration vastly increases across the globe but it puts every major superpower in competition. (I would press the button)

  6. 7 minutes ago, IncongruousGoat said:

    No. Mars Oasis was Musk's original plan. It fell apart when he tried to buy a refurbished Soviet ICBM, and realized it would be prohibitively expensive to do so. It was this that motivated him to found SpaceX and drastically decrease launch costs.

    Makes sense... but would it be possible to take a few plants to Mars, along with life support for them? Judging that the payload in the Dragon v2 hasn't been revealed yet, I think it seems possible.

    I wonder how much the contraption would weigh, though.

  7. So I was looking through the SpaceX Wikipedia article and I came across this:


    In 2001, Elon Musk conceptualized Mars Oasis, a project to land a miniature experimental greenhouse and grow plants on Mars, "so this would be the furthest that life’s ever traveled"[22] in an attempt to regain public interest in space exploration and increase the budget of NASA.[23][24][25]

    Is this "Mars Oasis" project still active? The latest news I can find on it is from 2014.

    Red Dragon perhaps? 

  8. 7 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

    Well, this is interesting...


    the next two Falcon 9 flights in June will not have the helium tank modification


    One of those is probably the Iridium-1 first stage that'll be used for the Bulgaria-Sat mission. And maybe the CRS-11 rocket was manufactured before the changes were finalized?


    Now I'm wondering about the two reused boosters on the FH maiden flight. Hmmm...

  9. 8 hours ago, Commander223323 said:

    Infernal Robots - 2.0.2
    Infernal Robots - 2.0.5
    Infernal Robots - 2.0.6

    ^ A bit of advice - you can delete the first two IR mod files, just keep the 2.0.6/latest version. :) 


    8 hours ago, Commander223323 said:

    Community Resource Pack - 0.6.4
    Community Resource Pack - 0.6.1
    Community Resource Pack - 0.6.1

    ^ Same with this, just keep the 0.6.4/latest version, you don't need the other two. :wink:


    And yes, you are normal. 

  10. IMO - in my opinion

    IMHO - in my humble/honest opinion

    FWIW - for what it's worth

    TL;DR - too long; didn't read

    IIRC - if I remember correctly


    Not sure if some of them have already been done, but those are my suggestions :) 


    EDIT: Also

    FH - Falcon Heavy

    F9 - Falcon 9 (might conflict with the F9 key though)

    ITS - Interplanetary Transport System

    BO - Blue Origin


  11. Huh, no technical webcast for this launch either. I guess it's just simpler to have one. 

    I liked the technical one, though. I could concentrate on launch proceedings without listening to the commentators rambling on about things I've heard a million times before... :( 

  12. 25 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

    Here's one - not a "complain about your school" comment as much as it is "complain about students" comment...

    Final grades were due on Monday. I gave students until midnight on Saturday (Eastern Daylight Time, U.S.) to turn in any and all remaining assignments they had. Yesterday, I had  a student call me at home screaming on the phone that I was a (insert your profane word here) because I didn't email them personally that they were failing the class AND that it was wrong of me to not include stuff he had turned in yesterday morning (that he emailed an hour before his phone call) in his final grade. He then proceeded to tell me that 1) he would sue me if I didn't change his grade and 2) I was being a jack --- (another word for donkey) for not helping him.

    My response to him was simple... "See you in the fall when you retake the course..." Oh, yeah, I should add that I am the only one on the campus that teaches that class.

    Gah, I hate those type of people (plenty of those in my class). It's their fault if they can't be bothered to study and complete assignments, they shouldn't be such jerks when they fail the class. :mad: 

  13. [snip]

    We end on the 13th of June. And technically, the 13th is just an end-of-year assembly, so the 12th is the last full school day.  


    But what I hate about my school is the planning abilities (or lack thereof) of the teahers. For the first 3/4 of the term, we have 2-3 summative assignments at best, and those are usually just tests.

    Then, in the final 1/4 of the term, the teachers get stressed because they haven't graded everyone on all the criteria enough times, so they start piling up tests and assignments on us in the final 3-4 weeks of term. 

    And this happens for nearly every class, so now my entire class is loaded with several huge essays, tests and lab reports so the teachers can get the grades in by the due date.


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