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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. 1 minute ago, Oliverm001x said:

    NEW UPDATE: After a fully unanimous decision between myself and TheEpicSquared, we have decided that PPs for the time being will not have a set and limited budget. This is to encourage optimistic mission ideas, along with reducing the extensive work of making sure that the rules are followed by everyone. Note, that this is only for the time being, and can change in further iterations of the project.

    We know that without PPs having budgets, LPs will be rolling in cash, but that's fine, because maybe at the end of one kerbal year, we could have the LP with the highest budget receive a sort of "prize" (not sure what that is yet). That still gives an incentive for LPs to compete for payloads.


    Also, after a fully unanimous decision, because of a ridiculous amount of technical problems with the video, we are going to abandon the YouTube channel for now, and have each launch documented by screenshot (note that the Iridium I launch will not have a screenshot documentation because the mission was launched before we agreed to abandon the YouTube channel.

  2. 1 hour ago, Seabo14 said:


    Here is the launch ensemble for Mun-1, it is absolutely imperative to be launched D16 H0M20, into a 75Km orbit. Enable RCS on launch, but when out of the atmosphere please disable the Vernors, but leave the monoprops. Hibernate the Probe on the trip to the mun, and deploy antennae with 1. Wait till the Mun phase angle is ~111*, then burn till encountered. Then put it into a 30Km Munar orbit.

    Cost is 22,750 funds. Maybe I could secure some government funding for such a monumental mission? :P



    Sorry, but thanks to KCT, your rocket won't finish building in time for your launch window. :( 

  3. 20 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

    so I read something about there being a station in the save, and I have a few questions

    • is there going to be contracts for resupplies and such?
    • is there going to be a station?
    • do we build the station or are you going to hyperedit it up to orbit?
    • why do we have hyperedit?

    1. Yes.

    2. Yes.

    3. I hyperedit the base station into orbit.

    4. For hyperediting stations and the like into orbit.

    1 hour ago, Numerlor said:


    1 hour ago, Seabo14 said:

    Also, I'd like to announce the first launch of the Alpha/Mod.1, for which it is imperative to be launched at precisely D16 H0M20S0, carrying an in-house demo payload, which will circle the Mun. Launch will go ahead when @TheEpicSquared confirms.


    According to KSP wiki, a year is 426 days. 426/12= 35.5 days to a month. @TheEpicSquared


    1 hour ago, Skylon said:

    Sorry, so do I get a new rocket every 35.5 game days? I think it should be based partially off of the number of launches performed by your rocket, or maybe launching speeds it up. Also can I release a variant with 2 SRBs and a variant with 4 at the same time, or at least with less time between them? Since they will be basically the same. The only other change would be a few extra tanks (longer tank) but no other increase in engine power.


    And anyway, I'm pretty sure most rockets or payloads can't be built in that time, let alone designed.


    1 hour ago, Seabo14 said:

    AFAIK Its a new 'iteration' every 3 months, so ~every 105 days I'm afraid.

    Yeah, we'll go with that.

    59 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    Okay I'm hoping to get at least 5 launches of my first rocket anyway.


    53 minutes ago, Seabo14 said:

    Where do I upload my launch ensemble? Its being delivered to be assembled as we speak. (Cough*uploading to GDrive*Cough)

    I'd prefer KerbalX, but GDrive is ok, I guess.


    Oh, and @StupidAndy, what do you say about the launch deal? Do we have an agreement?

    And @Oliverm001x, I'm taking you off the LP list until you provide a rocket.

    And @Skylon, not sure if I replied already, but no, crossfeed isn't allowed, at least for the time being.

  4. 3 hours ago, Skylon said:


    @TheEpicSquared Finalised launch deal: I am launching my SkySat-1B on @Numerlor's Beggar 1 rocket. This will come after his demo flight provided it is successful.

    Ok, it'll be added to the launch manifest.

    2 hours ago, Skylon said:

    @TheEpicSquared I would like you to re-enter my second stage backwards, because I will have to up my game if I want to make good profit (my rocket costs around 15,000 to produce now) and I will make the ArthR series, recovering the lower stage engines and thrusters and the upper stage. That is the plan anyway.


    2 hours ago, Seabo14 said:

    How long is a Kerbal month for this? Are you going with the easier year/12, or Munar months (e.g one orbit)?




    Year/12. Does anyone know how long a kerbal year is?

  5. 16 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

    for the first launch of the Gloeerian Mk1 I have figured out my payload, a small CubeSat called Troja, meant for future LKO communications

    it is meant for LKO around 150,000 meters with no inclination

    Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/Stupidandy/Troja-I-Boxsat

    it will be found in the subassemblies

    You will be added to the launch manifest when I get to a computer (phones are hard).

