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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 1 hour ago, Andiron said:

    I updated my craft to be compatible with Kerbalism, I called him the Vincin I+. It has approximately 10 days of survability (limited by food and water) and has more solar panels to comply with Kerbalism needs. It is of course heavier, rising to 2.9t and higher, rising to 4.36m. @TheEpicSquared, you can replace the Vincin I by the Vincin I+ in the launch manifest, and maybe merge the static fire and the abort test.

    File on KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Andiron/Vincin-I+


      Reveal hidden contents

     Vincin I+ 

        a) Payload name? Vincin I+
        b) Payload provider? @Andiron
        c) Type of payload? Manned spacecraft
        d) Payload price? 6446 kb
        e) Payload mass, part count and dimensions? 2.9t / 38 parts / 4.36x1.36x1.36
        f) Intended orbit (apoapsis, periapsis, inclination, any other orbital info)? Pad test(static fire and abort), suborbital flight then LKO
        g) Short description of the payload? One-man capsule with an abort system and a service module


    I'll download it when I can. Anyway, do we have an agreement for 3 launches of the Vincin on my LV? :wink: 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Oliverm001x said:

    Is there a plan as to the intended duration of the mission, seeing as this is a manned mission?

    Not yet, however I think (@Andiron please confirm via our PM) that I have a launch contract for three (might be expanded in the future) Vincin launches on the Iridium I, to validate the systems in the Vincin.

    Once those tests are complete, @Andiron can figure something out. :) 

  3. 11 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Hope it is- since there's a lot of em out there.

    I hope so too.

    5 minutes ago, kerbinorbiter said:

    i think ill just wait until 2.5M rockets are approved because im more capapble of building 2.5m rockets

    Right, but I think you should try to get at least two launch contracts for the Pimenova - which will be hard, considering the failure. But you should try, since you budget is currently a measly 16,616 funds, and that will decrease quickly with taxes.

    Just a bit of advice. :) 





    Launch Summary


    On Y1 D60 2:25:01, the Pimenova rocket lifted off from the pad at Baikerbanur. Due to a KSP bug, which I could not fix, the launch was at a slight angle. However, the rocket soon straightened itself out and began its gravity turn. However, due to the lack of roll control, keeping the rocket on its proper trajectory was difficult (there was no MechJeb module on the rocket).

    Additionally, due the lack of stabilization fins on the rocket, the Pimenova flipped once 37 seconds into flight. The rocket managed to recover, but this unintended bout of acrobatics had put the rocket on an extremely shallow trajectory. A correction was attempted, but this led to another flip, 53 seconds into flight. Again, the rocket recovered, but flipped twice 1 minute and 8 seconds into flight. The gimbal on the first stage engine again just managed to get the rocket on prograde, but it then flipped four more times, 1 minute and 18 seconds into flight.

    By the eighth flip overall, the first stage propellant reserves had been exhausted, and the first stage engine shut down. At roughly this time, the rocket passed apoapsis and started to descend. The first stage was jettisoned and the second stage engine ignited, but it did not succeed at getting the rocket to ascend.

    At this point, it was decided that the second stage would undergo a recovery attempt, as it was clear that it would not be getting to orbit. The chutes were deployed successfully and most of the propellant on the stage was burned off. The stage touched down on a hillside 4 minutes and 7 seconds after liftoff. The stage rolled down the hillside for a while, losing its communication antenna and one half of the fairing. The stage eventually came to a stop 4 minutes and 39 seconds into flight.

    Meanwhile, after first stage separation at T+1 minute 30 seconds, the chutes on that stage had deployed successfully. The first stage touched down on a steep hillside 1 minute and 42 seconds into flight. A number of cubic octagonal struts were destroyed on impact, and the stage tipped over, due to the steep terrain. It stopped almost immediately within five seconds of touchdown.

    The remnants of the first and second stages were recovered. 






    Mission status: UNSUCCESSFUL

    - Orbit was not achieved

    - Recovery partially successful


    The Pimenova is not approved for further flights until its issues have been worked out - the main issues are:

    - Lack of RCS system for in-space maneuvering

    - Lack of stability

    - Lack of roll control on the rocket


    Additionally, as per the rules, @kerbinorbiter will not be allowed to launch for 90 kerbal days, until Y1 D130 (rule 13). Additionally, you lose 2x the cost of the Pimenova (which is 16,298 funds) (rule 12).

  5. On 5/1/2017 at 5:09 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

    Well let me know; I've got an old forum sitting idle. So you can take over that.

    Sounds good! I'll PM you within the next couple of days probably, and we can settle on the particulars. 

