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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. On 4/24/2017 at 1:04 AM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

    Is this too clippy?


    Yeah, get half the sphere out of the tank and you'll be fine.

    16 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

    okay, I have officially decided the winner of my heliology probe

    the winner is


    @Skylon again! congratulations! (again)

    (Probe Found Here: https://kerbalx.com/Stupidandy/Corrmes-CMES)


    12 hours ago, Skylon said:

    Where do you want it

    The launch will be added to the manifest when you two have decided on all the particulars.

  2. I made a Falcon 9 replica. The first stage is entirely reusable, and consists of a 3.75m core with 9 tweakscaled Vectors (the middle one is slightly larger than the rest). 

    Ascent is reaching 20 kilometers at 45* on the navball, and continuing from there. I save roughly 2700 units of liquid fuel in each of the three tanks to perform a boost back burn and the landing burn.

    For RTLS landings, I start my landing burn at 13km above ground level, using three engines for landing (the middle one alone barely has a TWR > 1, so using 3 is much easier).

    The second stage is fairly standard, I disabled the reaction wheels and added RCS instead for realism. Works pretty well. 

    Unfortunately no pics since they didn't save for some reason.  

    Pics coming soonTM. :) 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    How much will they be? 

    Maybe we could start a crowdfunding campaign aimed at the science community. The question is, who would we choose to go? The leader/founder (of the modern society)?

    We can crowdfund a ticket for Elon Musk!




    Oh... right.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

    the fact that there's a hard limit on how much actual mass you can bolt onto the beefiest available payload adapter for the F9. And that is 10.8 metric tons.

    And is the same payload adapter going to be used for the FH? Because that seems silly, considering that an expendable FH can theoretically carry 63.8 tons (!)(according to spacex.com). :/ 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    @TheEpicSquared I will need some money for the science done. The whole launch will cost roughly 75,000 which should be doable. What is my current budget?

    Your current budget is 107,560.4 funds (keep in mind that it change due to monthly deductions, profits from the MunNet launch, etc).

    How much money are you thinking for the science done? The government is prepared to give you an advance of 15,000, with an additional 60,000 if the mission is successful. This gives you back the 75,000 funds spent on the launch.


    Will everyone who has a launch agreement please PM me, so I don't have to read through several pages of discussions. I'll update the launch manifest as PMs come in.

    If you don't PM me your launch agreement, you might not launch! (If all of your launches are already on the manifest, ignore this message.)

  6. On 4/21/2017 at 2:00 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

    Basically you jusf launch player suggestions?

    Well, it's more developed than that. Basically what we're trying to do is emulate real life, so a forum user can be either a launch provider (like SpaceX or ULA) or a payload provider (like SES), or both. LPs have budgets that they have to increase by making profits per launch, which is why we all of us who are LPs are competing for payloads.

    On 4/21/2017 at 9:11 PM, icantmakemodels said:

    It's a crew launch vehicle designed to have lots of redundancy, which is where a lot of the cost comes from. It's not really a cargo LV. I'll check though.

    ... Yep, Steve + the SM is a little over 20 Tons.


    @Skylon, If you want to invest the 200,000 KB for the development, you can have a crew lifter for the stargate stations in no time.


    @TheEpicSquared, the first stage is 3.75m. Last time I checked, there was just the 35m height restriction on tier-2 rockets.

    Second iterations can only be 1.875m fuel tanks, sorry. You'll have to redesign your LV to meet those requirements.

    Oh, and I'll schedule the Steve pad abort test.

  7. On 21/04/2017 at 9:12 PM, Skylon said:

    Yes that is the plan

    How much shielding is needed (if any) for an optimal kerbin orbit?

    I put shielding on full, but that probably won't be necessary. :P I suggest you look around in the Kerbalism thread. :) 

    On 22/04/2017 at 1:11 AM, icantmakemodels said:

    1.875m?! That's not a size, in any mod (That I know of)


    On 22/04/2017 at 1:14 PM, Skylon said:

    I present:


    This probe comes in two parts, an orbiter and a lander. They will be taken to LKO, where the orbiter's engines will transfer and circularise at the Mun. It has highly expensive sophisticated science equipment on board, so it will be launched on a high reliability version of the Arthur-1. However, because it is lighter than the rocket's max payload, an upper stage recovery will be attempted using parachutes.


    Launch Instructions:

      Reveal hidden contents
    1. Launch to 80km at a 45% gravity turn when the Mun transfer window opens
    2. Transfer the lander and orbiter to the Mun under its own power
    3. Deorbit the second stage opposite the peninsula past KSC so that the trajectories mod says it will land just before that peninsula in the sea.
    4. On entry, burn remaining fuel so that 75m/s is left
    5. Hold radial out with RCS on
    6. If it starts to get very, VERY hot (it will get very hot anyway), burn off any remaining fuel.
    7. Arm the parachutes.

    Here is the entire launch configuration: https://kerbalx.com/Skylon/MunDust-1

    Oops,, wrong thread

    You'll be added to the launch manifest. Do you need government funding, or can you manage to pay for both the launcher and the payload?

    22 hours ago, Skylon said:

    @TheEpicSquared Could you get this mod:

    It adds a single part

    Looks good.

    15 hours ago, StupidAndy said:


    have you hyperedited the station into orbit yet?

    I have, but I didn't put enough batteries on it, so I'll have to change that. I'll get a screenshot of it soon. :) 

    9 hours ago, Draconiator said:

    I uhhh kind of accidentally made an amazing launcher that I am testing now, I love it when this happens...will test it out with my test payload now.

    Oooh, I'm looking forward to it! 

  8. First of all, let me just say that I have no idea if my suggestion is possible or feasible, since I have no knowledge on this forum software or how it works (on a programming level).


    So, while editing posts with lots of spoilers (such as this one), I noticed that I can't close the spoilers while editing the post (which I have to do fairly often as new stuff comes in). This leads seemingly very long edits as I usually put most of the info in spoilers, and since I can't close them, I have to scroll through every piece of text in spoilers to get to what I want to edit.

    This gets pretty irritating when I have to navigate through spoilers-in-spoilers and whatnot to find which part I want to change.

    It's even getting to the point where things are starting to get laggy, which is immensely infuriating as the lag makes me scroll past the bit I want to change, etc etc.

    So is there a way to close these spoilers so I can directly go to the place I need to change? Is it even possible?

    Thanks :) 

  9. 4 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

    I mostly enjoyed the X-Files, but how I like the new episodes depends on the direction they take. I didn't care for it as much when it became mostly focused on the conspiracy theory. I would have preferred to have more freak-of-the-week stand-alone episodes sprinkled in there.

    I'm in the middle of season 8, and yeah, the monster-of-the-week episodes are quite enjoyable.

    Also, I'm probably the only person to exist who's favorite season 10 episode was Babylon. :P 

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