    15 hours ago, kerbinorbiter said:

    Already developing my second iteration it will be called: Rosica MX (1 million and ten in Roman numerals) it should be fully reusable


    15 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

    oh yeah! disable my reaction wheels in my rocket because I forgot to. :confused:



    12 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

    I have a question,

    so if I do a launch of all five of my satellites, then I will have gone over my budget by 30,350 to 45,350, and that's before I add in my other two satellites.

    how exactly am I supposed to make money as a PP?

    The government pays you for your satellite services (15% of the cost of the satellite per month, subject to change).

    9 hours ago, icantmakemodels said:

    @TheEpicSquared, Athena I has been updated. First stage recovery, hopefully.



      Reveal hidden contents

    1. When MJ ditches the first stage: switch to it, activate the brakes and deploy the chutes.  

    2. Hope KSP doesn't decide to delete it.



    8 hours ago, icantmakemodels said:

    Wait, FMRS has been updated? *runs off*




    @TheEpicSquared, can I be a PP exclusively to myself? I.e., ICMM Rockets and ICMM Payloads share a budget.


    Either way:

    Xsat 1 on an Athena I rocket: http://kerbalx.com/Blacksilver/Athena-I---XSat-1

    Delivered to: Anywhere you can get the sattellite to with 2km/s of DV from LKO. (Namely Kerbostationary orbit)

      Reveal hidden contents


    Yes, you can be both a PP and a LP, but you get the 100,000 budget like other LPs. You will be added to the launch manifest.

    7 hours ago, Draconiator said:

    I'm going to try this as an LP, but question...first iterations can't use MK2 parts right?

    No, since they are wider than 1.25m.

    2 hours ago, Skylon said:

    Sure, you could choose the Iridium 1, but that costs 3,000:funds: more than mine per launch. If you are launching those GOSAR satellites separately, and I launch all of the requested satellites then in total you save 21,000 funds.

    That extra cost is for the extra .2t payload capacity, which you won't be utilising. Mine can take 2.66t to LKO. I can take them all. 

    Those are good points, @Skylon, however:

    @StupidAndy Depending on the mass of a GOSAR satellite, I could launch one or two of those as well as the Vagbon I. That way, you'd save 23,000 funds, because you'd be putting your sats on one launch instead of two.

    This is where that extra 0.2 tons of capacity comes in: I can launch more sats at once, saving you money.

    Depending on the mass of the Flesba TNASS, I could take that and the Vagbon one one launch. I need to know the masses of those, though.

    I can take them all. :wink: 

  6. 4 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

    okay! since I'm now a PP I will of course provide payloads

    first up! I need someone to lift 5 of my GOSAR satellites into medium orbit, around 200km

    the next two I origionally submitted to @TheEpicSquared's Epsilon Aerospace thread

    I need someone to lift up my Flesba TNASS (Totally Not A Spy Satellite)

    and last but certainly almost least, I need someone to lift up my Vagbon I Comsat to a 500-500Km orbit

    That is all!

    I can do them all. Especially since I already have the Flesba TNASS and the Vagbon I Comsat. :wink: 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    Also @TheEpicSquared instead of 500km for deployment height of my SkySat-0 by Arthur-1, I want it on a Munar intercept with a periapsis of 112,000m. (start the manoeuvre node from an 80km orbit)

    Ok. When should I deploy the satellites?



    @Thor Wotansen



    Do you guys have launch vehicles? I can't find any links, so I'm removing you from the LP list for now. You'll be re-added when you provide an LV.

    Also, I'm going to limit the number of LPs to 17. There are currently 12, so there are five more spots. 

    Everyone else will have to become PPs, to balance things out. I'll open up the LP market again once we get ~10 PPs (we currently have one).

  8. 2 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

    okay, on my rocket, I don't have the mechjeb thing, but can you put it on the payload when I launch one?

    No, I can't change the payload in any way. But you don't have to have the mechjeb part on your rocket, I can fly it manually.


    Also, I'm going to set budgets now:

    LPs: 100,000

    PPs: 200,000

    I'm recording the first flight now, video should be up tomorrow. :) 

  9. 26 minutes ago, Skylon said:

    Arthur in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (at the start planet Earth is destroyed by the Vogons)

    With your rule on new rockets cost 6x the original cost for the first launch, what if I have a launcher with 2 SRBs and then one with 4? There would be no other change. If I still have to pay 6x for both, I will skip the 2 SRB version.

    For incremental versions of rockets, you just have to add the cost of the changes to the first launch. So for example, if changes cost 5,000 and a launch costs 10,000, then the first launch will be 15,000. After that the cost returns to normal.

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