    Also, I should probably contact @Badie or someone to make sure an unofficial KSP fan-forum is alright (pretty sure it is, but there's no harm in being cautious :wink:).

    Anyway, as I said, I'll PM you within the next couple of days. Thanks for the opportunity! :) 

    23 hours ago, Skylon said:

    @Oliverm001x @TheEpicSquared *ping*

    I suggest you take inspiration from Drew Kerman's thread and webpage. So instead of e YouTube channel, you could livestream launches there, and put the video there, and maybe show a flight tracker there as well as a page of full descriptions of launchers and payloads. It would be a lot of work, but amazing to pull off. Perhaps you could ask him if he could help you set it up.


    Oh wow, looks awesome! I'll contact @Drew Kerman and see if @Oliverm001x and I can work something out. Thanks for the heads-up!

    3 hours ago, Brent Kerman said:

    I looked over Kerbalism. Entire signal section:


      Controlling a vessel and transmitting data require a direct or indirect connection with DSN, and has a specific data rate
      that degrade with distance. The signal is obstructed by celestial bodies, but can be relayed by other vessels. Low-Gain
      and High-Gain antennas are modelled: the former used for short-range inter-vessel communciations, the latter always point at DSN.
      Your voyager-style probe will now require a voyager-style antenna, and it will end up having voyager-style transmission rates.


    Nowhere does it mention probe core antennas.  All I want is to be told BEFORE LAUNCHING that there is a mod problem. I am NOT installing Kerbalism, I have my life support mods already, and I don't want to break my saves. Therefore, I can't test for Kerbalism.

    I also want to put this behind us, but I REALLY don't want it to happen again.

    Alright, next time there's a problem (which I don't think there is), I'll tell you before launch. Anyway, now that that's settled, why don't you give me the updated craft file and let's forget about this, shall we? :wink: 

    42 minutes ago, icantmakemodels said:

    @TheEpicSquared & @Oliverm001x:


    I) Can I wait for 2.5m to make Leviathan?

    II) How much will Kerbal tourists pay for a sub-orbital flight?

                (In, say, a mk2 crew cabin)

    III) If so, can I make a Single-stage-to-suborbital plane?

    1. If you redesign your Leviathan to become 2.5m, then yes, you can introduce it when 2.5m rockets are approved.

    2. Not sure yet. I'm thinking it should be affected by the "comfort" rating in Kerbalism - the higher the comfort, the higher the price. I'll have a think and let you know.

    3. Yes. 


  6. On 4/29/2017 at 7:38 PM, StupidAndy said:


    I meant around 3000km!!

    3000Km X 3000Km 0* inclination!


    On 4/29/2017 at 7:42 PM, Skylon said:

    Pretty sure I can still do that.

    @TheEpicSquared, can you add this launch to the manifest, and update my MunDust-1 rocket please?

    Could you also make a list of the launch windows, as I plan to make a Duna probe.

    I'll add the launch to the manifest.

    22 hours ago, Brent Kerman said:

    Also: @Oliverm001x , on the antenna thing, I did not make a mistake. He used a mod that modified stock parts while saying we can build them in stock. My rocket description says: "Works in stock with Mechjeb, any mod that changes aerodynamics or stock parts may cause issues. " His heavily modded game broke my rocket. I don't want to have to install a bunch of mods that I don't want, to make sure they work in someone else's game. That is the responsibility of the user. I'm going to fix my rocket, but I do not want to end up losing money in the future because I play mostly stock. if it works for stock, but not someone else, that is not my problem.

    All I'm saying is that it's not my fault if you did something wrong with your lifter which compromises its ability. And I thought that making sure it works in Kerbalism (since that's in the mod list, I thought people would look over it) is a given. 

    At any rate, just give me the updated craft file and we can put this behind us.

    14 hours ago, Andiron said:
      Reveal hidden contents




    I would like to schedule at least a double-payload launch (out of 3) of my AMPCS I constellation in Kerbin geostationnary orbit which launches will be provided by @TheEpicSquared rocket, Iridium I. Furthermore, I would like to test my new spacecraft, the Vincin on a launch pad with a static fire followed by a launch abort.


    Awesome! I'll add you to the manifest! Thanks! 


  7. 5 minutes ago, tater said:

    May 15th

    If that gets delayed, I'm pretty sure it'll launch by ~the 20th

    5 minutes ago, tater said:

    then May 31 are on the schedule for SX... if they manage to not be delayed (lol).

    Ha, good luck with that! 

    54 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

    ...which makes me convinced Elon Musk is following these forums...

    JK, ofc

    Actually, someone should tag him on twitter and tell him to make a KSP forum account (he seems to be pretty active on twitter) :D 


    I would do it, but I don't have a twitter account


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